why do only autists use Linux?
Why do only autists use Linux?
I use Linux and I'm not an autism
I'm autistic and I use ChromeOS
Maybe intelligence looks like autism from below.
>109 IQ, still under average
>implying 5 IQ points prove anything
>implying IQ proves anything
I have an autismo and I use windows
Because normies are vicious apes who care about flashy status symbols far more than the actual "state of things".
Normies = theory of mind
Autists = theory of reality
The irony is that once the autist gets a hang for how to model people, he does it far better than normies who seem to binge on being fucking stupid about everything.
>109 IQ, still under average
If you got two random people, the most correlative marker of non-criminality, stability, and achievement comes from those with higher IQs.
It's a fact of the universe that neurologies will be gene'd differently and develop differently.
Normies getting butthurt over being stupid is what killed any talk about IQ for generations. That and the nazis.
110 is average just saying
Why do manchildren play games?
Young girls have literally no sexual appeal, its all Jewish fabrication.
> Proving you don't know how IQ works while you try to look smart
> Not even knowing why you look dumb
100 is average. The average of Ashkenazi jews is 115.
why do only autists post to Sup Forums?
Of course someone with IQ 150 is smarter than someone with IQ 70, but saying that someone with 5 IQ more is more intelligent is retarded
I wish I was in the middle of those smooth cuties ;(
I use it and I don't have autism. I just don't have many friends.
If it's replicated again and again...yeah, that 5 IQ would make a difference.
IQ isn't necessarily a Hegelian factor where things don't change until you reach a certain number. But you are right especially when you get into the subject of specialities.
I know a guy 112, pretty blue collar but he is the most keen and ruthless son of a bitch when it comes to people. If he were literally "smarter", he would be a senator at least.
Good point. Why do you post to Sup Forums?
BETTER QUESTION: Why do tech illiterates use windows?
Why do only homosexuals use macs?
because it comes preinstalled with prebuilds
Advertising and they managed to break into industries and government.
Tech illiterates don't like to learn new things about shit they don't care about. I won't learn how to do a pirouette (well maybe with my leg strength I could...) and I don't expect a stupid bitch to learn a fucking command line.
>"Stupid bitch! My word!"
That is 85% of your coworker base in normie industries.