Is this board only for computers or can we discuss biomedical technology here too?

Is this board only for computers or can we discuss biomedical technology here too?

Can that thing run gentoo?
Is it made by AMD or Nvidia?
Can you rice it?
how many megapixels is the internal camera? Can it beat the new iPhone(tm)?

Sure, why not? I don't think 99% of this board will know shit about it though considering nobody owns this stuff.

I'm a BMET and I work on it for a living though so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

That's a Alaris 7230 dual channel pump. Basically, it sucks the fluid out of an IV bag and delivers it into a patient's body at a set rate which the nurse/doctor/whatever plugs into the computer on the device.

Only if you're asking what's the Sup Forums approved one to purchase.

I have always wondered how pic related works.

The big machines have full computers attached, right?

How long until I can become a cyborg?


Patient monitoring devices are pretty handy. You can get ECG, respiratory, invasive blood pressure, and oximetry.

It tells you the rhythm and rate at which the patient's heart beats, the pressure at which the heart is pumping the blood expressed in millimeters of mercury, and the level of oxygen the patient has in the form of a percentage (0-100%).

Most things in a medical setting are operated via computer these days, yes. However, if you're talking about something with a keyboard or mouse, then no. Most devices have their own onboard input/output systems manually operated by medical staff.

Never touched one. Looks interesting though.

Autoclave master race reporting in, Im a dentist btw

everything does, crash carts, ekg, and the imagers. plenty of imaging equipment is directly accessible on the wan and lots of times the default credentials are still set

what schooling is required

hows the pay

>You can get ECG, respiratory, invasive blood pressure, and oximetry.

Yeah I understand that it is what it tells you.
Is it Windows Embedded, is it MacOS, is it OS/2 is it Unix is it Linux, does it have a storage drive? Does it have battery backup?(it should) Could you hack it and install gentoo?

Associate's degree in biomedical technology

$32/hr with unlimited overtime if you want it due to a shortage of techs

I think a few of our devices run on Windows CE.


holy shit balls dude.... so, what are they going to use now?

In this ITT thread: IT guys who wear scrubs

>knocking wearing pajamas to work

Wearing scrubs is one of the top 5 things I enjoy most about my job

>Wearing scrubs is one of the top 5 things I enjoy most about my job
Who are the other four?

One of them is definitely all the qt nurses and scrub techs I'm constantly surrounded by.

Job satisfaction, pay & benefits, indoor work environment/out of the elements, & BMETs will always be needed and cannot be outsourced.

>cannot be outsourced
>surrounded by H1B visa holders

you're just a IT dude in a hospital setting, better start a nests egg dude, nothing lasts forever.

All the Pajeets become doctors in America. They can do an MBBS and basically just do the equivalent of a master's degree in the US, then get into residency here and make 5x more than a BMET.

Our field is predominantly white supernerds.

Honestly biomed sounded cool af, as a hardware\software guy. My biggest concern always was the small margin of error.

Any room for innovation? like with what you use everyday, what can be improved? Curious as a Software\HW Guy (Can do digital logic design, wiring shit up, uC Programming... can't make shit like sensors tho which are kinda common in Biomed).

I always kinda wanted to dick around with Volumetric Rendering and shit with CT data to get that running on low-cost machines and running in real time 3D, i'm certain this already exists, but i was just curious about doing it myself for shiggles.

Confirmed for not having a clue about the way the immigration system works in the US of A.

Consider yourself warned. Start saving and don't touch it.

do you really think Sup Forums understands the real world? they actually think linux is dominant in enterprise in things other than core banking systems.

indians become developers, hospitals are big in the IT game now but its not that simple. they are a business afterall, and security is the best sector of tech to be in for them. since they want to make money, they arent in the mood to upgrade infrastructure even with hippa to deal with

Wow. My GF is a medical lab scientist and she had to get a bachelor's for around $18/hour. You guys really earn your pay though; the machines at her hospital break down daily.

Her hospital switched over from MS-DOS *this fucking week.*

They upgraded to Windows 2000.

Whatever helps you feel better about yourself

True, also there's more to being a BMET than just IT stuff. There's more mechanical and electrical work than IT-themed services. I'd compare my job moreso to that of a controls electrician or electronics technician before I would a sysadmin or network engineer.

The software on most medical devices is so rudimentary that only basic knowledge is required for it. Your electrical and mechanical merit are much more sought after in this career.


i love morphine

Fun fact oximeters, the things that measure what percentage of your hemoglobin has oxygen bound to it, work pretty simply. Hemoglobin with oxygen allows a certain frequency of light to pass at a different rate. I forget which frequency and whether it is more or less, but wikipedia has the specifics. So what you have to do is take two different color LEDs and shine their light through a finger or anything with enough blood vessels that is thin enough to measure the light that makes it through. You use one light as the baseline and the other light is the special frequency. The difference is compared and you can determine hemoglobin saturation. You can buy portable oximeters for $20. They're that simple.

>They upgraded to Windows 2000.
rock solid os, fampai

*tips fedora*

Hey dentist I have a filling on that giant tooth on the bottom middle.

No one seems to know how to fill it properly. When will that stuff that regrows teeth be ready?

Pulse oximeters are so cheap now

the software on devices is manages by 3rd parties and tickets. and organizations pay money for service contracts for equipment. fixing the light switches and hvac system does not count. you sure as shit are going to be allowed to quench an mri machine

About 6 years ago they were advising people that went to other countries for surgery that to be sure the place had a few pulse ox machines.