What is effectively preventing this from happening?
What is effectively preventing this from happening?
I mean let's not kid ourselves here: Google does not will it therefore it is not so.
Preventing what?
BPG support in browsers?
Why would browsers implement a file format decoder for a format that isn't used fucking anywhere?
>but it needs browser support before it's used anywhere!
Yeah, which is why it's doomed. It sucks that it needs to exist before it can exist, but it makes sense.
So basically it's going to be the same as oil for fuel?
Plenty of alternatives that are better but it's only going to stop being used when there's not a single drop left in the planet and maybe only then those alternatives will be used.
"Cloud" business will eventually reach its peak, which should cause formats like these to be used instead. Why can't that happen sooner? Is it really necessary for a big company to make it proprietary somehow and shove the format down everyone's throat?
Well it says in the image that they have a javascript decoder.
That's generally how the web works; JS polyfills eventually get added to browsers.
Isn't this potentially patent encumbered since its basically part of HEVC?
Yes, you have to pay licenses to MPEG-LA, HEVC Advance, and Technicolor. They don't even have licenses that would work for a JS decoder, though worst case you would pay about 50 cents per page view.
Lenna picture is technology.
Highest quality version I've found, use it well for all your image related projects.
As I thought.
Little projects like this test could get away with it and be ignored but the second Google or anybody else with money thinks about adding support the lawyers would start circling like sharks in bloody water.
ssd cucks needs to know this format
The polyfills are slow as fuck
Nobody is going to serve content in BPG and also serve a polyfill script when they could just serve content in an existing supported format and not have it load like ass
I had a warm fuzzy feeling when I saw Lena on two or three Silicon Valley episodes.
It's patented to the tits as a part of H.265.
Webp is the closest we are going to get, and that isn't used by anyone.
How about using this in mobile apps?
If you are going to push an unsupported format why not push a good one?
jpg sucks in general. png needs to take over and work on a new jack of all trades format needs to be invented.
If it doesn't have native iOS device support, it's fucked.
>that peach fuzz
JPG is fast, widely supported and good enough honestly. The case that you can only spare 5 KB so save a photograph is basically non-existent. It's no big deal to just make is 50 KB or even more, nobody gives a shit.
I just wanna rub my face in it.
Oil is the best fuel at this point in time.
Electric can't match it in availability, price or energy density.
Making batteries isn't clean and electric cars are still way too expensive for most people.
Add on that there are few charging stations in even fewer cities, and sometimes you just don't have 8 hours to wait for your car to charge.
>good enough honestly
get FUCKED nigger
Everyone in this thread should read the FLIF and BPG specifications and think about the wasted potential. We're stuck with okay tier formats like PNG and JPEG right now because they're 2big2fall, but in all honesty the world would be a better place for everyone if we did the big shift. Then again, anything can happen; when the iPhone came out, a lot of important people were asspained it didn't support Flash. What happened then is history.
Another hurdle is getting all printing presses understand that this is the future. I'd much rather take advantage of BPGs cmyk shit but I know I'll never ever be able to send a file to the press.
>" the world would be a better place if we used a different image format!"
Literally what are you literally smoking you literal retard?
>Implying people care about optimization anymore
Webdevs have no problem with sending you 100MiB pictures of Starbucks coffee with filters all over it
not an argument
>not using LenPEG
bpg is free for free things. you are the one who should read the bpg especifications
get the fuck out of here, please.
nice try cybercriminal
This is the original photo? Never realised.
Patents. BPG is based on video codec (HEVC) which is patented to hell and back. No one uses a patented image format for anything.
>Is it really necessary for a big company to make it proprietary somehow and shove the format down everyone's throat?
You mean like BPG?
FLIF is very far away from being finalized, let alone adopted
The web has reached a point where the availability of bandwidth massively outweighs the security risks of introducing a new image format. It's not like video streaming where you're delivering gigabytes per viewer.
If you want to improve on a format, focusing only on the compression is a the wrong way to go. You really want to be focusing on the features and functionality that makes it useful for the web if you want to have any hope of trying to convince people to ever use it.
FLIF is going in the right direction (e.g. by focusing on adaptive resolution delivery), which makes me think it has some hope to actually be used some day. But apart from that, it's still barely in its infancy.
If you want to improve on bandwidth then get support for arithmetic decoding into browsers. The reason that never caught on was also patent-related, but unlike BPG the patents might just be old enough to be irrelevant these days.
That alone, plus using a better JPEG encoder (e.g. mozjpeg) can give you your 30%+ savings over standard JPEG and vastly improved quality at low bitrates.
Wow user, that's larger than the best lena I had saved.
I'm actually genuinely thankful for this. I look at lena VERY often throughout the course of a typical development day. This higher-res version improves my.. uh.. efficiency.
>the subtle hair on her ass
Hnggg. Hard to believe this is from the 50s.
It's a modern scan of an analog print
? it's clearly nsfw on a sfw board
>Muh nsfw
That reminds me of the sjw argument a while ago when sjw were trying to make Lena unhappen beucause of muh sexism and muh patriarchy in science and technology while researchers and engineers were busy getting shit done.
because it's less hassle to just keep using a file format that is 5-10kb bigger for the same quality.
the crop commonly used isn't NSFW the full picture is. so the crop gets used
what's your issue?
>what's your issue?
None, just amazed by how "this is a blue board" autism is flirting with SJW viewpoint.
BPG is shit. People need to start supporting CR2 files everywhere.
If it isn't CR2 it's literally compressed garbage with no bit depth.
With the advent of HDR displays, we're probably going to need a new standard image/video format at some point soon.
>following a SFW rule flirts with the SJW viewpoint
Is SJW just a buzzword at this point?
can't be a coincidence
If a need for HDR metadata arises, the most likely thing that's going to happen is that PNG etc. define a new chunk to store it.
Those image formats haven't been around for so long by accident - they're extensible.
Did anybody grab this image before?
If so could they post it on an nsfw board
I will love you forever
I did
check the archives newfriend
>posting cropped porn
Wasn't Facebook using it?
That's useless if it's not sustainable in the long term. Nuclear, wind, solar technologies etc. may not be as easy and cheap to process and implement, but they're being made more efficient over time and the important thing is that nobody has to worry about resource depletion.
They would need to add support for it in Paint because no one wants to download an image they can't open.
>work on a new jack of all trades format needs to be invented.
webp, flif
We already have WebP, which is just as good and has no gay royalty fees.
Facebook and ebay are already using it plus numerous other websites.
BPG confirmed a huge meme.
it's like you're too poor to afford enough storage space and a decent internet connection
Fuck off you stupid frogposter.
Now see a comparison with a photo and not a drawing with 3 colors and you'll rather keep to jpg.
Typical american, if there is a problem the solution is using bruteforce.
nobody uses jpeg in low quality mode.
>Still trying to push HEVC patent encumbered formats
Your mom said you should stop being a pussy who believes everything he sees, oh also that's an anime file hoster.
You should google unknown website URLs some time.
i opened this image at work and my boss saw it
he just fired me, thanks asshole
>at work
>Sup Forums
Introducing JPEG + Lepton: blogs.dropbox.com
pretty neat, bummer the output isn't a standard jpeg
>Hey guys you can shave a few bytes off your images if you include this javascript decoder that's around 50KB
Yeah, uh, no. And that's before we start considering how much slower javascript is compared to what the browser is written in.
source on girl?
Did you read the thread?
Lena Söderberg
the picture is a crop of a porn image from a 70's playboy magazine, it's been used since the 70's as a digital image compression test image
she's 65 now
They stopped due to normalfags saying they couldn't share some pictures with other friends, like people using IE and Firefox
Instead they adopted mozjpeg
They are already too old, one of the main reasons FLIF is so efficient
Can you stop your goddamned online marketing for at least long enough to read my post before responding to it.
YouTube is using it and only to try and hurt Firefox users
(Jewgle added webp support to chrome, mozilla doesn't seem a point in following suit and thinks webp is retarded)
Can you read your own post? Arithmetic encoding patents expired like 2 years ago, the only reason arithmetic JPEG's aren't widely adopted is because people are still using baseline for almost everything due to muh legacy, and major software refusing to adopt it out of pure laziness
FLIF makes use of arithmetic encoding, since the patents expired already
She's still a qt though
The image is used in anything related to image processing, even sometimes in signal theory
Looks like an improved PackJPG, I wonder how it compares
>Lena Söderberg
Sounds Swedish. I wonder if she's blacked by now.
>(Jewgle added webp support to chrome, mozilla doesn't seem a point in following suit and thinks webp is retarded)
You do know Mozilla is now heavily infested with SJWs and fat feminists right?
RIP firefox
I have a pdf that's scanned from a 70's porn magazine. It's nightmare fuel and nothing like OP's picture.
>what is webm
Not like a better alternative exists
thats a funny way to say chromium.
>software patents
>eating shit directly from the botnet's ass
Whatever makes you sleep at night mozillacuck.
Call me again when they support basic functionality of firefox
Like pentadactyl and color management
>f-farting on the internet
Not a freetard but the problem isn't with javascript, it's with it being non-free or non-libre as Stallman prefers. If you're going to complain then you should at least complain about the right thing.
why would you want to support shit?
Unless you're some fat-feminist-bitch
or some sjw-cuck.