>when someone recommends gimp as an alternative to photoshop
When someone recommends gimp as an alternative to photoshop
>not knowing the glory that is GIMP's single window mode
>being so autistic as to believe that GIMP is not an alternative to Photoshop
pls leave
> implying that everyone uses 100% features of photoshop and therefore cannot settle for anything else.
I recommend Gimp as the free replacement of Photoshop.
> not realising there is literally no comparable alternative to GIMP apart from photoshop
Oh shut up..
Do you have any idea how many dank memes I produced with GIMP?
Everyone knows the real pros use this
>using only 1 program
top wasabi
post one dank meme you made in gimp
Sorry, your dank frog memes doesn't need pooinlooshop. You are just too stupid fro GIMP
Unless you want a professional image editing, gimp is more than you need.
I always laugh too. The only free program that comes close to photoshop is Krita, and that is only for digital painters.
gimp is garbage. It's even in the name. Last I checked, it can't even crop + resize, which many people would make use of for making wallpapers and shit.
>there are people in this very thread that use GIMP unironically
Dumb frogposter
>Hey dude can you gimp this image
Dumbass tripfag.
Not him, but I made this dank meme in Gimp
I can't find a Sup Forums archive right now, but I once checked the ranking for Sup Forums's image reposts, and it was in spot #20 with over 3k reposts if I remember correctly
Gimp's meme potential confirmed.
not an argument
What a shitty thread. Sup Forumskiddies getting BTFO as usual
>He dropped his trip for this
>using gimp
feels good man
Can GIMP do this?
serious meme posting my friend
I think it's stupid to try to mimic photoshop. Photoshop is used everywhere. Digital painters use it, photomontages are made with it, some people probably do vector work in it, etc. etc. Trying to mimic that is very anti-Linuxy. It's much better to leave the digital-painting stuff to Krita, the vector work to Inkscape, something like batch image manipulation to ImageMagick wrappers and have GIMP just fill some other niche. What that niche would be, I have no idea.
Case in point, obviously GIMP can't do that (I assume). But Blender can, and it probably does a much better job at it. Why does GIMP (or photoshop, for that matter...) need to be able to do that? It's stupid.
Gimp works for me. It must suck to be retarded.
it can even animate it, pic related.
can photoshop do this?
I don't know. I made with Gimp, as a response to the guy.
Post a screenshot of it
wew lad
Can Photoshop open this?
Checkmate proprietaryfags
I make photoshopfags jelly when they see my GIMP skills.
Apparently you can open it up in GIMP, save it to a .psd and then it opens up in photoshop without any problems.
>FUCK YOU Gimp is the Shit!!!!
>not rendering it without color limits, exporting every frame separately and then encoding it to a webm with ffmpeg
I'd post one of these I made, but I have them on my hard drive.
kek @ start button
>using the "big 2" photo programs
Paint Shop Pro is and will always be the best.
Adobe Photoshop doesn't even allow you to drag and drop into the program (until you meticulously build a workspace first). Also, lots of useless features. I only goto photoshop for extra detailed transparency effects. That's when photoshop automation overshadows its clunky UI.
>Adobe Photoshop doesn't even allow you to drag and drop into the program
Have you ever used Photoshop?
When I installed the theme, the start button was still default (and bigger than the task bar itself, overlapping into the window)
So I just made my own real quick and didn't bother changing it since
you could not be any more deluded.
>Have you ever used Photoshop?
definitely have. I have it installed right now.
You need to create a workspace and then copy/paste the layer onto it.
Paint shop pro is automatic. Literally small shit like this overcomplicated when its done by Adobe. It caters to snobs.
>You need to create a workspace and then copy/paste the layer onto it.
You don't need to, at least not in the CC one.
PaintShopPro x6 is the worst piece of shit that I ever used. Even mspaint.exe is better than that abomination.
>randomly stops working for 30 seconds because it's auto saving
>unstable as shit
>ridiculously bad screen refreshing
I'd use GIMP over every other raster image editor.
gimp is best because free software. The power to modify it to whatever you want is great.
Lad you've been in Sup Forums for too long
Well no one has been able to modify it into Photoshop, so I'll keep using Photoshop, thank you.
Are you using Photoshop version 4 or some shit? Drag and drop has existed since forever, dude
Bring dich um
No you fucking don't. It automatically creates a new layer. I'm trying to make fun of you by saying "we're not talking about x" but even ms paint supports drag and drop
You twats literally only make memes and those bubble things to make chicks in bikinis look naked. Don't even pretend otherwise
>people in this thread unironically use GIMP's GUI
Use gimp for command line automation, use photoshop for everything else.
But PS has a shitty GUI.
No, I actually work with UI design and Photoshop has been invaluable for me.
And my dad works for Nintendo
That's great, but what about you?
Nobody in the industry uses GIMP
It's shit and doesn't even support Pantone
Hobbyists can use it sure but in the real world it's a fucking joke
I use GIMP and coreldraw x6.
Are you in the industry?
No, but I'm learning graphic design at school.
Do they teach Corel and GIMP there? Are you American or European?
We have PaintShopPro x6, GIMP and photoshop (but only on some computers) at our disposal in the class. I use GIMP, because I really like it and because it's free software. It's a school in Poland, and the funny thing is that we got new computers last year, and we didn't get new monitors with them, but the IT group got new 1080p monitors, so I'm stuck working on a 1440x900 monitor. At least it's not TN like the new ones.
You can't expect people to do your work for you for free just because you demand it. If you want people to do your work, you need to be prepared to pay the cost.
>all those GIMP niggers
Paint.NET is far superior to GIMP, and if something isn't available like outlining Text, just download a Plugin and it works.
Paint.NET > GIMP
Photoshop can do anything and everything GIMP, Paint.net or Corel can with zero plugins.
Only serious challengers to Adobe are Affinity Photo and Krita
It's apparently optimized for drawing, not for editing pictures, and it isn't released on GPL, so it's shit.
GNU software > non-free software
Never said it was better than Photoshop, just saying that's superior to GIMP.
Well, I can do anything with Paint.net, including editing pictures, most of my artwork is done in Paint.net, and the learn curve is a lot smaller and less of a hassle to work with than GIMP.
non-free software > GNU software
>Sup Forums logo start button
>fucking league of legends
>bitcoin shit
>wallpaper that is obviously horrendous even with only that small amount visible
>probably not even german
take a step back and sort yourself out dude
Thanks for the (You)'s, I should post this more often
GIMP is trash for NEETs.
I know. Doesn't it make you absolutely rage when you discover software A form and function is not exactly the same as software B?
I killed 3 innocent bystanders the other day when I had to use chrome instead of firefox.
Totally different buttons and shit.
He is the hero Sup Forums deserves.
I've used both. Started with windows and pirated photoshop. Discovered linux. Used mostly linux. Tried gimp. Tried PS in wine. Often got mad when I couldn't figure out how to do something in GIMP. Eventually learned. Now I use gimp only and hate PS. Baby duck syndrome sucks.
>when someone recommends photoshop as an alternative to GIMP
LMFAO :ok_hand:
As always retarded Sup Forumsedditors missing one important point
>free as in freedom
>free as in beer
>works on every platform
>extensively plugin-friendly with large plugin base
>able to achieve 95%+ of what Photoshop can do.
The fact that YOU consider GIMP as a rival software to photoshop is already a big success for GIMP because it's nowhere close to having the developer base of Photoshop and has nowhere near the money put behind it.
GIMP is the jack of all trades, master of none.
You wouldn't download expensive, huge videoediting software meant for commercial use just to put together a video slideshow for your parents
You wouldn't use solidworks just to make a simple 2D project to make on a laser cutter
It's the perfect solution for amateurs who need to edit an image file once every two days ie. majority of the planet.
Reconsider your life.
Nice Reddit-tier text formatting.
not an argument
>able to identify reddit-tier post
go back where you came from. only someone who visits reddit can identify a reddit post elsewhere