You have 2.47 gorillaseconds to explain why you aren't using the best Operating System in the world

You have 2.47 gorillaseconds to explain why you aren't using the best Operating System in the world

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I am and it's called Gentoo Linux

Pic unrelated I hope

Debian is shit.

that's not windows

Pic related

Hello pajeet, how's the streets today?

i wouldn't call it the best, but i use it

Does it work with UEFI on a laptop ?

If you can disable secure boot, yes.

How is it better than Ubuntu minimal cd?

I get windows 7 8 and 10 free, I use my computer for video games, and I'm not sure if all the software I use in school will work with Linux, windows 10 works fine, and 'botnet' isn't worth switching to escape. If the FBI or NSA get a warrant for my information they can have it, I have no problem with that.

Because of the fucking new SystemD.

i don't really understand the hate for systemD. i find it works fine and does what it's ment to do. someone mind explaining why everyone has a hissy fit over it?

>SJW devs


-Half assed freeetard wannabe distro
-No PPA, replaceable by Ubuntu
>older = stable :-DDD
-Logo designed by photoshop
-Garbage wiki

Give me one reason to use it over ubuntu

Oops. Wrong pic posted

I like windows :)

logo was designed by that feminist when she let her pms splat on the canvas beneath her

> no OSX master race

>Cuck distro

But I am!

what do you find wrong with fedora?

>faggot race

Fedora, by definition is unstable

because it doesn't have Adobe CC


Debian and Fedora are most likely the best distros you can use if you don't want to play around or learn something about linux yourself, aka you want just a good OS that does it's job.

Come at me boys.

It's shit, mint comes working with everything out of the box.

I'm gonna ditch it because of systemd.

There's no stable package in fedora, those are moved to redhat

>if you don't want to play around
>doesn't even include sudo by default

Awesome dude. Better than the previous one.

Keep denying lmao. Enjoy being a lab rat in RHEL testing ground

You sure told me man. My only choice now is to rm -rf / amarite?

It has nothing to do with three-letter agencies retard. Any half brains mongoloid can crack into a stolen and unencrypted Windows box.

I am using it tho

Which one?

Debian Outdated
Debian Unstable

I perosnally like debian. Can take a bit to set up but it's stable and works well. I'd run unstable or testing though.

But I sort of enjoy ubuntu more. much better community and just more.

how does a gorillasecond differ from a regular second?

do you see gorilla in normal second? no?

A gorilla second is a unit of distance, not time

but I am

Stupid macOS poster.