Your move Sup Forums

Your move Sup Forums.

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7H -> 5H

Mind sharing it?

Shhhh. Game in progress.


Forest, Nettle Sentinel



>To continue playing please insert one link to the source

the source is a half baked spaghetti mess from my first year in programming , you probably don't want it.

G8 -> 7H

Where is this from OP?

I would love the chance to see if my first year (current) spaghetti mess looks anything like anyone elses. I only ever see clean code and this looks cool as hell

that is not a valid movement you dummy.

F8 -> 4B then

I want to see it so I can rewrite it and see how much more concise my implementation is.

Also to check if it has edge-case shit like castling


don't say I didn't warn you

>a single 2 KLOC C++ file

Thanks, this is great. Can't really look into it for a few hours yet so can't comment

Holy god damn

wait so we can just make them move where we want?

>one function

Please tell me you don't still indent like this

>those position checks to chose background "color"

cute though

>that pawn structure

you can at least give the random anons some handicap.

One thought, OP. The visual representation of the board might be more complicated than a simple 8x8 char table, but it looks ugly as all hell.

look at what you did

7B -> 1E

sorry man, pawns were the only piece my past self coded movement rules for.

>implying you never programmed like this
>implying you have ever even programmed

Takes balls to release your own learning-era code but OP did

8D -> 1C

This. Thanks for the nostalgia OP

All things considered, I should rewrite it and finish it. For completeness sake.


You fucked up OP


1C -> 1D
curious what happens in the end

not really

Kinda anticlimactic

For the towers, perhaps the top should be this:

The " ¯ " code is 238.


>caring about indentation


I'm comin' for ya OP

Well I'll be damned

Actually, pretty cool. Share?

you forgot the coordinates senpai


you're the cancer killing independent coders.
Want a professional-grade software? You have to pay for it.

I am so very sorry.

It's not done yet. Still needs movement rules, movement, and a user input loop.

Movement rules are going to be the only annoying part.

I'm going to bed so I'm not finishing it tonight, but here's what I've got so far

If you run the script, it will only display the starting board and exit, but it is internally representing the position of everything. All you'd have to do to move a piece is move its object to a different element of the board and call draw(board) again


Here's the code with some comments so people don't have to try to figure out what the ansi escape codes do

Amazing how much difference it makes knowing your shit.

to be fair, it's just a huge case of "When all you have is a hammer...".

from what i skimmed its all basic functionality layered into itself to create the more complex stuff.

what does a.split do?

Not Op, here is my js chess


is this obfuscated