Why do we still eat food? It's fucking 2016!

Why do we still eat food? It's fucking 2016!

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Why do we still cherish privacy? It's fucking 2016!

Why do we still need to poo? It's fucking 2016!

Some people like to enjoy food

Currently, I'm not one of those people. I find it a hassle and a waste of time, but if I do fall for the soylent meme, I will probably fall out of it when I get rich

Why do we have to wipe our asses? It's fucking 2016.

Why do you have something to hide? It's 2016!

Why do we reproduce? It's fucking 2016!

>Soylent ingredients appear to be sourced cheap from China, leading to seriously questionable levels of lead and cadmium (along with other heavy metals). So you might want to avoid the stuff. Soylent counters these concerns with the fact that the levels of heavy metal in its products are only worrying by the standards of California's Proposition 65
Doesn't sound too tempting.

Why do we still allow niggers to exist? It's fucking 2016!


California, the same state that tells people corn starch causes cancer while linking to dubious studies. Meanwhile the stuff is in 95% of the food you touch.

>Imagine a meal made of the milk left in the bottom of a bowl of cut-rate cereal, the liquid thickened with sweepings from the floor of a health food store, and you have some sense of what it is like to consume the protein-packed shakes that have replaced Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and Red Bull in the diets of some tech workers in Silicon Valley.

are you one of those "all-natural" hippies?

So because California does something else wrong the levels of lead and cadmium in this stuff is acceptable? I'm not sure I follow your logic.

Regardless, this stuff does not actually appear to be healthy no matter what the manufacturers claim. You may be able to survive on eating this stuff alone, for certain values of "survive" but that's not always a good thing.

lmao enjoy your cancer

>Regardless, this stuff does not actually appear to be healthy no matter what the manufacturers claim. You may be able to survive on eating this stuff alone, for certain values of "survive" but that's not always a good thing.

>[citation needed]

Soylent is food though.

/ck/ here
I actually kind of like this stuff due to the convenience, I thought it was gross at first but the flavor grew on me. it's nice as a complement to your diet rather than replacing all meals with it. I noticed I'm slightly more alert and think clearly. poops are softer and feel like nothing is coming out of my ass but still retain shape.

I drink some on the way to work and on my way home. I eat a normal lunch and then snack at night. Whenever I do cook now I usually put more effort into it and make better food.

Is there anything similar out there but better?

Nope, I'll eat junk food, canned food, bottled food and sometimes even fresh food. I'll eat pretty much anything except for fish.
>Like any change in diet, eating Soylent may cause side effects such as flatulence, bloating, and headaches
>Soylent also doesn't contain the same array of nonessential nutrients in a healthy diet that have been proven to help ward off chronic disease. "They're making nutrition a one-size-fits-all approach, and nutrition doesn't work that way," Dubost said.
There is no lack of citations. This stuff has people with letters after their names pretty worried.

But do you $300 a month like it? Because $300 a fucking month for one person is fucking ridiculous for groceries.

Also, I've read several sites where there's recipes to make your own soylent, which would probably be a hell of a lot cheaper, but less convenient since you have to /diy/ thus defeating half of the purpose of soylent: no cooking.

I don't replace all meals with it, I paid $54 for a box and started the beginning of July. I'll probably run out just before the month is over. I'm not poor so even though I could probably find a way to consume all the same nutrients for less money, the time and effort to do so is not worth it to me.

>find appealing recipes that fulfill nutrient requirements
>more grocery shopping
>more cooking and prep
>more cleaning

I am open to soylent alternatives though, but your photo looks like it would be pretty gross. that almond flour is a lot more coarse then soylent and is hard to make finer even with a food processor, I've tried to do it for macarons before. is there any all-in-one alternatives to soylent?

>Because $300 a fucking month for one person is fucking ridiculous for groceries.
Ouch. That's half my rent, which is a lot of money to pay for something as palatable as sawdust.

>is there any all-in-one alternatives to soylent?
Lots of them but they're all around the same price. Looks like it is what it is.