What's the point of iris scanner?
What's the point of iris scanner?
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How is an iris scanner in any way better than a fingerprint scanner?
Because it makes you feel like you're the main character in a cool sci-fi movie even more.
You can't dust for iris prints.
Mimic an iris is more difficult than a fingerprint. You can use simple gel moulds and get a decent fake fingerprint. Not so easy with an iris scan.
Though i'm sure the NSA, GCHQ, etc will be able to bypass whatever security measure you implement if what you're hiding is worth the effort.
If all you need to do is look into two circular thing and it unlocks phone instantly, I can see it being faster than finger, since a my hands get sweaty sometimes and had to unlock phone with second try
Doesn't it need light? What if you wake up in the middle of the night and you need to check on that parcel from Amazon you're tracking?
>What is infrared lighting
Why not just use a fucking PIN?
What's easier, steal a PIN or tear your eyes?
It's easier to kill you and hold open your eyelids to unlock the phone.
>want to steal a phone
>owner has iris scan
>choke them out and whisper
>nothing personnel
>choke them slowly because I'm an edgy mother fucker
>finally crush their wind pipe
>eyes rolled into the back of their head
>cry my eyes out because I have strong emotions that I hold in so society can see how powerful I am
>I am a demon and this planet is my hell
>using the smiley with a carat nose
you dont even need to kill them, just drug them
>not using the smiley with the carat nose
>since a my hands get sweaty
filthy fat fuck maybe you shouldm't be out and about or even using a phone.
>Screens make no light
>grand autismic 4
Isn't marketing awesome?
to verify that your eye is free of infections
>samshit gimmics
who cares exactly?
to sell your data to goverments
It clearly says use iris or draw pattern
>that meme edge screen
Why do Samsung persists with this useless gimmick?
Holy fuck that looks good. Can't wait for the note 7. Though I'm a poor fag that'll never have one
Because it looks fucking good. I have literally never seen an s7 or s6 non edge variant because everyone gets the edge or note.
It's also something to flaunt in the future, while components will age, the design will still be a major talking point in comparison future flagships
isn't this like an obvious gimmick?
it's like when they introduced the unlock feature with your face, now it just unlocks with a picture of your eyes, which is basically the same thing
how can a front-facing camera have an iris scanner anyway
Just because you sit stationary in a controlled climate and never touch anything but your computer doesn't mean we all do.
When I am working in the shop and get oil/grease/rust etc on my fingers it takes 4 tries plus a shirt wipe to get in.
You must wash your hands between hotpockets then?
>Mimic an iris is more difficult than a fingerprint.
I would say it's the other way around. You can just photograph a person in good enough resolution and you are done.
Offering a new gimmicky feature that kind of smells like what they used to call innovation.
>You can just photograph a person in good enough resolution and you are done.
Geez, that's not going to be difficult at all.
Why the fuss when the iPhone 7+ is going to wipe the floor with this?
How the fuck is that difficult? Especially more difficult than getting someone's fingerprint in sufficient quality and copying it to some rubber sheet.
If it's one of those fingerprint scanners that scans the veins in your finger, it's basically impossible to mimic.
This, can samscheiss stop embarassing themselves. We've reached a point where it's not even fun anymore, sad!
It all depends on the actual required detail.
You can fairly easily force a person to put their finger on the unlock button. I don't see how it is easier to get them to stand half a foot away from you so you can take a photo of both of their eyes with enough detail in the iris to pass the scanner.
>It all depends on the actual required detail.
The phone scans your iris with some shitty front facing camera. So you can guess how little detail is needed.
>You can fairly easily force a person to put their finger on the unlock button.
That's a completely different case. I mean let's not fool ourselves: The scenario that someone tries to unlock your device protected with biometric data is complete fantasy anyway. We all know none of those will ever happen, especially not Android devices, which are easily rootable anyway.
>I don't see how it is easier to get them to stand half a foot away from you so you can take a photo of both of their eyes with enough detail in the iris to pass the scanner.
You know, stuff like tele objectives exist. Also, if you have a good DSLR at hand you can really get a photograph from dozens of meters with good enough quality. You just need an infrared filter and you are good to go.