YLYL thread / humor thread


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>le enterprise meme

Horror stories?!


pls no








this better not stop

>all these phone number ones

wouldn't be faster to simply have the user input their number? It seems as though these examples were made for threads like this.




You fucking legend





god dammit Sup Forums


Make it so that you get to click on a pad, but the numbers are placed randomly


inb4 enter phone number by selecting captcha house numbers

I'm suffering just listening to his speech.

Gotta have a bit of Nef...



THIS needs to be done

Are you a detective?


Fucking yes please









pls explain

More Nef


What the fuck is this shit?


how can i donate to you?
i didn't know i needed this work in my life but i do

dont you dare hold out on me man.

inb4 installing gentoo and setting the hostname as your phone number

Please tell me this wasn't this year


I didn't make these, I just took the mp4 out of twitter with inspect element and converted it to webm to post it here because you guys were asking for more. I think that's all there is.




>all the newfags from Sup Forums
>coming out of the woodwork right on time

Here's an OC entry method, binary search through all possible phone numbers.

Just wait til they start complaining that the AMD/Nvidia ones are inaccurate.


Fucking lost it

He's cute.



nice overclock, what skin is that for speccy??


thats so cool! why is this is a YLYL hmm? anywhos, do you have an etsy link for that?

edit: thx for the gold kind stranger! :3


revolutionary, have you considered working at apple?

AMD cucks on suicide watch


here's the (you) you want so much


someone needs to make rotary phone dialing app with real sound and market it to the vintage crowd.
for a bargain




I don't see the problem here? How are the choices going to get there if they aren't in the DOM?

This one pushed finally pushed me over the top, hahaha!


You'll have to scroll through the list just to get to your number?

Secondly, you could just allow the user to enter their number then escape it and validate it, nothing hard to do there.

Anyone got the dropbox link for this?

Nah, it won't be the same. You won't have the feeling of click vibration going through your finger.
Rotaries were the shit. My grandpa used to have 40s government issue bakelite phone. It was so heavy I wasn't able to use it as a kid. They used it to torture suspect in the agencies, or so I heard.

oh my fucking god

"One ringy-dingy. Two ringy-dingy."

lol you fucking cunt



Unless you are 40+ now, you are also a millennial

Isn't that the guy who's so fat he looks at computers and sees food?


Fuckdammit, CS major, not interaction design. I don't need to design websites, just make them work.

C is awesome and C++ is shit

Monkey see, Monkey code.

Probably bloat according to c-fags, but without this bloat you won't be able to write anything useful in a reasonable timeframe.

but that is an actual thing

I don't get this joke. I get that it's a horrible way to code FizzBuzz but what is all this entreprise quality thing?


Try to imagine everything fun and clever about programming and then try to suck all the fun out by making everything extremely dull, verbose, and explicit.

Playful cleverness is not allowed in enterprise quality business logic.