
Tiny blog post:
You know that programming is fucking with your head when you see it in your daily life.

Tell me Sup Forums, how has programming changed your life?

it further increased my chances of ending up lonely

at least I have a nice salary from it

I now know how to do things literally no one understands or gives a shit about. It has further isolated me from my redneck peers.

Also, if you just started programming yesterday you can't really say it changed your life.

i sleep less and go out less

It drove me to suicide

PS I'm a ghost ;) hmu on Twitter if u want some spooks

Hey OP, can you do me a favor?

When i first started out, I started daydreaming about how to solve some problem that had stumped me hours before.
I was even doing it while driving.

I'm pretty sure programming makes you more autistic.

Spook me senpai

Sure pal :^)

Shit I do that too
>get assignment
>work out how to do it in my head on the drive home
>hammer it out when I get home

Sometimes in idle conversation at lunch I find my brain wandering off trying to figure out why some function kept crashing at that one spot or whatever.

It became an easy, low risk job.

I was normal before I got into programming. Now I work in IT, I'm still normal because I don't devote my life to my job and get sucked into it, like how accountants don't 'sell their souls' to maths.

I need you to take a shit in that toilet (don't put toilet paper in, you can set that aside until you're done with my favor)

Then throw a CD with Ubuntu written on it in sharpie onto the shit and take a picture of the Ubuntu CD on the pile of shit.

Dang. It took a shit 5min ago... I'll see if I don't forget your request.

Thanks, I used to have such a picture but I've looked long and hard online for it and can't find it.

I'd do it myself but I don't like my toilet.

I think the worst time was when I would literally dream about sitting at my computer adding features to one of my projects. Then later I would get back to my project and realize that none of that code was there because I was just dreaming about it.

It's kinda cool when you actually find the solution to a bug while dreaming. Cool, yet sad...

Dat filename

How do you deal with the exhaustion? I have reflected that your job and your hobbies should be completely unrelated, as in, if you are gonna work with computers, do something else for fun.

If you like to use computers for fun (be it programming, games, whatever) get a job that doesn't involve computers.

Source: Someone that works as a web developer, and never knew how to have fun without computers, I'm fairly certain this is going to kill me, I can just feel it.

>answering your own question
Why bother posting at all?

I actually enjoy programming so I don't mind doing it for work and doing it for a hobby.

Mainly because the shit I work on at both times are pretty different

But, I do get off my ass and do stuff outside the house on the weekends so I do mix it up a ittle

It hasn't changed my life except for consuming a lot of my time, being quite enjoyable, and cementing my nerdiness.