What's your favorite case Sup Forums.
>tfw you want to buy a case but can't find it anywhere
What's your favorite case Sup Forums
stop this meme
>I command it
h440 or s340
cheeky monitor, I can see you
saged to not bump your shitty forced meme
pentium 4 era thinkcenter cases
i got one just like this but with an inverted faceplate
>has vents in the bottom
>cant actually float
i feel lied to
memes aside, this is fucking beautiful. The ship needs some colour, but damn
Are either of these cases good? I'm planning my first build and considering both of them
You can get it in silver and black too, I'm not sure which to go for
The case looks like shit on the outside, but inside is roomy and laid out nicely.
I would love this case, but I would prefer it in aluminum, and a different / simpler front panel.
I have the older version with shittier hdd mounts.
Gr8 case m8 just research it
Oh I've got your fucking Meme case here.
>tfw I actually really like it.
They're memes you donkey
It was a pain in the ass to get it out..
Oh I figured that much.
But are they actually good :^)
How can anyone buy a case that screams AMA A MASSIVE FAGGOT like that
My favorite cases, and speaking from ones I've owned, ranking the top 3:
>Phanteks Evolv ATX TG
>NCase M1
>Corsair 550D
The horrible smell of your chamber of virginity is quite strong, basement dwelling Sup Forumsirgin
My old roommate used to have this case.
He ran crossfired Radeon 5870s in it
If this is true, that's fucking hilarious.
i've been thinking about getting the matx white one (but no side window). i/o on the side seems dumb tho
This case is nice.
Gonna build something like it for a new rig in the fall.
>im a gamer look at my neon red cumtubes
looks gay t b h
Go Fuck yourself...how meager your self esteem must be if you care about such trivial things.
Its a computer built into the desk. Its fucking space saving efficiency.
Cucker mccuckington is getting assblasted
It's got really good cooling for hot cards.
I own the non Nvidia branded version.
lol you're an idiot
who wants their computer built into a desk.
A friend of mine bought the AMD version of this, I stopped talking to him :^)
Caring about aesthetics has nothing to do with self-esteem. Besides, a desktop could easily fit under that, and you lose out on drawer space with the computer being built in, so I'm not convinced it saves much space anyway
>spend month looking for ideal computer case
>none exists
>find one that is one notch under perfect
>reasonable price
>they sold me on the filter meme
>only availible in white
>but I need the black version
>can only find it internationally for 150% full price + $400 shipping
nigga I can buy some artist case for that shit