Photoshop vs GIMP

Why do people even use GIMP? What can it do that Photoshop can't? (Aside from being freeware or whatever)

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being freeware and running on things that aren't OSX/Windows are its biggest draws
there really isn't anything it can do over PS, particularly due to the wide industry (and fuck, hobbyist) support for PS

gimp takes less resources

its free

better for batch processes

you can skin gimp to look like ps

its easier than ps

open source means easy modding.

Everything adobe does is retarded. PDFs and Creative Suite are shitty in 2016.

Nothing honestly. It's scripting is neat, though.

Anything GIMP has going for it is quickly fucked into submission by Photoshop's GPU acceleration.

It's free.

>Paying for making dank frog memes
Nah, jamal

Just use krita already

Why would you pay a monthly fee to rent (not own) a piece of software?
Holy shit, I'm just looking this up now, 240 American dollars per year?
To rent a license to use software?
Even if photoshop is better than GIMP, are you really creating such wonderful, complex pieces of artwork that you can justify that kind of cost? For software you don't even own a copy of?

>GIMP is free as in I am poor
Just steal Photoshop.

>GIMP is free as in I am paranoid
Just curb your autism. Stop following in the footsteps of retards.
>Green Is My Pepper

>implying non-pro owns a license

photoshop, I have to pirate it, because there's still not free as in freedom alternative that can compete.
gimp is a pos of shit for hobbyists, though if all you want to do is create dank memes I guess gimp would be for you

Please don't use the term “freeware” as a synonym for “free software.” The term “freeware” was used often in the 1980s for programs released only as executables, with source code not available. Today it has no particular agreed-on definition.

>pos of shit

Unless you're a freelance Art Director/Graphic Designer it's entirely paid for by work. The basis of the creative cloud subscription model was to rope companies into becoming dependant on them and encouraging the use of Premiere Pro and After Effects alongside the likes of Photoshop and Illustrator in studios in order to kill off FCP, Avid, Nuke and Flame. A software license centralized workplace that is set up so that if someone would to use a program outside of the Adobe lexicon it basically inconveniences everyone else along the way and ends up costing money.

Are you stupid OP?
>What can it do that Photoshop can't?
Everything you want since it's free software.

I haven't used Photoshop in almost 10 years. I refuse to rent software and pirating only gives these people an audience. Adobe needs to rot.

Just pirate it you fat pussy

Nobody buys that shit but apple users

it's free and pretty capable once you spend time with it. a torrent of photoshop is just as nice.

> krita

even once user?

>paying for software in 2016

I haven't use GIMP in a huge amount of time, don't even think I have the patience to learn it, last I remembered it was hella bad with an awful GUI ( or maybe I wasn't use to it )

its not freeware, it's "free software". major difference

Gimp cant CYMK nativly.
That's it

gimp can open pictures of money

A javascript application is 1000x better than that pile of pigshit gimp.

Go back to India, Rajeesh.

How shit am i if i prefer Paint.Net over GIMP?

no Pantone™ either

Gimp is a fucking joke, a hobbist project, photoshop is faster and more powerful.

I like gimp. It is quite good if you are not some retard that wants it to be exactly like babbies first image editor.
I use gimp for editing, krita for drawing, inkscape for vector and blender for 3d and video.
The only real issue gimp has is the colour depth but it's not like some gaymen childen, codemonkeys or actual shills on Sup Forums would even give it a real try. The amount of hate it gets around here is not reasonable all.
t. Someone who used Photoshop for ~10 years and had no major problems switching to a set of other programs.

You can't "draw" circles with GIMP

First of all: yes you can
Second: there are programs specifically made for drawing things that obviously are better suited for drawing.

>yes you can
No you can't.
Drawing circle involve selecting an area, then filling it with color.
Drawing means creating a layer with an object that can be adjusted later.

You are asking for vector editing.

Why aren't there more paint programs? Why is it just PS and GIMP?

There are a metric fuckton of them. Try krita if you want to draw/paint.

photoshop = paid for, police approved software

gimp = magical sex mask...

it really doesn't matter who's side you're on. what matters is the value of your result...

Is there anyway to change GIMP GUI to more user friendly?

But that's used for something different from PS and GIMP and PAINT.NET is garbage and for Windows.

A lot. Single window view, a theme, changes to the layout, real modding...

People do use GIMP? I have yet to see somebody doing it sans freetards on the Internet.

If you can pirate Photoshop, why not pirate it? It's the industry standard. Anyone that's actually used Photoshop knows it's second to none.

GIMP is a fine software but unless you have an issue with pirating Photoshop then you may as well just pirate the real deal.

Is there any clean photoshop and illustrator torrents out there?

I tried 6 different ones, two were in Russian, one didn't work, and the rest had rootkits and rats in them (one had rootkits in the .dlls)

industry what?!


the whole point of avoiding photoshop, is because it is the standard

fuck the system

What do you think the circle-selector in GIMP is? a scaled GIF? All selection tools and drawing tools use vectors which are then mapped to the pixel grid. Dayum son.

Affinity Suite for mac. 50 bucks a pop, and worth it. (or torrent it, but what: are you poor?)

Ching Liu's always worked fine for me.

>(one had rootkits in the .dlls)
That's always on with Windows.

That shit uses flash.

>not using Pixelmator or Affinity Photo or Acorn
They're like photoshop, but better

maximum edgelord

>industry what?!
I love free software and absolutely _hate_ motherfucking Adobe, but what most freetards fail to realize is that Adobe software is the standard not because of its ability to arrange pixels or bezier curves in some amazing way, but because of its support for all kinds of industrial printing processes: ICC profiles management, plates separation, trapping, overprints, dot gains, all that shit. Free software will _never_ match decades of development done with close support from the pre-press and printing industry.

-Smart objects
-Layer effects
-Many third-party plugins

-GPL (if you are a neckbeard that cares about that shit)
-Better scripting

GIMP is free. If Photoshop was free, exclude pirating, people wouldn't think twice about Photoshop vs GIMP.

Personally I use Krita. I like it but it's kinda confusing. Pleb drawfag here btw

>t. Someone who used Photoshop for ~10 years and had no major problems switching to a set of other programs.
t. liar

If you know how to use both then they are literally the same thing, no competition.

runs on linux
just does what i need
i'm not a professional photographer, i just want to edit things from time to time

Literally the best. For anything SAI doesn't do, Clipstudio does.

GIMP is lightweight, free, open source, and can do anything photoshop can.

I have a pirated version of Photoshop CC 2015. GIMP is better.


Baby duck most likely

GIMP is pure shit

You forgot 3D in Photoshop

>anything Photoshop can
3D? CMYK support? GPU accelerated display?

gimp runs like garbage

>mfw 90% of people who use GIMP don't know about pressing Tab to hide the panels

on windows or your shit machine maybe.

>have quad-core i5
>try to rotate a picture 22° in photoshop
>it gets rotated instantly
>try the same in GIMP
>takes 4 seconds to do the same thing.

>i don't understand how metadata rotation vs. pixel perfect rotation works
one of them will be no problem with your cpu, the other works faster with gpu acceleration.
quad core i5 doesn't actually tell that much about the performance since there are a lot of them in varying speeds, i would suggest you to lurk moar, post less and learn to give clear info on your system.

Of course I know the difference.
In PS I used the free transform tool to perform the rotation, in GIMP the rotate tool.
And any non-straight angle rotation requires recalculating all pixels.
(GPU acceleration in PS was disabled)

>Why do people even use GIMP?

In my experience a lot of GIMP users are poor or suffer from varying degrees of retardation.

Forgot to say the picture was the same, a 12MP image from my camera.

You're baiting, right?
>Requires you to be connected to the internet to use it
>No plug-ins
>Slows browser window to a crawl

color to alpha

Its a great feature that gimp has had forever but photoshop has never ripped off for some reason. You can get the same end result in ps but its a pain in the ass, or you can use plugins/actions that are also a pain in the ass.

A big advantage of Adobe products is their integration. They work well with each other which helps your workflow immensely.
Free software will in most cases always lag in this regard.

That said, there are far better alternatives to Photoshop other than GIMP. Pixelmator, Affinity Photo and now Sketch for UI work. I'm afraid free software lags far behind proprietary ones. The ability to modify it to your needs has not proven very helpful since most people who use it do not have the skills to modify it, do not have the resources to hire someone to do it for them. It is far easier to go for a proprietary solution.

GIMP doesn't develop quick enough or with enough input from artists and designers unlike say Krita. By the way, the people mentioning Krita as an alternative for GIMP or PS either have not used it or are unaware of the main focus of either software.

I make 80 dollars an hour as a graphic designer and video editor (and a lot of other graphic things) so paying 54 dollars a month for all the software I need plus a bunch of extra web hosting shit pays for itself in 45 minutes of use.

Also I'm a good goy that has this crazy idea that people who make tools that make me money deserve to get paid.

Finally gimp is a piece of shit. Photoshop, not even talking about all the other amazing software that's in my CC subscription too, is MILES ahead of it. Gimp can only catch up so far before being an outright illegal copy of photoshop.

Okay, i'm honest. I didn't know that, thanks user.

It seems to me that is the same as selecting a color in PS and making a mask, which creates an alpha layer. Am I missing something?

It's scriptable



lol nigga that's not vector drawing

Inkscape master race

if i was u making 80 dollars by hour doing photoshop, i would be rich.


>he doesn't pirate software
Good goy :^)

>GIMP is free as in i have the freedom to use it on Linux

What's going on today? There are literally ten or more threads bashing Linux and blatantly shilling Microsoft.

because adobe is trash.
They ass-fuck anyone who buys the non-subscription product, pay over a hundred dollars and don't get updates from adobe without a subscription.
The only patched photoshop is $1080 per decade and full of DRM garbage.

There's zero justification for the subscription model at all. Adobe just has a monopoly due to purchasing technology/patents from other companies so that they can abuse their customers.

Are you guys seriously this dense? You can easily just torrent photoshop. Which means it's all about preference.

You can torrent as many copies of Photoshop as you want, it's still only going to run on OS X and Wangblows

>Why do people even use GIMP?
Free software
Can run on GNU/Linux
Does not have an extremely shitty png extractor
Green is my pepper

>Aside from being freeware or whatever
Trolling confirmed
GIMP is not freeware, it is free software (free as in freedom)

In which case you can either virtualise windows or install it on a machine without access to Internet.

>photoshop is faster


>being mad for no reason

I have a reason.

>still not giving a reason
What are you, a woman? Raging randomly without giving any reason accomplishes nothing.

>>still not giving a reason
I would if you asked for it.

I do not think you know what raging means


Selecting a color in ps doesnt work the same and you'll have to use several steps to get the same result