/tit/ - Tech Illiteracy Thread - Thread Starter Edition

There are no tech illiteracy threads, so why not make one?
I'll start:
>it's 2000
>just learned about linux
>you had to buy linux back then because everyone had dial-up
>bought red hat 7
>installed it
>few days later my mom went to use it
>how do i launch windows programs? they seem to not load
>what is bash
>what is x, y, z, etc.
>eventually asks me if she should take the computer to a service center
>you could of just let me reinstall windows
>a day later she takes it in anyway because she forgot about what i said
>you know the rest of the story

How do you split an iPhone in half while drinking?

>be me
>play vidya on my sister's toshiba laptop (pes 2004)
>alt f4 every time mom comes in to check if i am playing vidya again
>learn alt tab years later and lament

Did David cut his phone in half...? Such a waste

>be me
kill yourself redditshitter


Newfag detected

I don't think you can cut a phone like that with the battery not exploding.

>be me
Has been the standard preface indicating a greentext is in first person for many many years.

Please be less new.

Never understimate the stupidity of a drunken man

reddit newfags

My parents think storing your phone and wallet in the same pocket is a bad idea

They think the magnetic strip on credit and debit cards will wipe the phones data

Its a bad idea because iits easier to steal both

>3 4

Greentext always was considered that you're talking in 1st person. Redditfags never grasped this, so they stared using "be me". Also your formating screams reddit, newfag.

Gr8 b8 m8 I R8 8/8

epic, simply epic

>paying for linux
That's some top level tech illiteracy right there

>trying to download linux
>when everyone had dialup

Not sure if bait or retard...


delete this;

I did

You don't. He clearly sawed it in half, after breaking the screen, to show off to his friends and get cool "drunk cred". He's the retard at every party who exaggerates drunkenness where people laugh behind his back.


4chinz greentext has started with
>be me
for as long as I can remember.

Plebbit greentext OTOH is really cringe-inducing:
>be me, 21yo lgbqtbbq
>don't be my father who's always drunk and doesn't consider me like a son JUST because I happen to like cock
>don't be my dog

Please be aware of that.


Yeah, thats actually pretty accurate. I knew a guy who had cable in the late 90s and it was a 128kbps connection. I had dial up at home, at school we have a really nice ISDN dual connection going that gave you 128kbps with download speeds of 14kb/s it was always fast. Wasn't until 2003 it became more ubiqutous to have cable/dsl at home (western european country).

Standard cost of DSL was 35.99 plus around 19 for the phone service and that gave you 2GB of bandwidth plus 20GB of bandwidth for national IP blocks. Mine was 5GB total bandwidth 3GB down and 2GB up, but those were the early days. A year after they raised it to 5GB down and then 10GB down and then 50GB down and now there are no limits. The cool days were really the late 90s because everyone who was online was on IRC, that is what you got online for, then with WIndows XP everyone got directed to MSN Messenger, it became harder to make friends online if you didn't already have friends, I'd go to IRC until around 05 when it became pretty evident how dead it was. Kinda would like to get back into IRC but I don't have a clue what servers or rooms to go to.

Heh us oldfags right?

Fuck off

I don't know if this counts as illiteracy but the wifi is really slow on my laptop all of a sudden but not on anything else I didn't know where else to ask? Anyone had this problem?

>could of
just die