/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

Other urls found in this thread:


I have an x60 with libreboot installed

I used trisquel to install it but I hated it so I switched to debian

When I boot it it says "error file '/vmlinuz' not found

To boot Debian I have to search for a grub configuration and load grub configuration from (ahci0,1)

It then says something like error unicode fonts not found

How do I fix this so it will boot straight into debian?

any help appreciated.

Is Arch KDE the best KDE right now?

apt vs dnf?

best wm?

I'm trying to pick a distro to dualboot on my e5450, fedora is nice, gnome is not my style and i3 is OK, 3 config files isn't bad.

Dnf is better but RPM distros are garbage for daily usage, specially fedora

Doesn't even have typecatcher in the repo

all KDEs are the same.

Kubuntu is garbage

what do you guys do when you are trying to update package on pacman from aur,but when you about to install there is a key mismatch,or unknown?

no you

I've been fucking with shorewall but it doesn't seem to work for what I'm trying to do.

The computer in question has two network interfaces + a vpn interface. Will refer to them as eth0, eth1, and ppp0.

eth0 is connected to my home network. On this home network I have a pc serving media.
eth1 is connected to a device for stuff (gaymin), but this device can also see and play content from dlna, which is what the media pc is doing.

I usually have eth1's traffic directly routed to ppp0, which connects physically through eth0 to the modem.

what I want to do is route all traffic from eth1 to ppp0 as default, but for certain services and ports the traffic would instead be routed from eth1 to eth0 to be on the normal home network.

What the fuck am I suppose to do?


three of the commands I use to connect to the ppp0 connection are iptables, but I have to enter it ever time I turn the computer on. Im ultimately looking for a solution that will let me just turn the pc on and everything just werks.

Then you're not saving your iptables rules for some reason.
You will set your rules and then run the iptables daemon on start up.

>actually needs Flash

How do I install spotify on Fedora24? They only have .deb packages. RpmFusion have these packages but I don't know what to download.

>for some reason
Yea, I dont really know allot about this sort of stuff and am short on time.
Is there a conf file or something for iptables that will lay the options out in an organized way?

touch /etc/iptables/iptables.rules
enable iptables daemon
start iptables daemon
edit iptables per normal
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/iptables.rules

Thanks, that will be nice once I get it all figured out.
All I know how to do right now is forward the traffic to ppp0. Do you know anything about selectively switching the interface between ppp0 and eth0 depending on which port the device is trying to connect to?

I want to use Slackware so much, but i need muh apt-get.

Is their a distro that combines both?

What do you like about Slackware?

Read the package comments, there's usually a fix in there.

i want free WiFi

When I change Ubuntu sources to Trisquel's and update, will I break my system or will it set me free?


Break it badly.

New user here, just installed Linux Mint Cinnamon. What are the first things you guys do on a fresh install? What should I do to make my experience the best possible?

Asking because I found this script: devel.trisquel.info/trisquelize/trisquelize/blob/master/trisquelize.sh

Like GUI, or want to learn Cli?

I want to feel like a l33t HaX0R, and use pretend i'm using the linux Linus would want me to use.

Afaik Linus runs Fedora.

If you want to feel 1335 go Kali.

If you want to feel 1336 go Blackarch.

If you want to feel 1337 just install any pentesting tool you want on your favorite distro, retard.

Slackware is for 60+ people only.

ay, thanks man

what if I want to feel 1338?

install Gentoo

I'd like to learn CLI but I'm very very new.

Arch with Arch Strike and BlackArch repos.

Use the terminal as much as you can.
Read lots of manpages.
Create some simple aliases.
Re-read lots of manpages.
Write lots of pointless shell scripts.
Re-read lots of manpages.
Write lots of shell scripts to automate things that make your life easier.
Re-read lots of manpages.
Fix lots of shell scripts; make them shorter and faster.

That should be enough for some weeks.


Arch user detected.


What's the best way to learn how to effectively use the terminal and write shell scripts?

>assemble PC
>install fedora cinnamon
>I am capable of using it but don't care for another learning curve
>just want my shit to work I've had enough terminals already
>bitch about it in last thread
>install Ubuntu Mate
>this is a piece of shit
>the distro that claims instant compatibility and most user-friendly is nowhere near as good as fedora

>look up digitalriver
>its gone
>can't download W7 Pro and use this coa I have sitting around

So, do I just install Fedora again?

The book of this pasta is okish:

> Shell pasta:

The based GNU Bourne Again SHell:

The community driven BASH wiki:

The Grymoire - home for UNIX wizards:

Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) wiki:

SED and AWK; your new best friends:

Google's Shell Style Guide:

The Linux Command Line - A Book By William Shotts:

Interesting, useful and dangerous one-liners:

Great online (and offline) linting tool:

Know what you are doing:

Thanks for the resources! Psyched to get to work.

Why exactly do people use Fedora when there's CentOS?

I'm totally new to linux, I haven't even heard of centos before

Man, if you are new just use Xubuntu. Once you are familiar then use Arch. After that install a distro that caters to your choice:
1. Stable, long term support package: Debian Stable
2. Latest packages with the most obscure package availability: Keep Arch
3. Server: CentOS

Yall niggas nead to read my books.

Free Software, Free Society, 1st Edition:

Free Software, Free Society, 2nd Edition:

Not by me but also cool:

Free as in Freedom (2.0): Richard Stallman
and the Free Software Revolution by Sam Williams:

what does one facet our of lives have to do with being free ?
How will free software fix the pitfalls of capitalism ? How will it provide for people ?

what i got is that i need to run
gpg --recv-key XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

did not work

>But I had no job, and I was looking for ways to make money from free software. So I announced that I would mail a tape to whoever wanted one, for a fee of $150.

One of my favorite rms quotes.


So I just recently installed i3, and was watching a video. The guy in the video recommended i3blocks instead of i3status so I'm using that.

He also pointed out that i3blocks volume block doesn't work in Ubuntu distros by default and adding the line

command=/usr/share/i3blocks/volume 5 pulse

to the config file will fix it. However I'm not getting any difference, and I'm not typoing it because even when I go into a terminal and go to the file and run the script with those arguments nothing happens. Anyone know how to fix this

If you own a computer for the purpose of managing the information processes of your life, you cannot have freedom in your computing without free software. Free software does not fix the pitfalls of capitalism because that's not its concern. Free software deals with the politics of software distribution and self-governance in computing.

I'm having a dejavu.

>tfw we will never live in a truly free and peaceful world


Freedom is not the natural state of humanity. The natural state of humanity is tribalism with leaders at the top. You need to be eternally vigilant in politics and activism to promote a society of freedom.

I never got an answer so I figured I'd repost it here.

No idea about i3block's volume faggotry, but if you need a simple command for changing volume:

amixer -qD pulse set Master 5%+
amixer -qD pulse set Master 5%-

You can also use pulse directly with some benefits like:
pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -- 200%

Why does Sup Forums hate systemd and pulseaudio, eg: all the pottering stuff? Everyday I read fancy posts about cuckolding related to this topic.

Is it really just
>muh UNIX philosophy
autism, or are there really downsides I don't know about yet?

Educate me.

They Systemd system replaces all kinds of OS tools that were a lot simpler and self-contained. These small self-contained tools are the basis of Unix. People believe that systemd is so complex that nobody outside of the systemd team is capable of studying the code. This is why they hate systemd.

if systemd is so bad, why all major distros adopted it?

I see, what about pulseaudio?

is ip addr systemd?
I hate ip addr, looks like shit.
ifconfig for life.

When then hell are you even using this?

I just installed Debian.

>``switching to noveau from simple`` --system verbose
>nvidia doesn't work
>boot nomodeset
>`` As of jessie, the need for the proprietary drivers is pretty much over - nouveau now works quite well and works with dual-headed displays by simple and easy configuring from within your desktop`` -- Debian Wiki
yeah, right.
>no program center (``store``)
>after 2 years, gnome3 STILL sucks!

I shouldn`t have fallen for the meme. Which distro nowadays just werks? I used to use linux mint, a couple of years ago, but I wanted to try gnome (which I now regret). Is it using kde5? I want to try it too. How is ubuntu`s unity? Does fedora have a `store` like ubuntu`s center?

And what has become of wayland or mir? Are any of them in use?


go buy a mac, you're the perfect victim

is it possible to have a 2nd monitor working on the fly? Using a laptop that i connect another monitor with at my desk

I want to install Debian with just a WM like dwm, i3, or Blackbox, tint3 (or another panel system), and whatever notification system. How would i go about doing that without fucking my shit up?

what os?
Yea its possible, can be a bitch sometimes.

have a internet connection and do a minimal netinstall

i usually use arch, i might just go back to Ubuntu again but unsure since all that canonical tin foil hat stuff

I`ve just built a hackintosh. It was easier to install than Debian and just werks!

I use proprietary drivers on Debian testing. Nouveau is a shitshow, but it's more of Nvidia being assholes. To further expand on that claim, Nvidia is giving out blobs for them to include on their driver for the newer cards, completely contradicting the point of nouveau. Speaking of this, which card are you running? Debian Jessie's kernel is far behind and doesn't have support for newer cards.

what video card is it, not that it matters.

I used two monitors on and off again, ancient nvidia card, and it was a pain in the fucking ass to get the proper resolution. literally had to make my xorg.conf myself. Then to top off my life, literally two days after getting it to work the hdmi port burned out so now Im stuck with fucking VGA. kill me now plz

intel hd 4000

damn that sucks. Is there a performance increase running linux over windows? everytime i use linux it feels slower then windows x_x

Debian "stable" or "testing" for my desktop pc ?

I'm looking for a solid distro for office work and some multimedia (music, emulated games, movies, etc).

I'm going to use KDE.

I am running a gtx750ti.

Maxwell my nigga, it's probably unsupported out of the box. Maybe testing's kernel has support for it.

here. May I suggest something else? I remember linux mint has a program center which might be much more suited for office work since you can easily install programs you want. Leave debian for servers.

I use testing on my desktop and it's been pretty great. Stable is stable, of course, but some outdated packages might be a burden for you in the future. Stable is best for home servers and shit.


Debian's release faggotry works like this:

stable = beard old packages and some security updates, nice for servers

testing = packag hangover, they dont break anything but are not secure enough to run them for 10 years without rebooting

unstable = archesque rolling release packages

Isn't Testing just delayed Sid? I thought they tested Sid packages for a brief period and then threw them to Testing.

If I block some webpages using host file and then start a WiFi hotspot, will the webpages be blocked in the connected devices?

>Please note that security updates for "testing" distribution are not yet managed by the security team. Hence, "testing" does not get security updates in a timely manner. You are encouraged to switch your sources.list entries from testing to jessie for the time being if you need security support. See also the entry in the Security Team's FAQ for the "testing" distribution.

basically like this, yes

>performance increase
depends on what youre doing.
I have a minimalist install of arch/cinnamon.
I use almost no ram. Before the de loads up I'm only using 94 MB of ram, not a typo. Idle on the desktop only used 400 something MB of ram.

Thinks like switching the monitors and resolution up for me (ancient hardware and legacy drivers) is a pain in the ass, clumsy at best. Im sure the new drivers for new hardware work great.

What are you doing, and what video drivers are you using thats slow?

Afaik these delays are pretty short.

Debians whole glory is stable, so they push all the good stuff fist to stable, when it's done, they do push the stuff to other releases. The delay is usually about +-2 days.

>Q: How is security handled for testing?

>A: Security for testing benefits from the security efforts of the entire project for unstable. However, there is a minimum two-day migration delay, and sometimes security fixes can be held up by transitions. The Security Team helps to move along those transitions holding back important security uploads, but this is not always possible and delays may occur. Especially in the months after a new stable release, when many new versions are uploaded to unstable, security fixes for testing may lag behind. If you want to have a secure (and stable) server you are strongly encouraged to stay with stable.


imagine a world of free open source robots and machines that produce our foods. e.g. a tractor tilling a field automatically. then a self driving truck brings the stuff to the local supermarket, or even better: a drone ships it to your doorstep.

Imagine a free approach of this and then imagine a proprietary approach of this.
What would you want? Free food that costs very little or food that one big company sells you for a lot of money because of 'convenience' fake reasons?

Because when the robot stuff will be provided as free open source software, you can 3D print/cnc your own robots. companies will have a competitive environment of beating each others prices.

>panem et circenses, it's our choice to think or be thinked

So get unstable.

So should I go for another distro ? Arch, Mint ?

Btw I have a gtx 750ti like so I'm a bit scared now

Nothing much really, just youtube and some programming when im motivated enough.thinking about getting into other things like photoshop/blender for fun.
i use the intel drivers listed in the archwiki

>recommeding Mint
srsly, what the hell

>Leave debian for servers.
Found the guy who got all his knowlege about tech from Sup Forums memes.

Debian or CentOS then. Fuck.

I'd go with ubuntu or mint.

All this testing talk is making me considering Sid, but Sid appears to breaks everything. Sid has been fine on the laptop for almost a year now, but I don't use it that often. Maybe I'll try it on the desktop.

It was all right two years ago when I used it. The one thing I didn't like was the small support period. I think you have to upgrade once a year or you can't download packages anymore. If that is troublesome, than ubuntu lts is the better choice.