What is the very best linux ever?

What is the very best linux ever?

Debian and then Arch if you want to get flashy

RedHat if you are going to actually build something professional


There is no such thing. It depends what you are wanting to do, and what hardware you have.

> TL;DR, fuck off back to Sup Forums

the one you like


What if I want to use it for games and shitposting?

This. OP may as well have asked "what is the best cloth for clothing"

Sage because obvious troll thread.



Every most recent release


this is the real answer

Install Gentoo

also, Stallman would slap your face, you should refer to it as Gnu/Linux, if you didnt mean elusively the kernel


All other distros = extreme cuckoldry


If you want a broken distro and live like a true memester go for Arch.
If you like a stable distro that is not complete bullshit and does not require your permanent attention go for Red Hat, Slackware or Gentoo.

Anus linux >> any other distroname

Taboulé Linux

Linux Mint

Linux 16.04