Is there any reason today other than being extremely poor or autistic not to have streaming accounts instead of...

Is there any reason today other than being extremely poor or autistic not to have streaming accounts instead of collecting and storing media files on physical disks in a primitive fashion?


> Always available
> No buffering
> nNompression / quality drops
> No subscription (assuming you meant netflix etc)

have fun losing everything you once loved after the Happening

I think the music files I pirate tend to be CD rips which sound better than most streaming versions of them.

256k adsl
data caps on cellular providers
being a data hoarder is fun anyway

>tfw you know the autismal joy of organizing every last bit of media the way you want it

With the private trackers I use, the quality and content is much better than the services I have. I have subscriptions with Netflix and Hulu, but those I mostly use for TV shows and I don't use any music streaming service except for Plex if that counts.

>you will never slide your dick down this thick girl's anus

Yeah, having actual quality in movies

>"HD" streaming
>Bitrate on par with a DVD
>"4K" streaming
>Bitrate 1/8th a bluray

I like to keep the better things local, never know when the streaming service will up and lose the thing you wanted to see. Has happened a few times to me already.

Also I guess not everyone has good reliable internet, relatively so shit in the us, it's not funny.


this reminded me of this guy I was talking to about audio.
>talking to him about FLAC
>tells me FLAC is shit and bloated
>says that he listens to all his music uncompressed
>mfw he declares the only format he uses is .cda

This, I've been hording niche porn on my phone for this reason.

Once the internet is kill, my 128GB SD card will be worth more than all the gold in the world.


But Plex does transcoding, right?

Streaming services cant into bd-remux.

Streaming services usually don't have obscure Russian films from the 1920s

>state is doing data cap trials next month
>currently downloading 230 GB of anime in protest

for me it's just because i don't want to see ads ever. sooner or later it's going to be much harder to obtain an archive of videos like we can today.

there is not internet when I go several hundred feet underwater

>insincere smile
>gauged ears
>dresses like a hoodrat

She fucks around on you several times a year. I bet that dog is real buddy buddy with a couple guys you've never met.

direct play my music (mp3), no transcoding necessary. When it comes to Plex video transcoding though, Kodi is preferable.

Speed and security.

>better quality content
>have more shows and movies I watch than Netflix does
>can watch without Internet
>if I want to throw some episodes or a movie on my phone, I already have it locally so I just download it from my server

you wear your cuck porn fetish like a badge of honor.

I use plex but I don't think I've ever had anything that needed to be transcoded.

On all my local clients just use direct play

>storing media files on physical disks in a primitive fashion