>Be in class
>Using my memepad
>Hear some guys behind me "It's an old piece of shit"
Be in class
why do so many people here require affirmation from others?
Maybe because it is, fucking hispter Sup Forumstard.
Why would you care about that?
You like it.
I use an asus 720p chromebook loaded with linux and people give me shit about it all the time. University students are techilliterate normies
either your uni is full of macfags, or they're actually tech literates who are shaming you for using a chrome book
>using my maxed t420
>hey user that laptop looks pretty old how can you use that
>open speccy to show my 2x ssds + hdd and 16gb ram that i'll never fully use
>also 1600x900 screen in a world of 1366x768 laptops
I live in a third world shithole anyway so i guess isn't like murrica where 99% of students probably are using macbooks.
>paying more than 250$ for a machine that only exists to take notes and browse the web
>paying $250 for a Web browser machine
>not writing your notes by hand
>Be in class
>Using my memepad
>Hear some guys behind me "It's an old piece of shit"
>guy who said it is using some $300 HP struggling to keep cool temps at idle, have 2 hour battery life and constantly crashes from all the preinstalled bloatware
>be in cs class
>fell asleep
They probably weren't even talking about you, you sperg.
>whip out my LibreBoot T400 at StarBucks
>extremely hot qt 3.14 comes up
>"is that a liberated T400 without any non-free software whatsoever??? and you run GNU plus Linux??? did you go the extra mile and got a 100% libre WiFi adapter too? ok that's enough, when do we meet for sexual intercourse?"
>mfw we're now married
>tfw forced to use the botnet
>tfw your brother fell for the memepad
I know you are reading this, Dave.
>be me
>be in class
>be on my POS memepad
>I hear someone call it a POS
Such is the life of a Linux fag
I wish I was this pretty :c
Don't worry, they were only talking about your mom.
oh shit it's angela anaconda
>using thinkpad in starbucks
>old dude on the other side of the store has a t420 also
>we ignore each other because nobody cares about memepads
>teenager drops her 0.8ghz macbook off a couch arm and starts crying because the screen shattered
Get surgery.
>mfw it looks like an old piece of shit but its probably better than their junk and i dont care about their opinion anyway
Low self-esteem.
Hence the constant battlestation, guts, watch, EDC threads. People need validation. That's why Twitter exists, that's why people post on Sup Forums, that's why people get plastic surgery.
Good post my friend.
Very insightful observations.
Oh fuck yeah, that's that shit I DO like.
Tell me again how great I am, I'm so close.
I'll take "Things no one has ever said" for $200.
>be me
>own a the usual memepad
>go to school, my first day
>upen up my memepad in lecture
>the person next to me says
>"topkek you fell for the meme faggot"
>he opens up his thermal throttleing no usb macbook and says
>"Join the masterrace"
Why should i cuck myself like he does?
>12.5" Elitebook
>blah blah why is it so tiny, it looks like a toy
Every fucking time from people with huge ass 15.6" laptops that overheat, flex, creak and last 2 hours max on battery.
At least people don't think it's old.
>5 of my classmates use memepads
>Nobody gives a single fuck
>paying ~5$ for writing tools
>not memorizing it in your mind.
>using your mind to memorize things
>not being talented already to know the shit they teach you in schools since birth.
Red pill a tech illiterate on memepads, Sup Forums
just works.
>I don't like it or more than 10 people like it, so it's a meme.
Pro ThinkPad:
- large selection of cheap refurbished thinkpads because it is often used in large companies
- cheap spare parts
- comes with service manual that documents every single screw
- can repair on your own
- decent keyboard
- display quality is hit and miss. thinkpads can have everything from the worst TN panel you can imagine to great IPS. do your research first
You should add Another on cons, ded mainboard, ded adaptor, and battery degraded. But they're cheap so like throwaway laptop.
>Not bring omniscient
>ded mainboard
>ded adaptor
[citation needed]
No ThinkPad mainboard or adapter of mine died in my last 10 years of using ThinkPads.
Every Lithium battery depletes sooner or later. Replacement batteries for ThinkPads are affordable.
>be me
>use T420
>nobody gives a shit when the professor is unironically using IE
I even used a 600E with fucking NT4 once and nobody cared.
My friends at uni also thought my x220 was old until they found out it performed faster than my friend's 2015 MacBook pro when it came to running computationally expensive data analysis and that it has 10GB ram as well as an 250GB SSD. They were even more surprised when they found out I only paid 420€ for it.
>Be me
>Pull out T520 on the train
>No one gives a fuck
??? I thought I was supposed to get weird stares and bad remarks, what the fuck anons
>pull out e6400
>hey man is that a new laptop? loooks really nice
>its 15 years old
>pull out Razer Blade
>get laid immediately
this cant be topped
>Be at the local joint
>Whip out my Asus laptop
>Hear some guys behind me say nothing because they don't have the 12-digit model number to identify my PC by.
>Asus technician sitting at the table in front of me asks me how my system is running.
>Simply tell him that I do not speak Japanese, but that it is working just fine.
I use a c720 with w10 and no one has ever said anything about it to me. My roommate wanted one too when i told her i got it for 50$ on ebay and 70$ for an ssd.
> Be muslim
> In cs class
> Pull out my thinkpad t420
> Class goes silent
> teacher drops the chalk and stares
> Theyreb profiling me
> Class freaks
> They think it's a Bomb
> Police called
> Hands up
> Dumb cops shoot me for bwing brown
Welcome to America
>the sweet embrace of death
>Be in class
>Using my memepad
>No one says anything because I am black and they assume I am poor to begin with.
Cool memepad, Ahmed
>be muslim
That kind needs to be shot regardless of the shit they use.
>using shit prehistoric
You deserved that!
post more please ;_;
>be in game design class
>using my memepad tablet
>classmates call it old because 4:3 thinkpad
>twist the screen and draw concepts for group task
>instantly impressed by a shitty laptop worth 1/10 of their phones and HPs
>be in class
>using the cheapest laptop i could find with 8gb ram, a reasonable cpu, and sufficient storage
>hear some people behind me "do you think he bought it because it looks like a mac"
>they're all using macs
1. ThinkPads are either outdated or crap
2. Why do you care what others think, faggot
I would make fun of you too. Even homOSeX faggots are one tier above you.
It's not because he has a Chromebook. It's because he has a super cheap Chromebook that's so flimsy you can break the screen by flicking the rear panel, and has it loaded up with some ricer tier shit with partial transparency so he can see his shit wallpaper at all times.
>trip and drop thinkpad
>you're damaged more than it is