What is the best screen resolution and size for getting actual work done and why is it 5120 x 2880 at 27"?
What is the best screen resolution and size for getting actual work done and why is it 5120 x 2880 at 27"?
Well It seems like that's the best resolution to be retarded.
t. poorfags
tfw you buy a little monitor to match your little wee wee :(
lol "poorfags"
there is nothing expensive about a 2-3k computer. If you think THAT is expensive then sorry buddy you're the poorfag.
>signaling by simply saying that it isn't expensive even though that's clearly at the upper end of the consumer PC market
>eschewing objective truths in favor of arbitrary relativism
>all to impress someone and perpetuate a pointless argument on a mongolian underwater papyrus crafting forum
But I use a 32" 4k.
do you have a job?
>being this poor
lmao. i bet you use linux too
so you use a some budget television instead of an actual computer monitor?
>instead of addressing what he said I'll just fall back on using the same arguments that he'd otherwise be using
this rhetorical tactic isn't gonna work, you're just a moron and you've been called out on it
OP is a cock sucking dick slave that wants to drown in a bath tub full of semen.
Yeah im sure on one of my laptops floating around i have linux installed.
2560 x 1600 at 30"
>throwing UX out of the window by using a top panel on Windows
>all this 1337 gam3r shit
dude what
>27" @ >=4K
Pants on head retarded.
31MU97-B master race
t. Not Steve Job's bitch
>purchase Dell Ultrasharp U2515H
>doesn't work at its native resolution
>narrow problem down to my motherboard not supporting higher than 1080p output
Guess that's what you get for buying an ASRock. Had to order another motherboard, exact same B85 chipset for my i5-4590. Fuck technology.
>sweeping generalization; thing is retarded because I said so
>arbitrary model number look how cool i am xd
>reference to a dead guy meme
nice meme
>That grasping at straws response
>That buttfrustration
Here are these colors a bit less triggering?
...buy a graphics card?
>being a dirtyfag
>being some kind of childlike idiot who actually buys this garbage
jesus christ, are you an IRL caricature of a fat greasy neckbeard?
Fat? Bitch please.
Stay triggered.
>He thinks 27" is large
Is that meme dead too?
Is you need to scale to use the monitor, it's retarded and counterproductive
>Is you need to scale to use the monitor, it's retarded and counterproductive
uh... why
the entire premise of higher resolutions is that you scale so things like text and UI are sharper while images potentially display more information/clarity
this is the whole premise behind mobile OS's
you're just making shit up so you have something to complain about
>being a poorfag
>not using the Dell P4317Q master race
Poorfags, retards and plebs!
>Dell P4317Q
I want this.Taking an inventory of things I can sell, right now. Fucking beautiful.
Did OP get BTFO of his own thread?
I think so
But it's only like 1,3 K USD. Hardly anything to call poorfag over.
>monitor alone costs more than imac
wonder why its better
My 32" 4k BenQ BL3201PT is just fine.
>icons on the desktop
Real productive shit there laddo