Well my headphones just stopped working in 1 ear they are the only ones i have and i don't have any money to buy new ones what should i do?
Well my headphones just stopped working in 1 ear they are the only ones i have and i don't have any money to buy new...
Use your speakers.
install gentoo
Is there really no way to fix them?
learn to solder
Can you guys please help? i don't know anything about technology nothing at all it's awful
in ear headphones vs on/over ear headphones go
Just solder the fucking wires back together
My $5 soldering iron has saved me hundreds of dollars by just fixing headphone cables
i have no idea how to do that
I don't know how to fix this
Fuck off normie
nice meme word
over will also be better, not even an argument
kill me
Yeah, the cut is a little bit too close to the plastic edge.
Unless you manage to open the thing up and then soldier them together you really need a new pair.
Unless you have some copper wires and you macgyver the wires together with tape or something
well shit are there any decent headphones i can get for $20 or less? that i don't have to order online
>that i don't have to order online
Can't give a specific model if you don't order online, just go to stores near you and pick the ones with that look like non-complete shit.
Better yet if you can sort-of try them on before you buy and at least if they are distracting or hake your head hurt
>well shit are there any decent headphones i can get for $20 or less?
There sure are!
>that i don't have to order online
What are some that i can order online?
I hear the Sennheiser HD201's are perfect for destitute poorfags like yourself.
learn to solder
Don't bother with audio if you're a poor fab and can't afford the best high end headphones, it will all sound like shit.
Fuck you OP no spoonfeeding allowed
If you have Internet access you have enough money to buy a new fucking pair of headphones
Go home shitdick
>implying my internet isn't shit and about to be shut off anyway
Then buying headphones is the last thing you should be fucking worried about you retard
>implying i need internet
>Implying anyone gives a shit about your contemptible existence
>implying it matters
>implying there is any meaning to anything
Everything is pointless
just sell your DVD-RW and buy yourself some chink shit phones
Fucks sake you fucking dormant pondlife scum!
Solder a new wire onto the ports inside!
>everything is pointless
>proceeds to post on Sup Forums and cares about new headphones
Enjoy your teenage years
figure out how to open the cup without breaking it and have a look where the wires are connected.
There should be around 3 wires 1 for right channel, 1 for left channel, and one for ground. If there are 4 that would simply mean the ground wires for each cup are separated.
You will have to strip the remaining piece of wire you have assuming it is not faulty and expose the 3 wires then solder them into the cup.
I didn't say that i didn't care about anything i just said there is no real meaning to anything. you dipshit
Obviously there is real meaning if you're still doing things, real being defined as something that is a part of reality.
You deserve this.