New mobile homescreen thread, Sup Forums

New mobile homescreen thread, Sup Forums.

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just started ricing nova, using shitty mobile data so i couldn't download zooper widget.

Still deciding what I want to do with it, it's unfinished atm. The dock swipes left and right for social media and banking / amazon / ebay etc, swipe up brings up app drawer and swipe down is notif bar. Tried the "remove notification bar" meme and replaced it with a zooper widget, had incorrect battery life, used more ram and was just shitty to look at in general. Not doing that again

Lol forgot pic

I am going to assume u are using whicons
There is a Pikachu whicon which u can use to replace the shitty pokemon go whicon

I really like this! it has sort of a mystical feel to it

Pretty damn nice, but I would recommend either getting another pape or icon pack, or just move some of your icons, because a couple of them are hard to see.

Rate my homescreen

Looks nice. Would you mind uploading the pic?

is this the cell phone desktop thread


Those icons look horrid, would rather go for something like a flat-design icon pack. Clock could be smaller. Where is that photo taken?

Spend hours with Nova, always end up back at stock

What icon pack would you suggest?

Yeah, I agree the clock could be smaller.

I took the screenshot of my homescreen.

Smart launcher, no icon pack, stock wallpaper.


Is the Yui icon the camera app?

no but that's a good idea lol



Recently token from /w/

>being ton team mistake

Here is mine cant qait for the new die antwoord album

Forgot image

You seem to have made a mistake yourself friend (^:




It's my first time, be gentle.

Mystic fags are truly the worst

Numero dos

what launcher is that?

All very nice

sauce please?

>not having the greatest phone ever made


pic not related


Sorry for l8 reply


Akari is nice but she's not best girl.

roast me




she definitely is, followed by Alice

Got a new screensaver.


this is mine, separate rate post
not terrible but the top looks cluttered and the go icon must go
nice, maybe move the girl and icons up and even out the spacing from the system buttons
the detach between the home row and the grid of icons doesn't look too hot, also some of the icons blend in with the pape. maybe try something with black outlines?
wonderful and minimalistic, if that's what your into. other than personal preference, perfect execution
get an icon pack and a better pape, doesn't look good as is. without changing the pape, maybe make an icon grid fully below the horizon and make the date more visible by moving it out of the way of those clouds
everything about this is wrong so I can only assume it's only jokes my dude
tops a little cluttered for my taste, get an icon pack if you go off stock again and remove labels
get rid of the search bar, the labels, arrange your icons so they're not in front of anything and get an icon pack that isn't thin lines, that never looks good over even light background noise
make the font and size of the text on the top and bottom the same, and maybe try to find a higher res pape
not a very nice pape, too much noise below icons, icons different res than clock
get an icon pack, I'd change the pape, get rid of that folder, who needs a page indicator, try to fix the spacing to make the app drawer even between the system buttons and the icon grid
well stylized
maybe shrink the icons a good amount to less overpower the symbol of your pape, in fact shrink the clock too, also normalize your three different fonts and figure out if that's really how you want your search bar, if you do that's ok
very very nice, just add stronger shading where the system buttons are to better differentiate them from the white background

Looks great user. Would you mind uploading the pic?



alright but not a big fan of the icon placement, maybe make just one grid?
>having no stock customizability
date is illegible, two clocks
too busy and too stock
gross keyboard, too stock, asymmetric
you don't need those labels and, while it can't really be fixed, the background is kinda busy behind the icons
I like the pape but the system buttons and icons are hard to see and on top of parts of the character, also that circle right above the similar home button kinda bothers me

What's the icon pack?

two (of the same clocks), mismatched icons,b background's too busy, why the black app tray?, just make all the icons k-on characters and find a k-on pape with places that have little going on where you can out your clocks and icons, and for God's sake please don't put the system buttons over something busy


That's good, but the white icons kinda clash with that background.

I've never had the issue of being unable to read the date, but I've changed it to be more legible to appease you

Can't remove the tray clock as at&t prevents root and custom roms

>cicada 3301

i will do none of that ok ty

Really like this one

Also mine.

Would have changed font as well but I haven't rooted.

what's this painting?


Pokemon go ruined it for me



Thomas Cole - the course of empire
"The consumption of empire"

>check em digits

>pokemon go

This is genuinely horrible. Kys fham


Move the icons to the side so they don't cover anything, remove the page indicator and the icon text and it might look better.

Scrolling through that image feels pretty weird


Hah, first time seeing someone else use Loop on Sup Forums.

It's a nice summer-y theme, but it feels a tad crowded. Do you really need that Google bar?

If I were you, I'd move the clock to the top middle, change the folder icon of that "Social" folder and move it somewhere lower (Oh, and Loop too). Keep your setup bottom-heavy.

What's that icon pack called, by the way?

Icon pack is Min

Do I get it from fdroid? Or from playstore? And thanks for info

Hate? Appreciate?

>Not being team valor

Pokemon NO

Anyone have any simple yet nice clock widgets?

Play store, np

Could you post the background? Where'd you find a high resolution version of that picture?

>tfw had to reset and update my phone, lost my jailbreak

At least I can try out iOS 10 now.


>pokemon go


Dunno which to use

Post pape bls

what mod to get battery left on home button ?

Messed with KWGT to get this beautiful thing.

Also the wallpaper is animated but I got lazy to record a webm.

>inb4 animated wallpaper drains battery

Hasn't impacted me in a major way, so that argument is out of the bag.

It might be iShit. But it's my iShit.

I love my wallpaper

Nice background

Nothing to see here

Are you chadwyck hayden from pathfinder? I used to know you man.

Nice homescreen faggot



Looking at it now, the email widget could be smaller

Hey, no I don't need that Google bar, at all, but I like it. I will try out your suggestions!

Icon pack name is materialistick. Here's the link

PS: loop is great, I use it everyday and I found it really helpful for keeping track of stuff I do!

didn't know I had buds who went on Sup Forums (unless one of them is who i think it is)

