This goes deeper than you think.
Other urls found in this thread:
2 Ω
2 ohm
0 ohm, because the current bypasses the resistors with those thick fucking wires that are around them.
Fuck, I can't do this from my phone. Is everything on the image, or there is more stuff I should know?
(1*4)/(1+4) + (2*3)/(2+3) =
4/5 + 6/5 =
10/5 =
prove it
later, i don't want to spoil other user's fun
it's paralel resistor connection
this:is correct
1/3 ohm
it was 0.5 dude. first and last one in parallel, the middle one is useless
I think everyone's math autism has made them miss the point of this thread.
Fuck it took me a lot to see it but it's 1/3. All are connected from and to the same voltage.
you're right. i'm stupid
Pajeet pls
4 / 5
6 / 5
10 / 5
How are you guys getting 1/3?
Shouldn't it completely bypass the first resistor?
pic related
Yes, that is correct.
nevermind, I'm retarded
anyone got a proper sketch?
but you have to divide first
4/5 + 6/5 = 1/5 * (4+6)
4 / 5 = .8
6 / 5 = 1.2
10 / 5 = 2
Try propagating the voltage across the wires, electricity flows as a potential field, not as a fluid with inertia user, so all of them are connected with +whatever to - whatever, so all are in parallel.
>inb4: it was bait reply
Color everything that touches the first bridge in red, the other in blue, and you'll see that each resistor has a blue end and a red end
Yeah I managed to figure it out now, thanks it's confirmed
i know only this one, sorry user
If you really want to, here's a common one
>using green instead of blue
improved readability
I didn't know there's a color standard. I don't usually color my stuff like that. I'm first semester in college.
Who designed this
Don't listen to him, he's severely autistic
That's not something I can do while taking a shit, fuck.
physics textbook writers, i remember seeing this in hs
No, it wouldn't bypass that resistor, if it's a path that it can take and it isn't shorted around then some current will go there.
where can i start learning about cryptography
it always seemed so interesting to me
sp everyone is hung upon just ohms but it seems like there's a puzzle here
any hints? what's the letters in lowerleft about
>join 'nonemousse
>post lewd Mongolian silk in desktop threads
>do all that in secret
Go to the videos part and enjoy
>OP trying to un-derail his thread that derailed because EE is more interesting than this ARG bullshit
Disregard previous link
theit videos have been moved to YT
can't find my old books :/ it was 15 years ago when i had to learn this
5/6, using symmetry
mfw i can derivate and integrate easily
mfw can into basic mat
What are you doing on Sup Forums?
What is the resistance between the circled nodes?
The grid of resistors stretch out infinitely in all directions. All resistors are 1 ohm
>not as a fluid with inertia user
Actually it's pretty much analogous to water, including inertia.
whats up with all the 2ohm fags?
its 5ohm from source to drain, people
(4+1)/2 + (2+3)/2
That's not how it works...
R = (r1 * r2) / (r1 + r2)
thank you user
-1 ohm
>being THIS retarded
Zero, because there is no resistance without current.
t. first year EE
Can anyone prove? I don't get it.
if doesn't answer your question, you're retarded
Pajeet tier thread lmao
All these illiterates…
No you don't - that's the distributive property:
4/5 + 6/5 = 4*1/5+6*1/5
= (4+6)*1/5
= 10*1/5 = 10/5
You're still wrong, as was pointed out above you
It is 2 ohms + wiring resistance at DC. At higher frequencies, the effective resistance will change due to parasitics as any real component has inductive and capacitive components as well.
Oh boy here we go
Dare you enter my magical realm?
0, you just have squiggly lines, not resistors
>back to Sup Forums
Can you please explain how to came to the solution of 5/6?
I want to solve the magical realm one.
>4D resistor grid
It should give you about 0.635
Cool! What software is that?
Thank you! I can really use such a thing.
My mind is melting by trying this shit out by myself, I give up and listen to some music again and consume memes.
Maybe you could try Multisim, it's GUI is more friendly, or go to
Thanks, I haven't been on for some months already.
solve it using KVL and KCL
I don't get it.
I hate using that big E sign in maths, it's part of the stuff I couldn't bear anymore. Vector calculus is another fuck I can't stand.
big E?
KVL and KCL is literally simultaneous equations
Feel my pain
Maths degree
People at work ask me to add and multiply numbers less than 1000
I shouldn't have gone to university
10 ohms The whole thing ends up in series.
Just follow the lines.
wow, i guess Sup Forums is retarded and cant even do addition