What are some irc channels that Sup Forums likes to hang out in?
People still use IRC?
What the fuck? It's 2016, not 1996, grow up and still living in the past.
It has a good community... And is secure
every channel is an op-circlejerk with hourly dick measuring contests, or an autist-hive with people spewing Sup Forums tier nonsense
Fine. Tell me about a chat service that isn't a bloated botnet.
>People still watch TV?
>Wtf its 2k+16 and not 1960 or some shit xddd
I haven't watched TV in years, save for dinner time when my mom watches it while she eats and I can hear it.
How old are you...
Why are you still living with your mum?
Because I'm a gigantic sperglord life failure. Not a big deal, I only feel bad that she doesn't let me pay her anything for rent. I cover most of my expenses otherwise, but she does make dinners I eat sometimes.
We don't even have a tv in our home anymore
#gentoo only.
you should grab your fucking balls and start living user.
My basement bedroom is comfy and free, why would I want to go pay money to live somewhere that will be objectively shittier, probably near niggers, and won't have my mom to make sure I get up for work on time and shit
You have a cute mom. Buy her some flowers tomorrow
Go hang out with your cousins or sisters/brothers, much more fun.
The dubs are right, user. Shit, I think I'll get some for my Mom tomorrow as well.
Meant to quote
instead of
woah u rly redpill bootstraped dat boi
As a mom myself, please don't. We already know you love your parents if you're willing to live with them in the same house. Just do us a solid, get a job and make us proud. Maybe take care of us when we're so fucking old walking to the park feels like D-day.
cause she will die or get too old to take care of you, by then, you'll have to start a career and take care of her on your own
If she dies then I'll probably still get to live here with my dad. If he dies they'll probably just give me their house or something because my other brothers already moved out and got married and shit
did you miss the part where he said "get up for work on time" and "doesn't let me pay her anything"?
>did you miss the part where he said "get up for work on time"
You can't rely on mom and pop forever lad, it's a very dangerous thing. What will you do when we are kill?
>"doesn't let me pay her anything"?
Because she wants him to save money so he can fuck off for his own good. Yeah we make some strange sacrifices like that but we secretly do them so you can hopefully get out of the bird nest and fend for yourself.
#noodles at rizon
and you want to die alone? do you have some sort of condition that makes you undatable?
>using irc
Sup Forums uses discord funny guy
>and you want to die alone?
Preferably, yes. I don't really enjoy the company of others.
I think you're confusing pooling resources with taking advantage of someone. Times change, and multi-generational households are on a huge rise.
If a backup alarm clock is relying on someone too much, I wonder how your relationships are.
is your mother cool with hookers on the premises or are you not into that as well?
Leave him alone. He's one of those people that hasn't found "the one".
yeah, no.
Really doubt she'd allow hookers, growing up I was never allowed to have friends over and never allowed to go to friends'
Also no alcohol allowed so I think hookers are just a no-go. That said I'm not interested in sex. I masturbate about once a week; I really just don't get the urge to do it any more often than that.
well that sounds kind of shitty, I've lived with family for extended amounts of time but could do whatever I wanted.
if they were in my business like that, I'd be out faster than a redditor at a trump rally
Don't worry you'll probably find "the one" soon. Maybe go get fit and/or lose weight, dress nicely so she doesn't have to spend half her life looking for you.
Well I don't really make enough money to move somewhere on my own because I have student loan payments and a car payment.
Maybe once I pay off my car I can afford to move out - and I'd have to find a roommate that can help me adjust to living away from home
Has nothing to do with the frequency.
It sounds like you either live in a very dangerous place, or that your family really fucked you over, I would be making a real effort to leave and never see them again, but that is just me, I really don't know your relation with your parents.
As to sex, I really prefer it to masturbating, I know there are people who prefer their hand, because you can control the grip strength, but not being able to thrust or feel the woman's legs and body is a turn off for me. And licking my gf's pussy really turns me on, but to which his own.
Not sure if this conversation really belongs in a SFW board, but fuck it.
It's 2016 and you're still on Sup Forums?
WTF dude, stop living in the past.
Who gives a fuck, shut up, this thread ain't about you.
#Sup Forums
you're welcome
It is now, you motherfucker, are you really missing out on a great IRC conversation? fucking autists
u sure?
Yes I'm sure, this ain't Sup Forums, you fucking sperglords.
>not being disgusted by the feeling of being touched by someone
like OMG seriously why aren't you buying a slack subscription?
People don't use IRC because they love the protocol so much. They use it because it is the only real-time discussion platform with the /people/ they want to talk to.
Stop derailing the conversation, we are discussing an user who lives in his parent's basement.
>As a mom myself
Tomorrow you're gotta be the dad?
Stop derailing the thread.
#8church on rizon
No, you're feeding a troll dipshit.
>its against the rules
cried the overgrown fetus
I'm sure you can make a thread about that in Sup Forums and continue there. Stop being a newfag.
Such crybabies, by god, I new this board was full of autists, but I thought it was grown basement dweller autists, like user over there, not 12 year olds.
We were talking about IRC. Let's get back to the topic.
You really must be basic to not see the irony when being played yourself.
Bored already, Sup Forums threads always follow the same templates, nothing interesting ever develops, and even though we had this same thread over a thousand times, there are still some children who will request to go back to the fucking boring topic... if you really want to go back to the topic, just wait till tomorrow, when the next iteration of this thread emerges.
But user, go fuck yourself and go back to Sup Forums if you can't handle it.
Also remember, you must be over 18 anyways to use this site.
That's the saddest place you could ever go...
Why would I need IRC when I can communicate directly with God?
No one cares if you're a mum, mums are the most overrated group of people in the world.
>What are some irc channels that Sup Forums likes to hang out in?
If I told you, you'd only go there.
Can't have that.
If it wasn't for mums being fucking sluts I wouldn't have to live this pitiful meaningless life
>my mommy never loved me
Really sad user, but this is not the place.
That's bullshit, everyone had a shitty family. It doesn't give you an excuse to be a shitty person
>everyone had a shitty family
Any good technology channels anons?
I'm moving back in with my parents soon. There's major advantages like saving money. Also at age 29 you realize things about life, one of them being no one lives forever, I want to spend more time with my parents while they are healthy, and I want to save some money right now. So I'm gonna do the same thing as the user who doesn't watch tv. I don't either.
Jesus Christ you're a piece of work, living with his parents makes him a creep? Typical female shit, maybe he's had it with women for a while maybe he had a bad breakup maybe he actually has kids you don't know him. Believe it or not but men do have it harder than women in the western world, they don't have entire wings in hospitals dedicated to their titties or special pussy benefits.
>le current year meme
>implying he won't care for his mother anyways
wow , you fucking middle class angst against your parents is glaring through the monitor
#plez on rizon
don't worry, just as many broke ass millenial ladies are living at home these days.
the trends in the last 5 years are way up for both sexes aged 20-30.
#Sup Forumssicp and #Sup Forumstechnology
On where?
Weak troll / 10
>still using 90s codecs when vp9 exists
I can't watch TV, because it looks like shit.
IRC is great though.