Slam my keyboard after a loss on overwatch

>slam my keyboard after a loss on overwatch
>computer starts sperging out
>everytime i try to press a key a windows command would pop up like file explorer or control panel
>eventually system restore my computer
>use 2 different keyboard
>problem is still fucking there
>slam my keyboard again
>it gets fixed
what the actual fucking shit.

Also can you guys tell me what shit to uninstall on windows 10 so i dont get spammed with ADs and have my privacy fucked.

>smashes precision computer hardware like a stupid manchild
>why isn't it working guys????

kill yourself back to Sup Forums

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Polite sage and redirection to >>>/sqt/

Im not poor so i have a mechanic keyboard that i can smash as much as i want and it wont break, also read the entire post fucking retard

You hear that?

It's your mom calling you for your tendies.

hehe epic meme Sup Forumsro xD

>im too mature to rage at a videogame unlike you summerfag! haha!

>rage at a videogame
These don't belong in the same sentence, I hope you're mentally aware enough to realize that.

That's what you get for being a weaboo shitstain

>hehe unlike you i stay cool and collected when playing my games......

Literally everyone whos ever played mutiplayer games rages from time to time, great job lying on the internet though to look cool to these epic technology dudes.

No, I have literally never had a rageout or angry fit of rage when playing a video game, and I've been playing them for 20 years.

You're just a childish piece of shit who can't maintain their composure.

>I've been playing them for 20 years

Who's the real manchild here

The one that smashes their electronics.

You're the one that throws tantrums when you don't get what you want.


It's underage as fuck to throw a tantrum over a videogame, be it a mech keyboard or a 5€ chinese one.
Now if my boss decides to not give us a raise this year, or another bullshit tax is created, that's something I would slam the keyboard over.

>yes people these alternative highways are free for everyone to use
>welp changed my mind lol, automatic tollbooths everyfuckingwhere, also we'll get your average speed from your time between them and ticket you accordingly

You're a living meme OP

>Now if my boss decides to not give us a raise this year, or another bullshit tax is created, that's something I would slam the keyboard over.

That's not something worth smashing your keyboard over.
You're just as bad as he is.
Also, it's your fault for living in an EU shithole.

Literally nothing is worth slamming your keyboard for. Impotent rage is embarrassing. Grow up.

Didn't mean it literally, hell last time I trashed a piece of equipment was an old psone controller over 10 years ago. What I meant was getting mad over a hobby is pointless.


>slam keyboard
>weeb pic
>windows 10
>plz help

I recommend: off yourself. This will solve all the problems.

Please fuck off

>slam my keyboard
>system restore my computer
you can't make this up

Your problem is that you didn't git gud

>getting mad at Overwatch
you obviously never played Rust

>fap to animus
>accidently cum into my keyboard
>oh shit it stopped working
>try to clean it up
>luckily starts working again
And that's why I now only fap in bed

please don't use awoo to preface your degenerate habits

>Playing Overwatch

Desu I only masturbate in bed because it's too difficult to enjoy fucking my ass with a dildo standing up

>raging at a fucking casual tf2 clone
lmao grow the fuck up retard


Yeah, I get angry but the last time I actually raged I was a little kid playing Mario Party. Thrown controller and all that