There are literally (L I T E R A L L Y) people playing pokemon: botnet edition at this very second

>there are literally (L I T E R A L L Y) people playing pokemon: botnet edition at this very second

i cant wait for all these retards to get btfo once all their info is exposed

I'm dropping a fat stink

> Play pokemon
> Get hit by car

Happened to my little brother Janny last night, luckily the impact wasn't too harsh and he'll be fine.
He should have died though.

What a fucking idiot. Seriously, you should be disowned by your parents if you do shit like that.

His mom (my stepmom) is a _fucking_ slut, she does nothing but collect welfare checks and get thrusted by lanky bbc

>caring about what an application can access on a phone that was made and is controlled by one of the largest ad companies and data sniffers in history

you think not running the software will safe you? what about your entire os?

>b-but i run exposed
you guys are as retarded as the people that run third party 'debloat anti spy scripts' on windows 10. false sense of security

Nah, the os is really safe overall if you use bluetooth, these guys are exposing themselves to 3G for some dumb reason though. Oh well, natural selection will sort them out.

>Natural selection
You mean like how this thread belongs in /vp/?
Fucking idiots

I'm gonna go play some Pokemon because I have the day off work.

Was gonna go to a state park, figure there might be some good pokemon out on the woods walking trails

gl senpai

My neighbours and their kids play it all the time.

>Posted from his Windows 10 desktop that he posts in Speccy threads

>i cant wait for all these retards to get btfo once all their info is exposed

Oh yes, such important info.

Who hurt you OP? are you ok?

>I-I have nothing to hide! Baka!

>Playing pokemon in 2016

>Not orgasming about the new hip technology

Ayy lmao this thread looks familiar.

Use a fake email and BAM. Wow I can finally do social things without sperging about muh freedoms and privacy. Who knew.

KYS and go outside you autistic faggot

exposed to whom? you think the niantic servers are gonna get hacked?
This is just the way things are gonna be now, every little cultural phenomenon is going to come with the price tag of all your personal data delivered directly to advertisers. Kids are gonna have smart phones at age 10 or whatever and the companies will know them better than their parents. They won't care because it's all invisible to them.

Ingress exists for two and a half years now.

but this is pokemon senpai

Really? Pooookeeeeemooooooooon, pokeeeeeemooooooooooon, POOOOOOKEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMOOOOOOOONNNNN


any ingress fags?

is this why i dont get pokemon on my house?

That's actually the reaction most people had. Had a bunch of teenagers walk by my house yelling Pikachu while blasting the original English Pokemon theme song.

I know, right. One year before I was the only person in my area who was playing Pokemon, and everybody was teasing me for it. But now it became a mania, people are going to local graveyard to some Pokestop or whatever it's called, they're going to school because that's where the gym is.
And here I am, not playing botnet edition and playing FireRed instead.

Anyone older than 12 that plays this should be put to death.

>>His mom (my stepmom)
>being trailer trash
>surprised your family are idiots

Sup Forums's logic:

You are a weird dude if u play pokemon go outside with your friends.

You are OK if you have a 2d waifu, live in your mom's basement and you are a kissless virgin.

this is my thread now

What is Lite Rally?


gotta catch 'em all t. FBI


I have nothing to hide :^)


is this a thing? fucking squirrels eat the bird seed where i live, so i just shoot'em when i see them.


Is it true that Pokemon Go hate threads are being created exclusively by whales that cannot leave their house because their electric cart broke down due to their fatasses becoming too heavy for the cart?


He didn't seem surprised. Even said the kid should be dead. Vent on someone else.



I'm more interested in robbing Pokemon Go (fuck yourself up) manchildren of their smartphones and shit at more remote locations.
I'll leave children to the pedophiles and females to the rapists.
I'm only interested in robbing manchildren. I somehow feel it's not immoral to rob them, and rather is a service to society.


if fed pizza all year, does that mean they stop collecting nuts for winter?



>stopped at the park to fill up my water bottle at the springs
>bulbasaurs fucking everywhere
>had to be up for work in 7 hours

anyway thats all i have

Too bad doing that will require you to get up and walk around too, pham

find. more.

So much potential Guardians

Hope you're RES tho

no idea what that means

i just heard pokemon spawn around that shit based off ingress

more please

With what, a gun? I am concealed carrying so good luck with that.

I'm not playing it yet, I am getting a second phone for the game though

*unsheathes katana*
teleports behind you
heh, nothing personnel, kid

your pussy ass will get mugged, collected information are the least of your worries

Daily reminder that the only people that hate Pokemon Go are edgy teenagers that hate anything that's popular because they think they're special snowflakes and that they don't leave the house so they can't play.

The only people I've encountered who hate the game are the ones that can't install it.

Oh no, they'll find out I like feet porn and that I send Sup Forums images to my brother in law. Whatever will I do?!


I am not a nigger from CIA, who cares about the botnet?

>oh look another I don't know how android permissions work,or that Niantic was formerly owned by google thread.
Why are you guys so autistic?
None of you seem to know how to computer, so why not just have fun and play the game like everyone else? At least admit the only reason you hate it is because it is popular.

>joining the hipster faction
>being part of the "cool", "rebellious" group
>willingly not joining the enlightened

Good enough

>implying a pathetic neckbeard from Sup Forums who uses the word "manchildren" to identify a very large chunk of people who play a popular game, could even mug a 12 year old.

>Saves picture from Sup Forums
>Calling people manchildren on Sup Forums
You're not fooling anyone.

your tinfoil hat is on too tight

>>Sup Forums
> Stop liking what I don't like!

Shuddup op. You enjoyed Pokemon as a kid and you know it. they admitted that the Gmail portion was not meant to read so much info but in the next update they will only limit to login.
I'm using a 2nd email anyways. I was gonna use my trainer acc but whatever

Pokemon TCG hands out scholarships for those who get in the first 5(?) places of their tournies.
Now as yourself, do you like being a basement dweller thinking you're hip and cool cause you know all this useless tech shit no one cares about, or do you like the concept of being a lonely loser?



Unless you have eyes on the ass, and a third hand,
i don't think a concealed carry will help you when you are too focused on your kids game on your smartphone screen...

Hey guys i just learned that the guy who runs has a new game out! The problem is you sign in withyour account. Unfortunately do to some error it accidentally gives permission to read your emails! So if you use it you are giving in to "botnet" there is no way i believe it was a mistake! just wanted access to my emails that the dude clearly had no access to prior.


>i cant wait for all these retards to get btfo once all their info is exposed
You will have to wait a lot, user.

Using a Google account for years, still no info exposed.
Using a Microsoft account for years, still no info exposed.
Using a Facebook account for years, still no info exposed.
Using a Nintendo account for years, still no info exposed.
Using Android, Windows 10, YouTube, Chrome, and still no info exposed.

Keep that tinfoil hat tight, user

>How can I trust you?

>You can't. doesn't parse your E-mail to provide you with targeted ads, nor do I read E-mail contents unless it's for a legal court order. However, it is 100% possible for me to read E-mail, and IMAP/SMTP doesn't provide user-side/client-side encryption, so you're just going to have to take my word for it. Any encryption implementation would still technically allow me to read E-mail, too.
It has said this on the website since forever. I mean, you don't honestly use for legit purposes right? Everyone just uses it for jokes, right?

having fun >>>>>>>>>>>> telemetry

Sorry gotta go catch a bulbasaur now.

I was actually pentesting this semi professionally. If they sell your info, they do it after they have your data. It seems innocent enough with shallow analysis. I only saw info harvested for marketing being what OS, how long you play, how many poke balls etc. Nothing about location though which I was surprised at.


>there are literally (L I T E R A L L Y) people using Smartphone: botnet edition at this very second

i cant wait for all these retards to get btfo once all their info is exposed


It really is a game for manchildren.

made email with nothing on it just to play :^)

also using xprivacy.

I'm also playing pokemon and Im hoping to get in contact with a cute 12yo little girl :3

Mah nigga

13 year old edge lord. They get younger and younger...

>I hate popular things: The thread


Why are there no videos people post online of themselves actually 'playing' the game? It's only memes and shit. That's because the game itself is actually retarded. Flick poke balls at pokemon which pop up at you once you get with range. And just farm coteries and bell sprouts for hours on end.

Go on twitch

>lel nothing to hide XDD
>lol stop hating popular things XDDD

Where the fuck am I ?

>parents didn't buy me Pokémon as a child
>Still mad
>Better shitpost on Sup Forums

We leddit now