How many micro USB cables have you gone through, Sup Forums?

This shit is fucking ridiculous. You drop the phone off a 3 ft ledge and it drops onto the cable and fucking bends the metal components so it no longer functions.

I've used up more than I can count.

I literally ordered 5 a few months ago, and this was my last one again.

Other urls found in this thread:


stop tardhandling your shitty cables
get a bunch of those, and don't mishandle them

Stop being a mongoloid chimp that knocks over everything in the room when you walk through it.



Doesn't shop on eBay.

Wtf is wrong with you.

This is actually a Micro USB 3.0 B adapter to USB 3 A adapter, so that I can plug in devices into my phone. But I'm looking to buy a different one now that adds on extra power.

>shopping for cables on ebay
>complaining about bad quality of cables


I have a box of about 30 of these cables, not one of them is broken.


1 - Don't drop your phone.
2 - Don't drop your phone!
3 - Don't drop your fucking phone!
4 - Give zero fucks how many get destroyed because work gave me 600 1.5M and 400 3M micro USB cables that were going to get thrown out.

Trying to decide whether to buy this one:


Let's you add on power through that USB A jack.

Or this one:


Let's you add on power, but also use the cable to connect the phone to your PC.

A few normal MicroUSB, but the amazon microUSB 3.0 cables I bought never had any issues. How the fuck do you bend that shit?

I've never had a microUSB connector break, try not being a oaf

Don't buy shit on ebay.

All of mine still work.

Uh one. I think one, yeah. Stop dropping your shit.

Stop being a clumsy fucking oaf you butterfingered neanderthal.

I've never physically broken a connector like that. Just ultra cheap cables that stopped working one day.

This has never happened to me

Uh, 20? Micro USB is fucking horrendous.

I broke one that way once, but I was being a half-asleep dunce. I knocked my phone off my nightstand and it landed on the connector and bent. It was a cheapo cable though and I haven't had that happen with my other cables.

i have yet to damage a micro-b cables/connectors/ports

holy shit clean your fucking nails dude

being so poor you whine about breaking a usb cable.

I have kids, so maybe 15 till i switched to pic related.

Do they have this for USB 3.0?

what would i put in eBay to find this?

I'm German, so I can search in German and English.

Magsafe brings up nothing. I'm guessing Apple has it copyrighted.

>holy shit

why do you speak like this?

Was doing work on an apartment we're renting out.

I built an $800 downdraft stovevent for under $50.

Pic related.

It worked.

All those electronics you see are just fan motors and transformers I found on eBay for a few bucks.

Fucking god damn Samsung Galaxy S5 exif data.

This is the downdraft box that has a switch with 3 cables.

1 netural, and 1 for high, and 1 for low setting.

I basically connected them to 2 transformers, which each have their own fan motor with regulator on it.

Enjoy your housefires.

I haven't had a single one break on me. I'm not exactly treating them with care, mind you, so I have to wonder what the devil you lot are doing with them.

>still using micro-USB
I know it was the standard charger but its days are over. It is now deprecated, and its little teeth, too.

USB Type-C master race.

never, all the cables are kept until they are out of date. still have the cable from the Nokia c3

Dude, they literally fall at just the wrong angle (the phone falls onto the cable). So that the weight of the phone bends the fucking thing back. Literally. Just when I started this thread, I was using my endoscope cam to lay a CAT7 wire into the walls of the house. And the phone fucking fell off the pool heater which is only 3 or 4 ft off the ground.

BOOM. Another USB connector. gone.

>How many micro USB cables have you gone through, Sup Forums?
0. Because I don't rip them out of my pc like you do, faggot.

I'm thinking of soldering a type C connector onto my galaxy s5. But then again, regular micro is still backwards compatible with micro 3.0. so I think i'll keep the micro.

But I sure as hell would like one of those magsafe connectors that user posted, shit.

The oven put back in. All those tubes and cables in the previous pic are behind the oven. And both settings work.

None. Never had a usb cable break like that.

Stop man-handling your phone.

magnetic usb charger.

What is the point of that? What does it do?

Yeah, found em. But none of these are micro USB 3.0. Just USB 3.0 type C.

my usb a and b cable still werks like 8 years+ now, but micro usb one i throw away like 6 of it because it won't charge/transfer disconnecting from pc, they're from moto eco cable, samsung travel charger, sony xperia, sony nex camera, and from card reader, won't complain because free lel.

This is
lowered into the counter.

That white rectangle on top of the counter is the cover to the stove. There are 2 burners under there. It pulls down the steam or smoke created by cooking.

I built this fan into the pipe that goes through the wall to the outside.


Used 2 of these to power it (1 for each speed setting):


Used 2 of these to control the speeds:


All that is hooked up to the switches seen in this pic:
When set to "High" it connects power to one transformer with a a regulator set to the highest speed.

When set to "Low" it connects power to another transformer with a regulator set to 2/3rd the speed.

They would have made me buy some $300-$400 machine to do the same thing. I did it for under $50

I don't bend cables or anything, I just have two or so good ones (My best came with my lumia 620, lasted me through three phones) and it started going funny about a week ago.
Ordered 5x $1 cables off ebay, they're fucking garbage. Charging's fine, but the data pins are so fucking finicky on both ends. I just want a cable I know will last.
Maybe a xiaomi?

I keep one of these on me at all times.


I hate lugging around a longass cable that takes up a lot of space. When I'm out and need to charge, a short cable will do.

But then again, you probably just need a regular usb micro 2.0 cable, not a 3.0.

Although I've gone through a couple in a few short years, I do think you might be buying cables on the cheaper end from gas stations or the like and that's why they're breaking so easily.

My 7 year old has better fine motor skills than you. Sort it out fucklord, I am yet to beak a phone charger, period.

The one I posted in the OPs picture was what I believed to be a fucking high end cable. But jesus christ... if you look at the design of it. The metal stops almost right where the plastic starts. If they would just make the metal go back further, it would probably last longer. Although, that isn't speaking for trying to protect the circuit board on the phone. Maybe it's purposely designed that way so that it snaps to protect the phone, which is why this thing looks so attractive:
Too bad they don't have a micro USB 3.0 type B version.

My microUSB cables break all the time, too, but I always buy among the cheapest I can find.

They don't bend though. I leave my phone plugged in, lying on the nightstand, and after a month or two the connector is suddenly too loose to connect to the phone. By then it also slips out of the USB port at the slightest touch.

My girlfriend has hers bend, and mine used to but I learned how to avoid it. Neither of us drop our phones while they're charging. My guess is that microUSB connectors are engineered to be worn out, as in poanned obsolescence. The whole smartphone industry revolves around it.

all of my micro usb cables are still completely fine

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

*planned obsolescence

I'm still using the one that came with my S3 three years ago. Works on my machine (TM) ;^)

eBay.in gives me a minimum 6% discount on every order. Love eBay.

0, and I dropped it many times

One shitty one that came with my power bank.

Other than that all my micro USB cables work perfectly because I am not a fucking retard.

Type-C is not a very stable cable in my opinion.

At least with the lightning connector you didn't have to worry about ripping your logic/motherboard apart.

I've only ever had to buy 2, and I have like 8 now. Only one has ever stopped working on me over the course of 6 years. Kek


Literally tripped on one last night and fucked

They are made to break so the socket in your phone won't.