So are all your hard drives encrypted, including full disk encryption for your OS?

So are all your hard drives encrypted, including full disk encryption for your OS?

not everything, there are some things like movies and music which i don't bother encrypting

There is nothing of value on this HDD worth encrypting.

Nope. Encryption is a placebo.

No, why would I even do that?

Only a pedo or terrorist would have something to hide. Are you hiding something user?

0/10 troll.

Of course.

Hackintoshes dont support FDE yet, but /home and all my other drives are encrypted, sempai.

no one cares about your hentai collections

Yes. I'm hiding my personal data.

Only the one with my "special" porn on it. They can look through everything else, there's nothing to find.

Xubuntu asks me to enter password on os bootup. does it mean it's encrypted well?
i don't give a shit though.

Who's to say I'm not either one?

Maybe I DO have something to hide

Everything but /boot will be encrypted. You can verify by looking through the partitions in gparted and should see a crypt wrapper around root but not boot.

guess so.

sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda5

key slot 0: enabled
key slot 1-7: disabled

no my kernel and initram are on an unencrypted efi parititon.

Yes you can add/remove more keyslots to unlock with multiple passwords should you wish. Not really necessary unless you share the system and don't want someone to know your specific password. Have a look at the man page for more options and making encrypted external drives.

okay, thank you.

No, Mr. FBI. It's not encrypted I just filled it with random data. :^)