Eficient Operational System

Lets try to find once and for all, what is the most eficient OS out there.

Rules are simple:

>turn off all the heavy programs that may be running on your PC and post the SS of your screen using the least ammount of RAM and CPU
>the OS will be based on what uses the least ammount of resources while looking good at the same time.
>anons will post what is the best looking OS posted on the thread.
>by the end of the thread we decide who go points for most eficient, most eficient while looking good, and the least efficient of all (it will be the iOS, Im sure)

There you go. Lubuntu. Probably the lowest you can go. But I will not get a penny for beauty.

Other urls found in this thread:



screen tear general?


You have to better define shit. What is an OS? Surely someone could show an embedded OS using 512kb RAM or something.

I am assuming of course that you mean desktop OSs

Minux 3

Prove me wrong

Puppy Linux

I know it looks horrific, but is a excelent choice for old PCs.

You can post the terminal there using 1kb of RAM. But you a'int gotta get no points for beauty.

Also, yeah. I was talking about desktop with graphic interface.

>Minux 3
Is it spelled Minux or MINIX?

MINIX was the kernel that Linux was based on.

Never heard of Minux but I presume it is an OS not the kernel

If thats the lowest it can go, then XP wins.

>Arquivo not ficheiro
>not using superior Camões language

>implying I use fichas

Post your RAM usage them. Lets see what a Luso powered OS can do.

>fully riced desktop
>fully riced web browser open to Sup Forums
>playing playlist of ~6000 songs
>54 MB used

Have one more that's the same desktop but with no web browser that better shows the ricedness coming in next post

Your right, i fucked up desu


prove me wrong

>graphic interface


>Never heard of Minux but I presume it is an OS not the kernel
MINIX3 is actually an os minix3.org/
> MINIX 3 is a free, open-source, operating system designed to be highly reliable, flexible, and secure.

Antix for GUI
Gentoo for cli

What is this.
And can you even use your mouse to use this atrocious thing?

How is it not? It's got images, and it's a webkit browser. Can play videos and shit no problem

BTW I think minimizing RAM usage is retarded these days anyway. Current rig uses WAY more than that one yet is way more efficient because it's so much faster overall.

Oh, cool. I read a few pages of the guys book and a little about the cold feud between he and Torvalds but that's it. Thanks for the link.

awesome wm, and yes you can operate it with a mouse. The root window has a menu that comes up that's like the applications menu you'd be used to on any DE

You can resize windows by holding alt + right click dragging or move them by alt + left click dragging just like other window managers

fug beaten by a linux faggot

>using admin mode on 8 bit graphics
>not posting the RAM usage

Ayy Lmao.

>judge by look

the RAM usage is in the task manager, summerfag

This was a way to ppl not end up posting terminals alone.

By the way the champion of tiniest footprint while still being even remotely useful is Tiny Core Linux
SliTaz is another good choice

For certain workloads/use cases a terminal is the most efficient tool.

This faggot ruins every thread, can we get a ban please?

easily openbsd (or the one written entirely in amd64 asm)


A tab more beautiful than the Lubuntu. Still using more RAM tho.

In this case I think that little bit more is OK I suppose.

Just say GUI in OP, and terminal actually "look" better than some ugly GUI

So I guess this is poorfag general?
Fucking lol at all the rigs in this thread so far


using w7 in english currently just to shitpost.

>tfw not in superior lingua camoes

MenuetOS you dumb fuck

xp sp3
>drivers & services
12 file system drivers
70 other drivers
1 own process (ramdisk)
29 network share processes
>total processes running
16 (excluding browser to post this)
>average ram usage
180mb or so (600mb with browser after some time browsing)

>camões language

This is what I get mad at windows.
If wasnt for games, I would have get rid of this system already.

I probably got a virus because my computer on idle uses 1.8 Gb of RAM. This is impossible.

Fuck that shit. And after they said they support Black Live Matters, I gave up.

With a web browser running at full capacity my usage will jump to ~5-6/8GB being used but that's to be expected considering any web browser that isn't some minimalist webkit based bullshit will just eat it up. Pretty much every distro that isn't bloatbuntu usually stays consistent around 200-300MB usage on a clean boot.

I wonder... Do you huehue bros realize that we can't understand you? Talking is different, we can figure eachother out, college professors prefer to use english textbooks because no body can understand what the hell the ones from Brasil are saying.

Just yesterday when Portugal won, our reporters interviwed some tugas and me and my father just stared at each other.

No one got what those guys where trying to say.

Also, we use telas, not ecrãs. Ecrãs is for fags.

I can understand hue just fine, it's when they try to speak english that it gets fucked up IMHOFAM.

>tela = canvas
>screen != a painting

years ago, I worked at a call center in Lisboa, had some brasilian folks there, someone trying to get some hue pussy told this girl she was a pretty menina, she proceeded to kick his ass.

another huehue girl told us its slang for slut/whore. wtf??

I'm from Brazil and I use English as my OS language. using any other is pretty dumb tbhwy

slut in brazil isn't menina(girl) but "rapariga" "puta" "vadia" "vagabunda"

>I can understand hue just fine, it's when they try to speak english that it gets fucked up IMHOFAM.

have you heard spaniards trying to speak english?? i have no probs with brasilians speaking english i can understand them better. i can even understand mexicans when they speak spanish better than i can people from spain.

Windows 98SE using just under 108MB of RAM.

>slut in brazil isn't menina(girl) but "rapariga" "puta" "vadia" "vagabunda"

been years ago, he may have called her rapariga.

yes. rapariga in portugal means 'girl' lol

that seems like a lot... did you fire up a VM just for that or is that your daily driver?

XP SP1 ran under 100MB with nothing loaded.

:++++. OS: 64bit Mac OS X 10.11.5 15F34
/+++/. Kernel: x86_64 Darwin 15.5.0
.:-::- .+/:-``.::- Uptime: 2d 18h 35m
.:/++++++/::::/++++++/:` Packages: 20
.:///////////////////////:` Shell: bash 3.2.57
////////////////////////` Resolution: 2560x1600
-+++++++++++++++++++++++` DE: Aqua
/++++++++++++++++++++++/ WM: Quartz Compositor
/sssssssssssssssssssssss. WM Theme: Blue
:ssssssssssssssssssssssss- CPU: Intel Core i5-4258U CPU @ 2.40GHz
osssssssssssssssssssssssso/` GPU: Intel Iris
`syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+` RAM: 2072MiB / 8192MiB

A close second?

It does seem like a freaking lot for that OS. It's a VM I've had for over 10 years. Fully patched via Windows Update even.

I tried running Process Explorer on Win95C, but it just borks out even after giving it the DLLs it wants.

Here's the same VM software running Windows 2000. 69MB of RAM used. SP4 fully patched.

I can not express how much I loved Windows NT4. WIndows 2000 was good to but it wasnt the same ya know. I know of a company that ran their server on Windows 2000, still.

Opposite opinion here. I hate NT4; 2000 was loads better. My experience with NT4 was it always breaking.

With these things I think it was very hardware dependent. I hated 95 because it was always so bad. Then in 2002 I was forced to use a 486DX4 Intel, and I have never seen Windows 95 work so well before, literally zero BSODs. And i was online with it.

I always see people posting these, but what is the name of the script that prints this stuff? or do people do it themselves?


Possibly. The PC I used it on was a CD duplicator. The CD drives would disappear often. The OS would usually claim it was shutdown improperly. It didn't like to let us login. It was kinda slow too, even for the okay hardware specs it was using.

I installed Win95 on plenty of 486 machines. With 64MB of RAM. It worked alright. Never had a BSOD on 95. 98/ME are a different story.

>what is the name of the script that prints this stuff?

>What's compton lmao

Thanks :^]

OpenBSD. Without X running it's under 20MiB

>Picture saying 60+ MB
>It's below 20MB guyzz

I like this WM a lot.

You're a goddamned moron

better than some of those messy layouts

>Not WinFLP