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I'm going to order a one plus 3 tomorrow. Convince me not to.

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It looks like a clone of an HTC M8, more commonly known as an iPhone.

So get one then?

Got one yesterday. Great phone your gonna love it


shit tier support
shit tier software unable to make use of the ram
shit camera bump
shit battery life

Wait for k6000 premium

enjoy your pajeet phone

Supporting a brand who doesn't actually want to sell you their product.

The insult should be enough unless you have zero dignity.

OnePlus 3 doesn't have this problem. :^)

Enjoy 4 hours SOT.

That one doesn't feature a Qualcomm SOC.

Cuckhild Bo micro SD penis

Yes they do. They do not merely sell a phone to some fucking pleb like yourself.

You have to jump through hoops until they believe your are worthy of their product.

Unless you have no dignity whatsoever that's pretty fucked up. I damned well wouldn't let anyone treat me like that.

There is no more invite system.

Even better.

Me and my family are laughing at you and your embarrasing ignorance

i been oneplus owner 1 and 2.

it's not worth it. the oneplus 3 isn't the best phone for the money and the software and support is the most lacking thing about it.

One plus 1 here, thanks for the input. Still on one plus 1 since day 1, do you think the 3 will be worth it at a lower price

Qualcomm is the only one that provides kernel source so people can create custom roms, if my Note 3 didnt have that I would be running Android 4.4.4 or the shitty unpatched 5.0. Instead I'm running on 6.0.1 with the latest June security patches.

The fact that one existed is more than enough. The insult has been given. There was no reason for this other than snobbish exclusivity.

They will remain forever tainted and anyone who gives them money after that as stated before, lacks any form of dignity or self respect for allowing any company to treat them in such a manner.

Because it runs Oxygen OS instead of Android which is buggy crap.

Stay cucked. It suits you.

Lol salty :^)

No just honest. Say what you will but in the end a company that sells a product told you me and all of us that we are not good enough to give them money.

Maybe you can tolerate shit like that but I wont grovel for the privilege of giving someone my money.

i converted from oneplus to huawei mate s and didn't regret it a single degree, the radio reception is top notch, it delivers a smooth, fast and stable android experience without hiccups, the buildquality is always delivering. just perfect for my desires

i'm simply not trusting oneplus anymore since it seems like they use huge software and hardware fucksups as a reason for PR in media.

(no nfc, yellow screen, no fastcharge for eu, always systemupdates promised but you wait so long that you could almost get their new phone which repeats the waiting cycle of the software as just a few example)

the oneplus 3 looks yet again, unpolished in some aspects if you check out the forums.

on pic related i got some hugely discounted phones incoming for me (p9) and a friend (lite)

amazon warehousdeals says that only the box is scarved, wish me luck guys

forgot pic. how did i do guys

you like to read into things when theres nothing to read into. its a fucking phone fuck off

oh and i wanted to add.

the oneplus 3 is an average smartphone at best. it doesn't deliver any high-end stuff even though it wants you to believe it.

if you care about technology in your phone, you should get one which is developed by the brand, not like off-the-shelf oneplus

Well it's android so it's shit.

Blow me. In what possible way am I wrong? You could not simply buy a One plus one.

Face it you're butthurt because you had to grovel and beg to be worthy of using your own money to buy a phone.

God damnit you're one retarded fuck

I was a huge fan off Oneplus and the One upon arrival, furthermore i went down the road and got myself the 2 even though not really required.

over the course I'm very glad I didn't wait for the 3 and went for Huawei instead because there are some very certain points for me to avoid future OnePlus devices.

I know it is supposed as a budget type of phone which wants to deliver extreme value per buck but since the 2, it doesn't exist anymore. Especially when you can make bargain discounts on amazon warehousedeals from time to time or local ads with gambling.

1# OnePlus uses off the shelf components

All OnePlus devices feel crowdsourced from neighbouring companies and this is a huge issue.
Their devices never provide something new except more speed for this, more image quality for that.
It's basically an upgrade on the next boring thing. LG introduces (maybe gimmicky) more VR features and additional possibilities with their LG G5 (ok it flops but atleast they tried some bravery).


2# Software/Hardware dissappointments

Remember yellow screens? slow, non acceptable service? low earspeaker output? no nfc? cyanogenmod dissappointment? slow software rollouts? non optimised utilisation of 6gb ram?

Even after all these cases, it still doesn't seem to find an end on their side. They simply don't seem to grow up at all except adding better internals and switching this with that.

Huawei has some top manufacteuring skills at reasonable pricepoints and sleek, slim looking and polished phones which never get mentioned in media for sluggish software bugfixing and on the go finalisations of specific apps because they simply just work out of the box.

3. Style of the OnePlus 3

It seems like OnePlus lost their way with the OnePlus 3. it looks more like replica of my Mate S now with huger bezels and I'm dissappointed in this regard. OnePlus needs to start the Innovation wheel again in order to get my attention.

The only thing i really like about OnePlus is the alert slider, the rest is not worth a mention at all since all can be aquired with other phones, if not better if you know how to watch out for good deals.

these are my main complaints, feel free to critique, ask or discuss with me


i'm basically this guy but since i went to create a thread on oneplus forums on this regard, i think this might be easier to read for you folks to understand my thoughts

>year 2013 and 3 of the lord
>still buying Android phones
Do poor people ever learn?

people with no dignity don't actually understand the concept of dignity.
so basically, telling them they have no dignity is like saying if they are a virgin

I will have mine SOON.soon

when did you order? it's on dispatched for me but no updates for 3 days

Thursday last week. I bought from a store in HK, getting shipped to Sydney. It didn't actually leave the warehouse until tuesday this week however, lazy chinks.

get out of here namefag

The battery life on my One Plus One is absolute ass. Literally shit tier. Lasts like 8-9 hours tops. Have to recharge it before the end of the day every day.

Is the Honor 5X by Huawei any good?

One Plus 4 will come out a few months later.

it's android whatever


doesn't matter

same battery as HTC 10 and better than xperia

see: private trackers

>its an android

depends on how much dogecoins you have

Had high hopes, that perhaps AT LAST, there would be a manufacturer, that would think of the consumers first. High end products, direct to the consumers, word of mouth advertising, quick solutions etc.
Then, the problems started.

The "startup" idea, blown out of the water.
"Stereo" speakers...nope, mono sound
"Yellow" display, first the lie about we set it to a warm color, then finally admitting it was a problem
with the display.
Software bugs all over the place.
Little to NO support.
When the 2 came out, they left out features that should have been there, and of course more problems
with shipping, delays here, there, bugs, and, again, little to no support.
Then comes the X, and for the U.S. market, they left out band 17, which isn't much of a problem if
you live IN A CITY, but travel out into the country, bye bye LTE. And of course, more software bugs and
little to no support.
The company, is little more than a beta tester, for Oppo. The low price, gets the device into the hands of the consumers, who do the beta testing for upcoming Oppo phones. Once the bugs get worked out,
Oppo increases the price, releases the phone to their own consumers that pay $$$ for it.



My thoughts exactly.
You're gonna get chink'd if you do.

Lmao the fuck are you on about I get 5 hours of screen on time with another 40% to go

after you're done with the article on what to expect, expect even more in the comment section

if you think they lie, you're not familiar with oneplus phones yet

hab gehört in der sonne kann man den bildschirm überhaupt nicht ablesen bei 100% helligkeit, stimmt das?

Ne Menge Leute haben sich wegen der Bildschirmhelligkeit beschwert, meiner Meinung nach ist der Bildschirm hell genug bei heller Sonneneinstrahlung langen 80% vollkommen aus.

scheint wohl ne produktionschwankung zusein.. werde niemals das gefühl los das oneplus einen großteil seiner kunden verarscht.

nichts falsches denken, besaß selber das oneplus 1 und 2 aber mittlerweile ist das nichts mehr für mich, kaufe jetzt nur noch das beste bei warehousdeals

Heller als das iPhone 5? Das hat nämlich einen Display den man super in der vollen Sonne ablesen kann.

Meine mutter hat das 5s und ich würd schon behaupten dass das OP3 gut mithalten kann

Okay, das klingt schon einmal interessant.
Denn das interpretiere ich als ein 'iPhone ist heller'.

Schade, iPhone ist mir zu schäbig, aber die meisten Androiden, vor allem die Nexi, sind alle nur so naja.
Ich brauche Akku und hellstes Display wo gibt. Alles andere ist zweitrangig. Mir wumpe ob 2, 4 oder 8 Kerne. Ab 2 Kernen ist Android immer flüssig.

online tests sagen das iphone 5s schafft bis zu 580 candela.

das oneplus 3 bis zu 390 candela

das oneplus 2 hatte dabei noch 550 candela

also is wohl schon n krasser unterschied

I like the look of OnePlus's new device. But the best thing about the OnePlus Three is that it's the only phone that does not throttle during heavy use or game play.

Look at this fucking shit. The 1+3 is the only phone nipping at the heels of the iPhone. Wtf Samsung and LG?

Support is nonexistent on most brands and with modifying a single digit with a text editor you can set it up to use any quantity of RAM you want, so it is capable, but like you said battery life is shit, and you want to make it worse for a meme quantity of RAM? Are you autistic?

wenn du high-end willst, schau dir das p9 an

wenn du ein pokemon go handy suchst,

blackview bv6000, allerdings ist das display nicht so der bringer

Its OK some day you'll be able to afford one. You just gotta save instead of blowing all your cash on fuck dolls of your shitty waifu.

>pokemon go handy
Danke für den Lacher.
Und danke für die Links, werde mal schauen was ich mir so leisten kann und will.

wäre auch noch interessant was bald raus kommt

Also für mich reichen nur 50% Helligkeit durch den ganzen tag was den Akku betrifft war ich in den ersten paar Tagen schon ein wenig enttäuscht weil es kaum tage gab an denen ich mehr als 5 stunden sot hatte aber mit späteren Patches hat sich dass ein wenig gebessert, im Vergleich zu anderen Handys schneidet das OP3 aber schon ein wenig bescheiden ab

Ich hatte schon zwei Geräte mit diesen Zerolemon Riesenakkus. Ist Anfangs etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig und man muss damit leben, dass einen jeder drauf anspricht, aber es hat sich massiv gelohnt.

Man konnte wirklich den ganzen Tag lang unterwegs zocken (mache ich mittlerweile gar nicht mehr, aber dennoch) oder mal 3 Tage wach am Wochenende rumjunken ohne am Ende kein Maps mehr zu haben. Das ist wirklich empfehlenswert. Auch 100% Displayhelligkeit sind dann kein Ding, Akku hälts ja eh durch.

Zuerst wollte auch keiner 5,5" Geräte, jetzt will das fast jeder haben. Bedenkt das mal.

das mein pokemon go setup momentan

huawei mate s und intenso 5000mah soundbank dahinter, passt alles gerade noch so rein und funktioniert prima

Also mit solch fetten Hüllen an meinem Handy könnt ich nicht leben ich hab mir lieber einen dieser 20000mAh powerbanks von Anker gekauft die hab ich dann immer beim wegfahren oder in der Schule dabei

>intenso 5000mah soundbank
Ist das so eine Art LSP der auch als externer Akku fungiert?

Sowas habe ich auch derzeit, aber mir geht's mittlerweile auf die Nerven. Daher schaue ich mich wieder mal um, mal sehen. Brauche mein Handy auch als LTE Hotspot weil ich unterwegs code und die Dokumentationen für die Sprachen nachschlagen muss. Das ballert auch immer ordentlich Akku weg, da WLAN und LTE beide aktiv sind. Wenn ichs mit USB verbinde, geht der Laptop Akku alle, also auch nicht das Wahre.

sorry bin schon was länger wach, ich geh jez pennen

nein das ist ne 8,5mm powerbank


Ok abgemacht. Viel Spaß beim Pokemongos fangen.