Why won't Linux and Thinkpad babbies admit they're all just poor af autists who can't afford a premium laptop like a Macbook.
Why won't Linux and Thinkpad babbies admit they're all just poor af autists who can't afford a premium laptop like a...
Even if i had the money for a rmbp i wouldnt get it m8, I would just get a better thinkpad.
I had a Samsung that overheated with its gt520m.
I've heard macbooks overheat and throttle too. That Samsung left many red marks on my lap, I'd hate to suffer the same with an aluminum chassis instead of plastic.
MacBooks would be quite decent if their diplsays weren't glossy.
Glossy screens are so bad that Germany outlawed them at workplaces. You can sue your employer if they provide you with a glossy screen like a MacBook.
I can also afford a 20 inch long black dildo, but I don't buy it because I don't need it since I am not a faggot.
same story with macbooks etc
There's three Macbooks:
Plain: worse than celeron piece of shit with the worst keyboard in the history of computing
Air: same 1366x768 TN piece of shit you find on $200 craptops, and it's glossy on top of that
Pro: if you try to use the high end hardware they cram into it, it catches fire
They're all utter shit, and only a moron would buy any of them.
Because, that simply isn't the case.
If you gave me a Macbook for free, I'd sell it so I could buy a real computer that doesn't rely on shitOS.
I thought most autistic basement dwelling linux faggots stuffed pretty much anything up their arses?
The only people who give a shit what you are looking at online is possibly the kiddy fiddler police.
You know you can install a proper operating system like GNU/Linux on MacBooks, right?
You can install a functional os like windows on it too you know
>locked down bios that forces you to jump through apple's bullshit hoops just to install any other OS
>if you have more than stock partitions it shits itself
Would a Thinkpad with a rMBP display and internal components be the perfect laptop?
>glossy screen and everything soldered down
they're crap, shit build quality
Why won't all Sup Forums kiddos admit that they are autistic as fuck and all their threads go the same way every single day because le ebin maymays :DD?
>you can install linux on any macbook post 2012 and have it work even marginally well
You need to be over 18 to post here
It's not a fucking thinkpad if you do not have the decent internals
Get an HP DreamColor if you want an actually decent laptop monitor
If you want the battery life to be shit, the trackpad to barely work and to have to use a USB wifi card.
but.. the hardware has never been the appealing part of Macs
will begin sage
Depends on what you consider hardware. The casing, keyboard, trackpad and screen are all top-tier.
The inside however is rather underpowered, since people hardly do any demanding stuff on their Macbooks anyway. And if they do, they're better off buying an actual workstation.
When will you realise using Mac makes people homosexual?