Sup Forumsuts

guts thread

I want but don't need upgrades edition

>No optical disk drive detected
I see a drive though...

Gonna replace all my fans with non led Corsair magnetic bearing fans at some point.

They sure look interesting, but I don't know if it's worth Noctua-level pricing.

I have no more upgrades to make.

from what I have seen they are way better then Noctua

All I see are shill articles for a crazy expensive fan.

I haven't read any reviews yet I am just basing this of the specs of the fan and the fact that they have magnetic bearings and a more durable frame to prevent flexing when you tighten the screw, which I have seen happen. $30 CAD a fan is a little pricey but seems worth if it if they are actually that much quieter.

Pc just arrived. So hyped. Just gotta get dvi-d to vga and im all set! Pics tomorrow because its dark.

Retard tier question, if I buy a new mobo i can use the processor from my old one right?

I'm excited for you

1080 hype

you can always upgrade the graphics card when the time comes for 1080ti or 1180ti XD

here is a shitty quick picture of what i have now. At least i got rid of the ocz psu it killed my r9 390. Now i gotta decide is it worth it to wait for rma or just save up for a Shappire rx 480.

This is guts not GPU general. Post a picture where we can actually see the inside of your PC. Right now you are just focused on the Cooler, PSU, and GPU


sold my 390 for $300 dingo dollars

Small update on the new build. RAM came in. Waiting for CPU and some watercooling parts


what's with the foam?

Bought and built this for my friend's gf

I feel bad for her


She was pretty happy with it

Pic related

>friend's gf
I feel bad for him now

They seem happy together tho


Wind fan nipples robot has to be the worst AMD character ever

She liked the fans tho


8gb ram (want 16gb)
R9 280x (want a new gpu)
I also have no ssd so need one of them

Y'all look poor. Commit suicide.

What's it like to build in that NZXT? I was thinking of buying one for my first build. And airflow ?

Someone is jealous they'll never find true happiness


That girl is the human equivalent of that shitty 15 inch LCD screen, no thanks.

true happiness with your friends gf...?

Is there any point in this if I'm not doing GPU water cooling and only CPU?

>shit boss our factory caught fire and some of the case melted
>dont worry senpai i gotchu


how is my first build Sup Forums?
I think I did a decent job on the cable management so far.

Kohai, actually.

But yeah melted and warped shit is the first thing that came to mind.

Any reason to get this when you can just get a 40 dollar sg13?

Holy shit, Gainward is still around? I thought they died. I haven't seen anything form then since the I bought their Geforce 2.

>all that shitty equipment and she has an oculus

why did you 290 when there is 480

I traded a gaming laptop for parts, so I didn't get to pick out my own parts.
I'm sticking to 1080p gaming for the foreseeable future, though, so I don't think I'll need to upgrade the gpu for a while.

just get vega when that comes

though 290 will handle 1080p just fine you need good cpu though

I want to upgrade the PSU and go for crossfire or buy a pro duo.

It's a 290X.
CPU is kind of shit (i5-4570t) but I'm planning on buying a 4460 by the end of the year.

Have fun with the worst frametimes ever

What's wrong with a pro duo?

dual gpu cards/crossfire is not a good idea. It causes micro stuttering.

not mine

help me understand guys. If the one pump is just delivering fluid to the top of the next reservoir, surely it does nothing to help overcome resistance? anyways it looks stupid

might be for redundancy ( you know in case one dies prematurely and you don't want to find out too late)
but the two tanks are definitely unnecessary

micro-stutter is a meme, drivers and other software options can stop it


Look they are trying to help you, the Pro-duo is absolute garbage (I was going to buy one). That's why barely anyone owns one. The frametimes are absolute trash, they hover around 33ms and jump to 10 then up to 40. If you want more power I would wait for a single card as SLI/Crossfire is a meme.

Pro duo us for professionals

Just get a fury or Vega when that comes

Here's to hoping stock Vega comes with a water cooler

ditch stock cooler

gorgeous cabling

nice CPU block and DIMMS :^)

single PCI-e slot masterrace

do you ever use the rgb on that board?

hows that wireless adapter working for ya?

How do I make my cables aesthetic like in these builds?
Is it just a limitation of my case that it can't hide the cables properly or am I just not managing them correctly? I'm

You could blame the case or you could blame the fact that there's fucking loose ends everywhere and you didn't care to route the shortest distance possible.

The loose ends are there because I'm getting a wireless card and 2 more drives.

Once I get those I'll try to do some more clean up.

>for my friend's gf
You apply thermal paste to her CPU
He applies his penis paste to her PUSSY

Probably both some cases it is just harder to do it on luckily my case has a whole other side just for parts that don't require airflow.

>dat cable management

Kill yourself

Like the headers? No, but I messed around with the RGB lighting built into the board. I ended up just leaving it on the default colour cycle though don't really have a colour scheme to my setup.


It's a great card, but I ditched it for the on board solution as the signal is easily messed up by cables near the antennas.

>everything below 30c

Unthreaded rubber mounts are a sin.

Here are my new spaghetti. Id manage cables but im too spooped about breaking something i cant afford.

Probably not.
CPU sockets aren't universal.

Recently completed, only 8GB of RAM and GTX960, 16GB upgrade imminent, a 1060 or 1070 might be coming too.

Anyone /miniitx/ here?


Dear /guts/.

In one of previous thread, due to prices of Skylake CPUs, you guys told me to split upgrade of my current PC (i5-750, GA-P55-UD2 motherboard, GTX 660, 8gb DDR3 RAM, no-name case and some okay 530W PSU) in two parts - case, PSU and GPU now and CPU, motherboard and RAM around December (due to Zen and possible Kaby Lake, giving a chance to lower prices of Skylakes).

I want to ask if Seasonic M12II 620W, with Zalman Z3 Plus case and RX 480 Nitro from Sapphire would be good pick for the first part of upgrade process.

I really, really hope that Intel will lower prices for Skylakes around December. I really do. 350 EUR for 6700k is a bit too much in my opinion.

so what sort of psu does something like that take


proprietary tfx design

It's not TFX, which is 70 x 85 x 175mm. It's closer to a 1U or flex PSU, but even smaller than that. They're proprietary to IN WIN, and they have a couple of different units, but the one included with the Chopin is 40 x 52 x170mm.


>tfx design

TFX is a specific, defined form-factor, like ATX and SFX. This PSU is none of those.



you must warn hp about that, cause they are announcing pic related as tfx/sfx psu

looks like ricer shit desu sempai

Show me a link where they say that. On a cursory search, I see them listed as "SFF" form-factor, which is not a defined standard for power supplies.

show me your "cursory search"

nice reverse search, faggot.

Still waiting to see any evidence that hp refers to them as TFX/SFX. Not that in any way makes sense, since those are two completely different form-factors themselves.

>nice reverse search, faggot.
>completely diferent image

Good job, faggot.

It's the same PSU from a different angle, faggot.

>what is whatermark?

C ya, faggot.


Please respond ;_;

That power supply might be too much for RX 480 tho