Daily Note 3 Hype Thread

Seriously, this is it. This is the best smart device of 2013 and quite possibly 2014.

Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
>5.7 inch LCD 1080p screen with better PPI ratio than iPhone 5s
>4k Video Camera, no other comparable devices offers this feature
>3gigs of RAM and 2.2GHz processor so there is absolutely zero Android lag (legit)
>S-Pen to draw heug dicks to text your friends
>Flexible display variant to be released
>Bezels thinner than your mom’s clit
>Best smart device for running apps in window mode, no more LOLFULLSCREENAPPMODE for a fucking a calculator app
Sup Forums should be creaming their pants as if they saw their waifu in person.
>but muh small girly feministic hands
No one cares about your physical inadequacies Barbara. You were given the shit 5’2 manlet genes of life. Sac up and learn to use a man’s phone.

Better specs than iPhone 5s
Better screen than iPhone 5s
Better functionality than iPhone 5s
No NSAtrackprint.

Let me reiterate
>5.7 inch LCD 1080p touch screen
>Included S-Pen for writing, drawing, and gesture shortcuts
>Flexible display
>4K Video Camera
youtube.com/watch?v=zz3sk05QL-8 (be sure to update to Youtube to “Original” settings and not 1080pleb)
>Multi-vision for some sweet, sweet Note-finity widescreen experience with fellow Note 3 fans
>It can occasionally makes phone calls

Best specs, best screen, and best functionality, period.
Not even the Sony Z Ultra Bezels can compete since its phablet size reaches the threshold into retard realm.

>mfw its 2013 and iOS7 still cant even handle 2 conversations at once

It's crazy how Note 4 BTFO of this and then how Note 5 still couldn't beat Note 4.

How the fuck did Note 4 get it so damn right.

Too bad the software was bloated and shit

but it's 2016 op

As opposed to Note 3?

And it's still the best fucking phone to date.

not by a fucking long shot with that dated hardware and fucking shit ass touchjizz. nice try though.

how good are the 3 and 4 to draw on if anyone knows?

You forgot:
>Shit design
>Flashing different roms renders the s-penis useless
>Camera actually fucking sucks

>comparing iPhone specs to Android devices specs

Off yourself

Note 3 with cm13 checking in. I can only lol @ faggots paying more for an inferior piece of hardware.
>sd card
>big battery
>perfect screen size
>small bezel
>easily repaired

>shit design
Also lol if you think you can't use the spen on different roms

I'm on AT&T. Is there anything I can do about removing touchwiz?

>The black leather back perfectly fits with my black leather trenchcoat and fedora!
The phone looks like shit

I'm on Note4 and I love it. The screen is amazing - bright, hi-res and sharp... except that the top drawer has burnt in. Oh well, I guess my warranty fixes that.
I really want to root this bitch but I've heard bad things about rooting Notes because it breaks the S-pen compatibility. Such a shame.

Before I bought this, I had a Note2 and I loved that too. I skipped 3 completely, what's so great about it that Note4 doesn't have? Things I care about:
>Pen pressure
>Air commands
>60fps 1080p video
>Very high resolution display

is this a joke thread

I had a Note 3 during 2years. I've tried many ROM (Samsung or AOSP).
But I replaced it with the Oneplus 3. It's definitely worth. Even if you are right on the spec, I get like 3 or 4 hours of SoT and so many GPS issue.

Any comparable device that runs stock android and isn't 3 years old?

Is the Priv shit?

I keep stock rom with root, nothing lost except ads and bloat apps. there's no way i'm going to keep bothering with all those shitty indian roms out there.
rooting really is easy nowadays, since there's cf autoroot for 5.1.1 and 6.0.1

But you're still tripping KNOX left and right rendering your warranty void.

>he didn't buy the white model
Enjoy your shitty glass/aluminum backed phone

>note 3
I think that shop has sailed.

>implying LCD plebeian tier display
It's OLED, you fuck.
