Why do you fags shill Linux so much when it can't even run the basic necessary software for productivity?

Why do you fags shill Linux so much when it can't even run the basic necessary software for productivity?

What can you do on Linux that you can't do on windows?
CLI? Grow up, it doesn't make you look like a 1337 hacker you dumb fucks.

Windows Is The only OS worth using. Linux doesn't even have good drivers. You're OS is shit.

All I do is shitpost and play Hotline Miami
Ubuntu is good for it

anime is real you dumb fuck

you've been having fun tonight huh buddy

you can't watch cp on windows


>Why do you fags shill Linux so much when it can't even run the basic necessary software for productivity?

>Proceeds to list simple, user-friendly and usable software for productivity with "? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA".

I almost never use office programs. I usually write reports in LaTeX, and most other textual shit I write is in plain text.
While I am somewhat proficient at GIMP, I also very rarely use that. When I do, it's usually for something trivial like cropping an image.
Why the fuck would I need to use a 3D modelling program?

Why do winkids always bring up the same tired old arguments?
I bet you can't even script the shit you do in your OS.


It's impossible to 'shill' for a free product where there's practically no chance of being paid for your effort. On the other hand Microsoft is proven to pay people to post in support of their operating systems.

Windows fags get the fuck off Sup Forums. Pure corporate bullshit.

>user friendly

Anime is real, cory in the house is the best anime, newfag



>i cannot be bothered to learn a new format/gui so i wil claim it does not have the basic necessary software for productivity

Typical lifeless obese Sup Forums NEET. How did your previous 3 threads go?


Do you remember me?

>previous 3 threads
Dude what? This is the first time I've seen this thread.

You seem pretty messed up, you need help. Being edgy isn't something to be proud of

Cat People is indeed an awesome movie.

wew lad,
>I've never seen this means I am right

Delusions come in a few forms

Have you been on Sup Forums for less than 5 minutes or something?


Blessed be our skynet overlords

Reminder to report. A sufficient amount of reports rally does something. You can't just ignore cancer.

IP range ban is necessary on this case

>GIMP, LibreOffice and Blender are officially too complex for Sup Forums.

Blessed be our skynet overlords

Just woke up 10 minutes ago, I'm still in bed browsing on clover.

Announcing reports can result in a ban

He didn't announce a report. Read again

>Announcing reports can result in a ban
Ban me then. I never said I was reporting.

>Wakes up 10 minutes ago
>Dude I have never seen this post, you are the one who's delusional

Why are so many dumb turds on Sup Forums today?

Why does Linux even exist?

Why do you exist?

Because Linus Torvalds decided to write it.
What kind of stupid question is that?

>I hate this software, why is it so expensive and shit at times?
>fuck it, I'll go make my own

Isn't that the guy from Linus tech tips?

Because winpoo is garbage

>linuxfags actually believe this

Linus tech tips is a computer illiterate literal faggot. He cannot even program with his best buy sales experience. So, no

Linus didn't write Linux to replace Windows.
He just wanted to use it himself.

Blender's not that bad.

>Weebdumb hindu
Stay salty

He asked why it exists, not why it's created.

Although windows is okay for computer illiterates

And gimp is better than photoshop, right?

It's not our fault you're too retarded to known how to use simple applications

>He asked why it exists, not why it's created.
What a fucking stupid statement.
How is the reason something was created not the reason why it exists. Do you think something can exist without being created?

For example, you were created because your parents were using a defective condom, so is that not the reason why you exist?


Go home, Pajeet.

Here's your (You), you multifaggot

Wow you used all your sub 100 IQ for the post didn't you?

People use the same thing for different reasons, and it's not necessary for them to exist because solely of the reason it was made. TNT was created to break massive boulders and the same thing is also used for other things. But I guess it is beyond understanding for aa low IQ Sup Forums spillage. No wonder you'll die unsuccessful like the rest of Sup Forums, such as

Shut up rajesh

No, fuck you. Blender is good. Blender is a decent free alternative.

5 rupees and a curry plate has been dispatched to your designated shitting street pajeet. Please do the needful and poo in the loo

12 rupees and a Loo have been delivered to your designated home

You can tell Sup Forums how superior you are because you have to change time settings from the terminal

Thanks pootella. Should I collect my bing points?

We DuckDuckGo now ranjish

Why aren't robot lolis a thing? I want my robotic companion.

>Using anything but POO search
Rajesh pls don't drink cowpiss during your telemarketting job

OPs vidya gaems thread was deleted so he made this one instead

You ununderstand ranjish, we change to Linux mint now, much much better than the windows 8 and duckduckgo bester than bing

>new GUI
If this is what you see as a main difference than you really are the type of idiot op is talking about

But I don't

just as good as ms office
it's shit compared to photoshop, but for your basic memeing needs it's just fine
git gud

>just as good as MS office

I've been using it for years and never had any want for features ms office has


stop memeing and make coherent replies
or go back to Sup Forums and continue to be 12

Libre office lacks many MS office features and the formatting will occasionally get fucked when you try to save as ms office document.

There is a """standard""" office document format, and it's microsoft's fault for not following it.

provide an example
this, microsoft makes its own standard because they can't follow standards

Mods what the fuck are you doing?

This is a tech related thread you retard.

no it's not
it's a shitty meme thread that some autist made

Linux is a meme OS just like Windows Phone

>i don't like this thread
>why aren't mods deleting this thread I don't like
Really makes you wonder, hmm

>He honestly believes there are people who are getting paid for shilling on Sup Forums.
>He is not even being sarcastic about it

So much for Sup Forums being a smart board.

Did you even read the op?
That's technology.

>open browser
>search for program
>download program
>click .exe
>"this program may kill your computer" click yes to run .exe
>click i accept
>click install
>click finish
>open terminal
>sudo apt-get install program

Whole departments, states and countries use it for their documentation.
Motion pictures, short films and video games have all been made using blender more than once.
Probably more amateurish than the other two, but still used for work in some environments. My graphics art lecturer said that before the advertising agency he worked at got big they used GIMP because the Photoshop licence fees at the time were too great for a small firm.
He said that the only reason they switched was that one printer demanded 16bit Adobe RGB colour (which is very experimental in GIMP at the moment).

>he doesn't want an installer that gives him free choice of what parts of the applications to install

There are things called optional dependencies, you know.
Stuff that a program uses, but does NEED to work properly.
After you install a package, it will tell you what they are and why you might want them.

Some package repos have separate packages for distinct parts of programs, but because of the space you save with shared libraries it doesn't matter nearly as much on gnulinux.