Do you have and like Telegram?
No. I'm not ISIS.
>tfw no good decentralized p2p style chatting application
Is there a market for terrorist apps? Does ISIS have its own in-house programmers or do they outsource?
I use Kik, just because that is what most people use, and it's never given me any problems.
Yes, shame about insecurity but the ui is nice
>Does ISIS have its own in-house programmers
The CIA.
No they rely on existing tech mainly. Even PSN apparently for secure messaging but authorities probably just want you to believe in that false security.
There is a market for them, but it's mostly towelheads uploading and reuploading them onto google play. They have their own twitter botnet, download the app, sign into a twitter account, and some syrian will shitpost in your name
Telegram has shit security
>using Telegram
>not using Signal
shiggy diggy
>google play services
>not using microG
What is encryption for 500 Alex.
Telegram's server is proprietary too, unlike TextSecure
Telegram's encryption is compromised.
prove it
I like the way it has support for many platforms and the desktop clients are comfy and fast. Has a bunch of feature that are welcome but doesn't really clutter the service. I also love those dank stickers.
We don't need to prove it.
The burden of proof lays with them to prove it's not compromised.
The problem is they CANT prove it's not compromised because they won't let anyone audit the code.
Best part is the people who made Telegram say they're encryption algorithm is secure but NONE OF THEM are Cryptologists and actually know Cryptology. THEY'RE MATHEMATICIANS!
Rule #1 of Crypto: If you don't know Cryptology like the back of your hand, DON'T ROLE YOUR OWN CRYPTO AND CLAIM IT'S SECURE!
Fucking new fags.
>Relying on a shitty company that dropped its warrant canary
Fuck off nigga
i undestend compromised like broken rigth now
maybe is not the more strong ting on the universe but... its broken just now?
i mean you can read the text and this tings...
or can u change the messages ?
if u can u sould take the botin of telegram :v
>dropped its warrant canary
Read it a few days ago in slashdot
AFAIK TextSecure never had a warrant canary, and I can't find any article about dropping one
Compromised doesn't have to be _right now_
It can be later.
You only have to look up "Telegram" + "secure?" to find a myriad of people who ACTUALL KNOW WHAT THEY"RE DOING tell you not to use it because it's crypto is custom in-house shit that people who didn't know what they were doing, made.
You can't trust it. /thread.
No you do need to prove it as you are the one making the claim. I can claim to be the Queen of England and then say to you prove I'm not according to your logic. Why so passionate about it boy?
They are the ones saying it's secure, ergo it's up to them to provide us with the evidence that it IS in fact, secure.
If you literally cannot google about Telegrams security to see literally any Cryptologist worth their salt tell you how fucking shit it is.
>I like it better than Messenger, since you're not being spied on automatically
Supports filesharing for any files, and actual gif/webm support as well.
Whatsapp has fallen behind.
Yes and Yes
Don't know anyone who uses it. I regrettably have to use WhatsApp, messenger and the stock SMS app.
I'd get disa but I don't know how secure it is. Is there a better alternative?
someone here got me to look into it, but i couldn't figure out how to make an account
Yes and yes.
We are all using it with friends, family, business partners.
It's a great tool.
This senpai