Last Sup Forums meme you fell for?

last Sup Forums meme you fell for?

I fell for the chromebook meme


it's not a meme you fucknugget

That is not a chromebook :^^^)

Chromebook too.

I fucking love it. It's amazing what a 6w celeron can do.

>Gaming PC
>Gentoo Linux

I wish I didn't fall for all these memes. My life would be so much better.


amd processor, an fx, it's a pos of shit.
should have bought a used i5

Gentoo. Been pretty awesome so far. Hopefully I'll be falling for the thinkpad soon =)

I'm 4/5. I'm basically a meme master.

>no gf

You have to be 18+ to post here. Just delete your thread and go do high school things. You shouldn't be wasting your time here till college happens or you move out of your parents place

B-b-ut I'm 27 and live with my girlfriend user.

>over 18
>living with parents
>attending college
I live the NEET life between classes. It is a pretty good feel.

I would fall for her memes if you get my meaning ;)

>He fell for the getting a girlfriend and not living with his parents meme

I'm considering falling for the Overwatch meme

But that would also meme falling for the video games meme and that 2 memes too many

I fell for the Bailey Jay meme.

try harder, google employee

I didn't think Sup Forums would consider meme a good thing

It's actually decent, nerds and gurl gaymers pretending it's a hardcore competitive game are retarded though.

Has enough players that you can just fuck around and have a good time.

> 32 GiB of mememory (4x 8 GiB)
I should have gone with 64 GiB. Now I'll have to sell these to some poorfag who will give me less than half of what I've paid for it.


>falling for the 64GiB RAM meme when the 8GiB RAM meme is enough

meme means tit in my language... what a coincidence.

I'm 27; college life is behind me.

I miss it.

Best meme

whose tits are these?

Ultrawide monitor. It's actually really nice for photo editing and Side-by-side comparison in Lightroom.

I got a Chromebook for free, the hinge broke though. Probably going to buy another, I miss that thing

raspberry pi
gtx 970

Nice ass

whore-tier fake tits, most likely

Im married and i went to college so I am a fukking meme bro. Fell for lagdroid and is opera mini a meme too?

what do you use the chromebook for?

Dual booting ubuntu/ debian

that is one ugly laptop lmao

tfw my dick will never find itself between those titties

970 GTX

16gb of ram

I fell for it all.

Not using a DE for basic programming classes, and GNU/Linux.

I'm happy. Flatmate asked that I explain to him how to solve his babby-tier C++ programming assignment.
> lecturer gives them VisualStudio project
> have to scroll through literally 3 screens of comments just to get to the first #include directive
> include ALL THE THINGS
> horribly bloated mess of a program using all sorts of Pajeet-tier methods just for fucking printing to stdio when printf would have worked fine
> several hundred lines of unannotated code
> say fuck this
> boot up personal laptop
> open gedit
> rewrite the whole mess in less than 100 lines (including whitespace and comments)
> only neded to #include stdio.h, nothing else
> literally does the same as lecturer's POS, but faster and code is more readable
> open terminal, $ gcc -o better-prog better-prog.c, compiles instantly
> $ ./better-prog to execute, no shitty popups if I want to start a debugger project or what the fuck ever
All he had to do was read 3 numbers from stdio, (v_in, r1, r2), calculate the voltage across r2 and output over stdio and write the result into a text file; loop until user terminates program.

>attention seeker: the post

>still have a zune
>have Nokia touch screen phones
>a few MS Surfaces
>an original iPad

Quite a few meems

Bachelor of Computer Science.

>I live with my girlfriend
so you see your lover as a trophy?

10/10 underrated post

by the way where the fuck are all the AMD trolls with the new vulkan results, i expected 24/7 shitposting i am dissapoint

I don't care as long as they make my dick hard.


Boobs meme

>plastic tits

You fell for the worst meme you dumbass