How technologically accurate is this show?

How technologically accurate is this show?

Memes aside it's pretty accurate.

"Muh amnesia, muh imagined relatives."

It's the most accurate show, but got damn the writing is hackneyed, soap opera shit.

This. The story could be much better IMO. Let's hope S2 will be better.

It's semi-accurate
They got the "techy" stuff right, but too much "hurr durr darknet drugs deepweb, edgy troubled 1337 haXor"

try to take this show lightly OP

This. And this:

Out of curiosity, how many people here watched both Mr. Robot and Person of Interest?

fairly accurate up to a point.

their usage of a honey pot was cringe worthy hollywood tech.

>omg turn off the honey pot switch for the root kit to launch

They did some shit hacking into a jail that is absolute bullshit too. He supposedly gets access through a police cars 4G signal but that would not give you access into any of the infrastructure of the jail.

Elliot can be a fucking pussy ass beta sometimes it's hard to watch.

It's ok, but that isn't really what the show is about.

it's satirical, it's deconstructing anti-establishment media, not meant to be taken quite so literal

What are you from fucking Sup Forums?
>Elliot can be a fucking pussy ass beta sometimes it's hard to watch.
user goes on Sup Forums.

like 20% ish? They get some tech stuff right cosmetically (like names) but the character and some of the themes are rediculous meant to scare/pander to tech-illiterate people

Here senpai , alright person of interest but the Mr.Robot is my top Ramen for right now , shows pretty good code accurately and not fucking apt-get meme like watch dogs

Post screenshots with terminal windows from the show and we will de-construct them.

You can see Sup Forums open on his desktop for a brief moment in one of the episodes.

it's decent, the 'hacking scenes' where it's just a guy running ./ or ./expl0it.c are pretty accurate

the edgy fight club ripoff vibe i get it from it is lame, though



how do u run execs w/o running chmod first lmao

What? Now, how do you run .c file, that is a good question.

0 to 3% accurate

it's a very pretentious show that panders to normalfags, traps, and people who have nothing better to do with their lifes


that show is unwatchable now. I watched first two shows and it's unbearable and pretentious and some scenes are just goofy.

RIP Mr Robot. They should have cancelled it and finished on the high note.

It started off fairly accurate, the first few episodes of season 1 were pretty much on the money, albeit melodramatic. They start drifting after that.

Culturally and procedurally speaking they're nowhere near it. The tech is OK but the use of it is amateur hour.

There are C interpreters, but I don't see any way they could work a shebang into the file without it looking like shit: /*!/usr/bin/env c*/ or even //!/usr/bin/env c.

You can associate the c extension to the interpreter you pick and run it with mimetype-run, but I don't know if you can make "./program.c" somehow mean "mimetype-run program.c".

>executing a C source file

>not using c interactively
I thought this was 2016

>"techy" stuff right
The password cracking of social accounts seems pretty fake to me (apart from some cases).

To be more realistic Elliot shoud have a neckbeard and be obese.

>qt hacker grills

And how you know it?

Nah this post sucked. It has done good being off with hollywood pretentious hacking and it has achieved that without random references to KDE and Raspberry Pi.

Also, the character is not a hero or something. He is troubled, he is an (semi?) depressed mood and sees things in a cynical way, indeed, but that doesn't mean he is supposed to be preaching truths or something, just the way he sees them. If anything these "emo" shit show his deteriorated state of mind.

For the third argument first sentence is subjective entirely. For the rest, I don't have an opinion maybe he is right, except Mr Robot who I like.

TL;DR : It's good actually

PS: No, not really. I don't know if it's bad or good, but I know that post was a shitty attempt to tag it as objectively bad. The truth between my post and the other may be in the middle, or lean to his post, or mine. I don't care really.

Its one of the more accurate shows you'll find. Obviously there's flaws but only those who have a background in security/networking will spot them. It's entertaining and most of what goes on is somewhat believeable which is all you ask for.

this show is a more philosophical kind of show

that said i think Sup Forums will enjoy this movie as well as Sup Forums

where can I watch season 2 for free? The guy uploading the episodes to google looks like he gave up after season 1

I dunno. Trenton is a nice character, some of the may get annoyed by that.

Anyone here got a link with 1080p? Im not on US but the sites i've been was rendered in 360p.

Person of interest is fine if you don't think on how cringe the machine knowing how to hack everything is.
But i like it and think is fun.

Can an user confirm this? I remember seeing the Sup Forums homepage, but that's about it



It's shit. Memelord tier cringe. Maybe 40% accurate. Elliot is a shit character.