Is 30 too old to become a software developer?
Is 30 too old to become a software developer?
are you a black tranny? you're in
If you're creative and interdisciplinary
pro tip: abuse amphetamines and you'll do ok
>Is 30 too old to be posting on an anime imageboard?
I ask myself that question every day.
I am 50. I have been posting here for a decade.
Feels fucking bad man...
fuck off, we're full
Well if it makes you feel any special, your age makes you rare on here.
I feel something other than rare to be honest
(That carat nose smiliey aint me, by the way)
Lead programmer at my work started when he was 30 so I'm gonna say no.
Put in some work, stop browsing Sup Forums, you'll be there in no time.
No. Software development is easy as fuck. It's basically paint by numbers and legos. Gluing shit together. Especially in an employment environment, you'll have your hand held with what you should do.
What about 25 years old if you are already a ScriptKiddie Elite+?
No, I have a family friend who went back to school at the age of 50 after a lay off to learn about computers and that's how he started
>tfw no job
>tfw no job
>tfw no job
Of course. 14 is the cut off point to start being a professional software developer. It is impossible for people 15 years and older to become a professional software developer.
No. But your success depends on who you are and what you did so far. There are many roles in software that one could take that doesn't require years of mastery. In a small company, I would think that a friendly guy who knows all kind of Excel formulas could have a lot more value than someone who spent half his life working on very deep and specific domains.