i only have 100 mb/month on my phone, is that enough to play pokemon go?
how many hours/days will it last?
i only have 100 mb/month on my phone, is that enough to play pokemon go?
how many hours/days will it last?
>100 mb/month
That's not even enough for traffic on your GPS app.
He said mb
Where do you live? Venezuela? Africa?
Jesus christ OP, are you from the land of roos?
I used 50 MB in a couple hours of playing/walking.
I've since downloaded my area for offline use in Google Maps, will see if it reduces data usage or not but don't have an answer for you yet.
germany. i only pay 5 euro per for it and i can make free calls to t-mobile and home number. i thought 100 mb was pretty good?
>i thought 100 mb was pretty good?
work hard for the refugees, hans
thanks i am actually doing voluntary work at a refugee camp here, helping the doctors there with pc work (office and stuff).
How do you feel about all the nigs?
I hope you get stabbed.
>how many hours/days will it last?
About tree fiddy
I'm not a nigger, user....
nigs? the guys are syrians are arabs and from balkan. there are very few african with dark skin. I'm indifferent to their skin color or anyone else's, really.
Don't feel bad OP. I live in canada and 100MB of data is $10.00 /month, or $2 for 20MB that expires after 24 hours.
Come to romania.
We have 30GB in 4G + 5Gb in 3G for 4 euros a month.
>tfw my Koodo plan only comes with 500MB of data
I mean I rarely come close to using that much since I mainly use messaging apps that don't use too much data, but it would be nice to have more.
Koodos a scam, they kept upping my bill, and lowering services. Happy with Virgin though
Uhh, I honestly would play it unless I had at least 1gb
I sincerely commend your government on it's incredibly efficient mind control
Like, they literally have you guys giving your time and money away to undeserving people
Oh forgot to add. You do it with a smile on your face
They are undeserving because they are unlucky enough to be born in a shit place and you are entitled because you were lucky enough to be born in a good place :^)
'Merifag logic
Sup Forums is leaking everywhere these days, don't worry about it.
I'm deserving because I work for every dollar I earned
If any "refugees" comes here, I expect them to come here and work, not have their hands out waiting for money and food fall into their hands
Germany is fucked
>i thought 100 mb was pretty good?
You seem to have confused megabyte with gigabyte :^)
Last month they had a deal where their 1gig plan was the same price as the 500MB one. I switched over to it. Keep an eye out for stuff like that.
for that price it is ok.
You are lucky enough you are in a position to be born into a country where you have the opportunity to be educated and be able to work, they weren't and were never allowed the chance. Funnily enough the percentage of american citizens in america and the percentage of british citizens in britain claiming benefits is insanely higher, doing jack shit and never having worked in their life whislt refugees have been shown up to 90% to go into work when given their chance to get onto their feet.
Unfortunately you will then cry that they are taking your jobs so they can't have it either way :')
I don't know why I even bother trying to convince you.. can't wait til you vote trump in and get BTFO by Asia
>user asks a Sup Forums question in Sup Forums
>it turns into a Sup Forums tier shit flinging thread
Since we are shitposting, rate my uncle.
>Funnily enough the percentage of american citizens in america and the percentage of british citizens in britain claiming benefits is insanely higher,
Yeah. I hate those people, too
Imagine how much prosperity we would have if we just let them die of starvation
Oh, and they won't take my job. Less than 1% of them would probably be educated enough to take it
And I welcome that small number into this country with open arms
Also, I'm ethnically Chinese so if/when that happens, I can just go back to my motherland
Its a good deal for 5€ but you need more than 100 mb/month. 1 gb/month is what I would recommend if you have wifi at home and you regularly go outside.
100mb should last a few PG sessions for you though.
It won't be enough. Will probably last you two days.
You phone might download a bunch of updates for random shit depending on how it is set up.
>refugees have been shown up to 90% to go into work when given their chance to get onto their feet
No, it's more like 10% at best. You don't even understand teh work culture of arab countries. When they first came to germany they wondered where all the germans were. They expected to find them sitting at cafes and chilling out in the street. When someone said "they're at work", that took them completely by surprise!
Looks like RMS
Dont mind my post, just Lookin for that sweet GET
Pokemon Go is actually pretty light on mobile networks apparently. Though, my source isn't very reliable.
Source: Hearing someone say "Wow, it only used 5MB" after playing for an hour.
>not having HERE maps with offline maps and navigation
Jesus fucking christ, I hate these type of people.
Their country is shit, because they do nothing about it, and they are scum as well. They can't even grasp the concept of a working community, or to grow food. Instead, libtards let these scum into our cities, give them free money and housing, and they don't do anything to improve themselves, they just cry about how they aren't living like kings, then go off and rape women. All these refugees could change their countries future, they had many years to do so, but they just fail to fight for their country and freedoms, and spread cancer into places that take them in.
How is it a good deal for 5€? I get 100 free texts, 100 free calls, 4 gig of data for 15€
Not him but he mentioned traffic, which you'll need to download regardless. Also, google maps now has offline maps. Microsoft seem to have stopped caring about maps so basically HERE has been at a standstill. It's pretty useless now.
>Google maps has offline maps now
I thought it was only for a specific area? A town, a neighbourhood etc
I use it when I go traveling and download country maps.
>you'll need to download maps regardless
Obviously, at home..
I pay less than 10 euros a month, have unlimited calls, SMS and 5 gigabytes a month ;^)
>i only pay 5 euro per for it and i can make free calls to t-mobile and home number. i thought 100 mb was pretty good?
What service are you using? I use AldiTALK and I pay 3,99€ for 150MB. Doesn't include free calls but then again I never call anyone.
Lithuania, I also paid 5 euros a month for 100 gpbs unlimited internet
Google maps offline has improved a lot recently. You can download about a 100 miles across now, and search offline too. The maps automatically redownload themselves near the end of the month over wifi, and you can have as many as you want. So unless you're on a roadtrip with literally no planning you can pokego with offline maps no problem, and that should cut your data down to almost nothing
Where am I? Is this 2005?
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>getting buttblasted by the comment so much you resort to insulting jewish smiley
besorg dir nutzclub brudi. da haste 100 MB umsonst
>being this mad over a specific combination of three characters
From what I've heard, it can use 25-50mb+ per day so no, you would need a 1gb or higher data cap.
shut up autist this isn't your intro to CS course
>using the smiley with a carat nose
in two days of playing (I'm now level 5), I used 25mb. so, with an hour or two per day, you'd run out of data in less than four days.
sorry user
Don't listen to these people. The only news they ever look to is from Sup Forums and breitbart and whatever christian website tells them that evolution and climate change are made up
>Limited Data
Idk how different T-Mobile is from T-Mobile US but try going for 5 gigs or so. In the US the plan for 5 gigs is for 4G then anything over that is throttled to 2G but not extra charges
>Telekom Start
hahajaha end yourself right now, martin
>Also, I'm ethnically Chinese so if/when that happens, I can just go back to my motherland
Uhm... no I don't think your "motherland" appreciates people who just moved out and made their life outside of China.
>can I play game with
You seem to be confusing v for g
This has to be a Troll but dem digits