What's the best anti virus for android?

>What's the best anti virus for android?

Do you need it?

Help a nigga out

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Now that's a semen demon if I ever saw one

Answer my question and I'll dump Oc noodies

Idk about android but avira works great for my laptop.


Not sure if she's a semen demon. But she sure looks lika a demon, user.

If you only install Play store apps and do not have it rooted you are fine.

>what is stagefright
>implying the google store is safe

OP you dun goof'd android is shit because of the 3 "NOs"

>no security
>no privacy
>no updates

AVG familia

She's mean but I don't care. I love her eyes and her wild wild hair

She's fucking beautiful

Bump. I want moar!

This thread has the most cancer I've seen in a while. Congratulations Sup Forums

Sky Ferreira

Sincerely, Sup Forums

>wanting security, privacy and updates

As if apple was any better. Last time I checked, updates didn't occur because phone companies are a bunch of jews and if you wanted to update android then "well buy another phone with a newer version goy"

Xprivacy xposed module, unless the app in question uses countermeasures. Also, common sense.

I've installed clamav on my Arch installation. Looking for something similar on Android. I won't infect it with botnet shit like Avast, AVG or Avira.

Been using cm for some time. Like it so far.

Xprivacy is SHIT


The Apple iPhone 6S Plus doesn't have this problem.

Just don't download APKs from weird sites, avoid Cheetah Mobile apps and you're good to go

I don't think most of my apps care enough to implement an XPrivacy bypass

Just like youre mom.

Your brain.

I used to have AVG on my old phone, but i didnt bother installing an anti virus on my new phone because i realized how pointless it is on a mobile. On computers there are a lot of threats when you are torrenting/installing software/download porn etc but on a pone all i'm doing is downloading apps from google play... and Sup Forums(chanobol) has got me covered for porn so why would i need anti virus.

If you really need one bceuase your donwloading pirated apps and other shit then this:
