Prove me wrong
>still supported by current software
>no flat design, but no skeuomorphism
>perfect mid-ground
Prove me wrong
>still supported by current software
>no flat design, but no skeuomorphism
>perfect mid-ground
wrong board
Planned Obsolescence
Snow Leopard is better
Snow Leopard isn't supported anymore, Mavericks is.
I've just rolled back from Yosemite (Logic 9 runs like a dog in Yosemite), and I wish I'd never upgraded in the first place.
friendly reminder that Tiger's competition was XP. It was so much fucking better at the time for a normal end user work load that I legitimately couldn't defend Windows even when considering the extra price added on the mac HW
>no skeuomorphism
Lubuntu it is.
Even my shitty computer is running like hell now.
Too bad it looks ugly like a motherfucker :(
>no skeuomorphism
>what is side aligned dock
>shifting the goalposts
>having a lack of an argument
Nobody should be using their dock on the bottom. It's a much better use of screen real estate to have it on the side. Not moving the goalposts at all, the side mounted dock is built into the system, and looks much nicer than anything post 10.9.
I'm liking El Capitan. Yosemite is a bogged down piece of shit though.
It is indeed moving the goalposts, because now you are supposing that it saying "no skeuomorphism" is the same as saying "no skeuomorphism with a particular configuration".
But even then, you're still incorrect.
Maybe so.
Still looks nicer than Yosemite upwards though.
Anyone arguing about design can fuck right off unless you're going to acknowledge that you'll find elements of "skeuomorphism" and "flat design" across the entire range of design.
I have no problem with skeuomorphism. Until it gets ridiculous, like every surface being a faux-leather, brushed steel, and candy buttons. Same with flat UI: no problem until every fucking button is indecipherable flat text and endless wasted screen space.
Mavericks is still awesome, and faster in day to day operation than Yosemite or El Capitan, and of course it was gutted of all the things that some of us actually make use of like a proper full function Disk Utility instead of the stripped down Playskool type they have in the newer OSes and so on.
Mavericks is very fast in a VM as well, much faster that Yosemite or El Capitan. I tried out the first test release of Sierra and wasn't impressed at all, won't bother with it again till it's done later this year and I probably still won't make regular use of it.
Mavericks was the last best version of OSX which has now been deprecated in favor of macOS.
I wonder, now that they're calling the OS macOS, will they revert to calling them imacs and macBook Pros or be selling a new macPro soon?
El Capitan is nearly as good as Mavericks as far as performance, but still not there. I hope sierra is good.
>buying an apple product
How is this even possible?
I don't think he's using that iPhone correctly.
What the fuck is this shit and why are you posting it here?
He's obviously shitposting in a designated shitposting thread.
I know, god forbid we should actually talk about technology. This is Sup Forums after all...
You are the hero Sup Forums deserves.
Ladies and gentlemen, your typical "le fuck apple we r anonymous XDDD" poster
>yfw you can finally drag pictures from your Sup Forums folder to the reply window in macOS Sierra beta 2
Butt pirate homOSeX user confirmed.
>mfw macfags brag about features other OSs and even windows had for decades
Underage Sup Forumstard detected
>That slow ass typing
Windows users, everyone.
It was broken in beta 1 asshat
>this thread
>being this mad
>mfw I can't even click this as a macfag
Life is suffering
I'm on debian, user.
>get shot on the femural
>die within 5 seconds
>get a train run over on both legs
>just chilling on the railroad
dem nignogs be p durable mang
Why are you using Safari you stupid fuck
Not that guy you replied but I must admit. I usually get much more mad for loosing an argument on the internet ( even an anonimous board like this) that I would be loosing an argument in real life.
Shitty ass feeling yo.
Why are you using homOSeX you stupid fuck
Why is there so little blood?
That's because on the internet you don't feel the restraint you'd feel in real life.
ooga booga witch doctory
Not sure if this is the real motive.
If anything, I should feel mad on real life for loosing a real life argument ( that may affect my life) and not the other way around.
>i will now show you the dance of my people
>mfw i own a mac since 2011 and i have been doing this forever
what the fuck is wrong with you guys
>eating shit from your hands since 2011
Last good OSX desu for older (Released before or 1G Yosemite) Machines (Obvious exceptions to higher models or pros, but loading still blew on HDD), unless you're getting a ram and SSD upgrade.
You're thinking of Tiger.
>extremely lightweight
>PowerPC support
>was the last OS X version to have a better UI than flat design
>could be used without touching the cancer that is HFS+
Pretty much this. Especially with it being the best looking OS X.
>posting gore on Sup Forums
>probably doesn't even know Sup Forums was once a gore board
He's restoring Sup Forums to its rightful glory.
By acting like a Sup Forumsirgin? Sad.
Mac OS stagnated after Snow Leopard. There have been no significant improvements since then. Except, of course, if you own an iphone or browse social media. In fact, I think the removal of exposé+spaces into command-whatever has been the one thing I can complain and even notice (besides air drop which is nice if and only if you have another mac).
I am using El Capitan, by the way, and it is absolutely the same as every other before it.