sticker thread
Sticker thread
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I know this is obvious bait, but it triggered me good
Where'd you get that FLAC sticker?
>laptop stickers
Found the autistic permavirgin
pure unadultered reddit.
>inb4 300 posts of people with reddit taste complaining about reddit
what kind of personality do these people have?
>Debian and Gentoo stickers on the same laptop
fuaarrk that!
missing a few
It's you ! Go away.
Do you know him?
He's the shiter that keeps posting threads like these awards the archive and you'll see his image in the op's.
>Both bitcoin and bernie stickers
At least stay consistent.
what did she mean by this anons?
For the love of god please be bait
No one has ever met one so we will never know. How this picture even made its way to the web is a mystery
What's wrong with it? Can't afford a MacBook? Lol.
If any fellow channer spotted this they would stick a knife in ur face like u deserve
/osg/ fans would love this thread.
Kill urself/10
What is it with Vaio owners and putting shitty stickers all over it. Vaio's already god-tier
at least you're consistent
communist shithead kill yourself
Don't think I'll be adding any more soon.
I don't put stickers on my mac
the aluminum unibody display
it's enough
it's beautiful
What's the story behind the bell pepper?
nice /o/ sticker
Best one
that image is great for triggering 4kiddies
these threads are fucking infuriating
"It made Woody Guthrie and the people who listened to him feel noble. I'm not saying that he wasn't against fascism but to say that you could defeat it by singing songs is not helpful."
Shift clicking threads hides them. You're also free to use filters.
John Green detected
More like triggering Sup Forumskeks
Too lazy to take a picture and post because I'm out, but I also have a lainchan sticker
you're pretty good
stickers on a mac fuck outta here
not bad
its fine
this meme again
berniefaggot learn basic economics
what's wrong with stickers on a mac senpai?
Kill yourself.
Jesus Christ this thread! All this cancer!
Holy shit where did you get the Cyberdelia sticker and what's the story? Have you visited the place where that bit was filmed?
I used to have a Google Chrome sticker. I don't put stickers on my laptop like an autist, however
I'm planning printing this to stick on my keyboard
i hope this is a joke
and why azerty
nope :^)
>why azerty
because it's the standard in my country and i'm used to it.
Space background is proably better.
Just bought these. How bad did I fuck up?
>buying stickers
a lot
rude tbqh
I said that because I never paid for stickets, I got them all for free at concert or whatever events. And I have tons of them, my laptop is almost totally covered.
Apart that, those are nice.
This is my favorite in these threads.
>/o/ detected
Kill yourself
I used to put banana stickers on my laptop
>one of mine
thank ye for your patronage!
Why would you put stickers on your laptop? Can you explain me your thought process? Or do you not think deeply about it?
For me it's :
>cool, free stickers! (concert, event, fruits...
>where should I stick them?
>oh, I'll put this one here.
"here" can be anywhere, and I have stickers on anything I own. Computer, camera, furniture...
Plus I work in signage, so I can make my own
>where should I stick them?
Why don't you just throw them away?
why dont you just mind your own fucking business?
Becuse this is an internet forum.
>le feel the bern
Nu-male cuckold.
Pajeet detected.
Another nu-male cuckold.
What is that sticker over the apple logo
Why should I just throw something away when I can just use it?
Because stickers are not useful. They are visual clutter.
Ik haat het om azerty te moeten gebruiken >:c
There's a lot of not-useful things in life that people like.
By your frame of thinking, art, posters, etc. are all "visual clutter".
Why does she have two mouths?
Ik voel je broeder
Cancer of all cancers
I get a lot of stickers at local activism/FOSS events, then when I find a nice combination I carefully stick them on my computer. Actually I have 2 stickers on my computer.
I don't install Sup Forums or stickers because I consider it's childish and because I want my stickers to engage conversation with activists with the same vision as me, and neither desu/ricers/anime-anons nor a random startup freeware or software package developer, in its most pejorative and Windows-locked-in meaning.
Where do you get cheap stickers ?I am an eurofag ? I've heard of unix stickers but that's specific, what about memes or less known stuff ? Thanks
Not OP, but I found this sticker on Redbubble
Azerty is shit, use bépo
top tier bait bonus point for steel series
you better watch out for that truck frog-friend
Hahaha. Do you know what SDF means in french, it means Sans Domicile Fixe, that means that you are homeless, great choise for a sticker user.
mdr je me suis dit ça aussi
You post that in almost every other thread, and every time I tell you the same thing. I couldn't give less of a shit.
Where can I get them?
Why bother?
You buy a mac because you have no taste and want apple to design shit for you. Like having your mom pick out your clothes. You can't rice so your desktop always looks okay, the outside of the device is metal and easy to clean, if you leave it stock you can be somewhat fashionable with zero care taken. Just make sure the apple logo is very plainly visible at all times.
And then you fuck it all up and make it look like every other HP laptop owned by a highschool kid. Why not buy a technically superior laptop and rice linux if you're going to do that?
where can i buy cheap shitty stickers in the uk without paying £5000 to get it delivered
>the only Unix featured is FreeBSD
Where do you find greybeard-tier shit short of making your own?
>female repellent
Where can you find this and why don't you print it «ÉRADIQUER» in this glorious, yet disgusting language?
>tfw I have a bépo layout
I mean, to compare it with English French language is totally messy and broken. The ability of verbing in English may make it closer of a Turing-complete language indeed. Anyway.
what site is that? redbubble?
the ones in the pic I had custom made at
one of the ones bought is from my redbubble store
reminds me, i've a pile of touhou ones to put up still
liberal faggot kys
Do you still support Bernie after what he just did?
shame on you...
There's no reason to love Trump because he's a mass surveillance shill but I'd rather live with less privacy (because there's always other ways around surveillance) than in a society where the left wins or a criminal liar is the president.