What was the last good QuickPic version?
What was the last good QuickPic version?
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I'm on 4.6.6. I love storing all my meme pics on the cloud!
the one where it wasn't bought out by Cheetah mobile
Use LeakPic, it's QuickPic successor.
Call me when I can rotate pictures with it.
Using 4.5.2. Shame there's no more non-botnet photo gallery apps.
Goddamit I hate how 4.5.2 doesn't have extsdcard access.
android itself is a botnet OS. don't bother
Latest. The cloud is nice.
Only if you're fucking incompetent or don't care.
How many times will someone ask this
>not giving your albums a cover
>Not using Piktures
Brand new Android user here. Had my phone about 2 weeks
What is a good photo album app since apparently this Quickpic one is shit now?
the only reason I use quickpic is that it has nice editing options, so I can post my phone's giant pictures to Sup Forums
leafpic doesn't let me resize images, only crop them
Just the newer version. It got bought out by a shitty company of ill repute. You can still get the original here the last version before the new owners made any changes to it. It still works great. Get the resigned version so it doesn't bug you to update it.
>being autistic
You're doing great, champ.
What's wrong with QuickPic?
I've had it for a while now and I've never had a problem with it, even after Sup Forums started bitching about it without giving a reason.
Poast chikun plez
What was the last good QuickPic version?
> Doesn't recognize an sd card
What a piece of shit. I get its just beta, but it's not an alternative yet
leafpic is crap. Just the use resigned Quickpic apk.
But, seriously, did CM really do anything bad with the app?
It got bought by Cheetah Mobile, that's reason enough.