>want to use a free and open source operating system
>also want to produce music
Is there a worse predicament?
Want to use a free and open source operating system
Write your own audio software or modify a pre-existing one..
Don't fall for the Linux meme, it's for hobbyists
Not being a hack and being able to produce music without copious help from computers?
There aren't very many electronic musicians who can write their own musical software stack.
You could be the first.
Sounds like you need to get hardware, just like the old days. Get a MPC machine or something
>aluminium laptops are murder
they pollute the environment for no reason and kill the natural ecosystem
also: is that a boy or a girl?
it's a guy
his entire musical catalog consists of screeching noises
He's released so many albums because he shits them out in an afternoon.
He even put out an entire box set featuring weeks worth of content he just "misplaced" back in the 90s.
use pd or git gud and make ur own hardware
>not knowing who merzbow is
OSX is free and as Opensource as Linux
it would be cool if he would have that sticker on his laptop and make death metal or something
but this is utterly disappointing.
to deep for me
Does LMMS work on distros other than Fedora? Or does everyone who dares produce music on Linux suffer from complete lack of audio?
DAWs are the logical conclusion to the decades of innovation in digital production equipment.
Want to help me install homOSeX on this old chinkpad? Doesn't it use a DE that is basically GNOME but shinier?
>help from computers
1/10 bait or ignorant hipster fuck
buy a macbook
But I need that money to buy an AR-15 to protect myself from the New World Order.
If climate change was real, why would they have to arrest people for not believing in it?
listening to this gave me tinnitus
Surely you mean Darwin which is not a full OS by itself but a mere kernel(like linux). Most of the rest of OSX ist not free software.
Darwin is an OS like GNU/Linux.
just get a stand alone digital mixer/recorder
Do physical sampler+sequencers still exist?
Or should I stick to daws?
Don't fall for the Windows meme, it's for gamers.
Well shit. Don't think I've cried and laughed this much in a while.
>vi song.wav
don't fall for the OSX meme, it's for tech illiterate sheep, also checked
Masonna is better
Are you a vegan OP? Because going FOSS only is like going vegan, noone gives a shit and you'll be back to eating meat once you've come to your senses.
>actually comes with ZSH by default
>has pretty much every POSIX tool available by default
only tech illiterate people say OS X is for tech illiterates.
>outdated GNU toolchain from 2003
kill yourself desu
Possibly, but I can't name one at the moment.
A lot of hardware is straight up unsupported (anything by MOTU for example). If you can deal with having only 2 inputs/2 outputs then Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 works (tested with ALSA/JACK). That should get you started. Other than that ... look into Ardour and Audacity.
brew install bash
brew install gcc
brew install *other gnu/bullshit*
any other non-issues that you'd like to mention?
most of that shit was written in the fucking 90s. Sure some useful features are missing but you know what? You can fix that shit.
I develop on OS X all day long. We target RHEL, SLES and OEL. OS X keeps up with the best of them.
brew isn't a feature of the OS
that's like saying windows is fully POSIX compliant because you can open a web browser and install cygwin.
Completely possible: pro-linux.de
Use google translate
OS X comes with a fully functioning POSIX toolset and is complaint without the latest GNU packages. The latest versions are not included because they are licensed under GPLv3, which enforces stricter terms of inclusion with hardware (because stallmanu is a zealot)
if you really insist on having the latest toolchain, there is nothing stopping you from updating with brew or even compiling from source. alternatively, you can use superior non-gnu tools (zsh instead of bash, clang/llvm instead of gcc, etc)
>his entire musical catalog consists of screeching noises
Merzbeat m8
that one is screeching noises AND drums
they do. it's great to build a full hardware system and lotsa people prefer it, but daws make the sequencing part laughably convenient and easy.
You might need to hire programmers to write drivers and extend existing audio production software if you feel that they aren't adequate right now.
That would be BSD/Darwin
>Is there a worse predicament?
There are no girls involved. So yes, there could be.
>Some user posted this earlier:
I see some anons in music production. I am making a list of software for quick access, here is the audio part
Audio Editing: SoX, Audacity
Audio Encoding: FLAC, LAME
Audio Ripping: cdparanoia, fre ac, Sound Juicer
Audio Tag: Beets, Easytag
Background Sound: Ambient Noise, GNU GTick
Digital Audio Workstation: LMMS, Ardour, Rosegarden
DJing: Mixxx
Ear Training: GNU Solfege, LenMus
Music Player: Moc (+ moc-ffmpeg-plugin), Ncmpcpp, MikMod, cmus, Clementine, Rhythmbox, Audacious (+ Winamp Classic skin + GJay)
Music Visualization: cli-visualizer, cava, projectM, Le Biniou
Scorewriter: Emacs (lyqi), eTktab, LilyPond, MuseScore
Software Sampler: Hydrogen, orDrumbox, LinuxSampler
Synthesizer: ZynAddSubFX, AlsaModularSynth
Tonal Feature Analysis: CLAM Chordata
Tracker Editors: MilkyTracker, Schism
Trackers: GoatTracker, SID-Wizard
Some tools are command line but graphical alternatives are given. Other tools like Audacity come with options like VSI plugin integration and Nyquist which you should look up too.
LMMS, in my opinion, is part of a toolchain you use with other software, say, a synthesizer, that comes separate. Once you get the logic in the unix world everything has separate tools you can set a bretty good environment.
kill yourself