AMD is helping developers implement DX12 and Async Compute

>AMD is helping developers implement DX12 and Async Compute

Nvidia is finished.

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No that are not. They have hordes of fan boys who shill them for free

While NVIDIA is paying developers to fuck up implementations of DX12 and Async compute

>not Vulkan


you have to appease microsoft if you want to destroy nvidia in every platform.

Calling it with you!!
Then dev are going to say ASync is hard to implement and its trash. I can see it now.


Just like AMD

Not even close. We and fags are fighting a war and we have lost most of our soldiers

>They have hordes of fan boys who shill them for free
Yeah, theres all three of us.

AMD FTW!!!!!

>mfw dx12


I'd rather have Microsoft die desu

you can not kill them by opposing them. they have 20 million consols, and all of the pc gaming.

they want to merge those two market with dx12.

AMD can do some serious damage through microsoft. then kill it.

Unless vulkan becomes more popular. Then we'd probably be able to game on anything. I don't mind the graphics card as long as the OS doesn't steal my data.


Both cases benefit AMD. so it is good.

>our drivers are so shit we have to help developers to implement them in their games for them to give a fuck


The AMD Catalyst (fglrx) driver is now deprecated in 16.04. The open source drivers are not crossfire compatible.

What do?

stop using the meme os named loonix

Jesus Christ. And to think I nearly believed the memes and upgraded to win 10. I'll stick with dx11 since it works properly compared to this garbage new dx12.

Nice try, nsa.

Microsoft are partnered with nvidia though.

>AMD is helping developers implement botnet and not Vulkan
worthless garbage case closed

??? Dx12 is still on the same level of dx11, just improvements.

>Dx12 is still on the same level of dx11, just improvements.
this is bait, right?


>DX12 implementation and multiGPU optimization
>in turn based strategy game designed for tablets

>designed for tablets
kill yourself.

xbone is AMD hardware. Nvidia means nothing in this matter. you can look at the dx12 games on PC and how AMD performs.

it sure looks like a mobile game.

>being this under aged
>if it's doesn't have call of duty art style, it's mobile

Yea looks pretty standard for the cross platform bullshit that's been around for 3+ years.

why did they make it look so cartoony

for what purpose

>muh stylized art
>(((cell shading)))

lmao what the fuck is this shit

>cell shading
that's not cell shading though.

>buying an nvidia product when 3 year old AMD cards get constant upgrades that make them faster
>buying an nvidia product when youll have to pay hundreds more for proprietary hardware on a monitor
>buying an nvidia product when the $200 AMD 480 performs better than a 980 in updated games like Doom with Vulkan and other games will and have received similar updates

you literally have to be brainwashed to buy nvidia right now

it's considerably more detailed and graphically intensive than a mobile game

stop being a faggot




it's almost as if Vulkan/DX12 are a new thing or something

passthrough one of the gpus to a VM

Holy shit!




Nvidia should declare bankruptcy already.

are the vulkan benchmarks for Dota 2? just curious.

Under Windows 10 it runs faster with Vulkan, under 7/8 its faster with OpenGL - I think there are some benchmarks on the subreddit

>the biggest game in gaming history with the biggest events and biggest economy and money circulating uses Vulkan


What the fuck? There's some dude in another thread spamming how every single console game port is dx12/vulkan yet this (probably factual) wiki says otherwise. Someone is lying here.

Xbone games will all be DX12 (win 10) exclusive. the wiki is not up to date

Vulkan != DX12

I'm not talking about shitty windows store games. I'm talking console ports like dishonored 2 or resident evil 7.

those will use Vulkan, and the microsoft/xbone games will use DX12 to make people upgrade to win10

>discrete graphics for turn-based-strategy

>dishonored and resident evil will be using open gl and not direct x

This is bait right?

no, because they're console games, running on consoles, both consoles using AMD GPU, and the best selling console (PS4) not supporting any DirectX because micorsoft.

they both diminish driver overhead. so doesn't matter for AMD.

I don't think multi platform games will be ported from PS4 if it is going to be Windows.

Microsoft would push for xbone version.

not happening, plus the PS4 is basically a pc anyway.

>porting from inferior version that hasn't sold half the amount of consoles

That's true but the performance increase with DX12 is not as great as with Vulkan for AMD cards so it does make a difference. The question is will MS allow Vulkan on the XBone, if not will developers implement both in their engines?

>will MS allow Vulkan on the XBone
it's not up to MS, it's up to developers, and since Vulkan is multiplatform and DX12 is not, most of them will go for Vulkan.

Nvidia can cling to their past successes where they half ass a new architecture and get better performance on DX11 while simultaneously screwing AMD with underwater 100000X tesselation.

Not anymore though. AMD is coming out strong and Nvidia will actually have to innovate for a change this time around, something tells me I doubt they will though.

Nvidia is a business, not a graphics card developing company.

lol. that's a lot of bullshit you pasted into a white background there son, I don't think broken games like Tomb Raider are going to convince anyone your shitty 1080 is worth the rape price though.

>it's up to developers
It's not, AMD an nvidia had to upgrade their drivers to make Vulkan work, if MS decides not to there is not much a dev can do

Xbone is also a pc. two consols are very similar.
MS wouldn't allow Vulkan on their consol. They are using dx12 in xbone.
developing in the said api comes forth in this situation.

MS helps directly if you are developing in DX12, they even send people for help.

In vulkan, all you have is forums.

Weird, I've been using AMD for about a year now and have never had a single driver issue.

On the other hand, I see people on Sup Forums complaining about shadow play crashing constantly along with various other bullshit.

So I'm inclined to disagree with you.

Ps4 doesn't even use opengl. It uses its own massively modified api called gnm. The libraries are very different.

Ouch, this must fucking sting.

And yet DOOM is one of the biggest games of the year, it might be the 'killer app' as you faggots like to say.

Crazy how that shit works.

All games are developed using directx on their devkits on pc then ported straight to the xbox one and ps4. No multi plats are developed on console then ported to pc.

Damn Huang must be throwing staplers real hard and researching getting his tat removed.

Are you stupid? Xbox doesn't support open gl or vulkan at ALL. It's in their fucking xbox one developer rundown.

lol, you retard.

this person really thinks because a game runs on PS4 it's developed using OpenGL


will PS5 save Vulkan from being cucked by DX12?



Exactly. What a fucking retard.

Vulkan is for phones and tablets that already use OpenGL for 100% of 3D graphics stuff.

Mobile will benefit the most.

Whats your fucking point they are all in it to make money. You could say AMD wants to make more money because they target the mid-tier instead of Nvidia who make the high-tier cards that really push the limit. Havent seen a 1080 outperformed yet so what is all that innovation worth right now? You have to face reality here, they are both in it to make money. They are both businesses. And i personally dont think that is wrong. I am rocking a r9 290 btw, waiting for vega but you fuckers will still say im a Nvidia shill.

There won't be a ps5.

why not?

maybe a PS$100% ?

I don't think I'll ever understand fanboys
Especially when it comes to graphics cards
They both do the same thing, plays the same games, except with the difference of 10-20 fps
Do you see how stupid you look when arguing about something like this?

Unless they get money from microsoft, they will probably get vulkan so they don't have to play around with DX11 as well as DX12.

You won't get as many benefits from DX12 is you have to account for a high level API as well

>Xbox doesn't support open gl

Are you serious?

1. There's a reason devs use directx over ogl and it's because it's generally easier to use with constant additions to its libraries all the time and you get support from ms themselves if you need it.

2. They'd have to port it to direct x anyway if they want their game to run on the xbox because it doesn't support any form of open gl including vulkan.

Shadowplay is not part of the driver, it's part of geforce experience. I don't know whether your anecdote is correct or not, but it's certainly not related to drivers.

>Phone game graphics
>Need the latest video card to run it
What have we come to.

> The Xbox One graphics API is “Direct3D 11.x” and the Xbox One hardware provides a superset of Direct3D 11.2 functionality. Other graphics APIs such as OpenGL and AMD’s Mantle are not available on Xbox One.

>implying you can run it on just one card
there's reason why AMD is helping them to implement the DX12 multiGPU support.

Why is this font allowed?

>Game famous for its Indian main character
>AMD rushes in to help develop it

why can't you into font rendering?

As a 750 Ti user, RIP.

>For a Civ Game

Looks fine here, lmao

tfw still waiting for AIB 480
tfw will have to wait at least one month more because I live on the third world
just kill me please

oh wow, the high framerate comes at a microstuttery cost. I wonder if amd users have actually seen true smoothness.