Things you didn't know existed on Linux and discovered by accident

Literally just worked out that you can simulate the mouse wheel by holding down 2 fingers on the mousepad and moving up or down

Any other cool shit you discovered accidentally?

Other urls found in this thread:

And you never tried that on windows bro?

For me it's the side thing, same as windows.

Also, why don't they make these touchpads with the groves anymore? I find it more pleasant to use

F11/F12 opens the terminal

Haven't used Windows on my laptops for about 5 years

This seems to depend on the context

Yeah, I think on linux you can do this cool thing where you can minimize windows instead of closing them too.

Or have more than one desktop, can you believe that? I bet no other OS has that.

>just worked out that you can simulate the mouse wheel by holding down 2 fingers on the mousepad and moving up or down
This has been a thing for a decade

This is done in the touchpad hardware actually.

Just buy a macbook pro, OP. Have like a hundred different functions on a trackpad.

sudo su
echo -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/sda
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 gentoo
cd gentoo

tar pxvf stage3*
rm stage3*

sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
sudo mount -t proc none proc
sudo mount --rbind /dev dev
sudo mount --rbind /sys sys

sudo chroot .

emerge --sync

echo -e "MAKEOPTS=\"-j4\"\nEMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS=\"--keep-going=y --autounmask-write=y --jobs=4\"" >> /etc/portage/make.conf

emerge genkernel gentoo-sources grub dhcpcd

MAKEOPTS="-j4" genkernel --kernel-config=config.amd64 all

grub2-install /dev/sda
grub2-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg

rc-update add dhcpcd default



sudo reboot

emerge xorg-server enlightenment:0.17
useradd -m user
echo "enlightenment_start" > /home/user/.xinitrc
echo '[[ $(tty) = "/dev/tty1" ]] && exec startx' >> /home/user/.bash_profile

Mah nigga

But they probably also have that on Ubanto so no thanks

Wow?! My computer became super fast with these set of commands.
Thanks user.

Why can't I auto scroll by clicking the mid mouse button? Linux is proper shit.

>man ascii

You can, you need to press it really fast

The gesture meme has been around for 6+ years now

you can even browse your files.

wincucks BTFO

>oh shit finally a thread about advanced linux topics
>nevermind just some dude talking about his fucking mousepad

Thanks for nothing buddy.

>GNU/Linux users

>he doesn't have it on mod+enter
user do yourself a favor

>needing both hands
>not mod+any nearby key

>I want everyone to tell me what to do!
>I can't contribute anything myself though heh!

You can shitpost while compiling your web browser. Simply ebin.

>what is using right alt key

>Also, why don't they make _________ anymore?
The answer is always apple