Are there any downsides to arch linux compared to shit like ubuntu?

Are there any downsides to arch linux compared to shit like ubuntu?

THEY ARE ALL SHIT! just try transferring music to your Iphone.

>implying that you don't have the same problem on windows

If you fuck up something critical, it's a bigger pain in the ass to reinstall.

>it's another distro X vs Y episode

Almost every distro is borderline identical, how about you spend 5 minutes reading the wiki of each before asking shit questions



I actually don't. The main consumers of its products use Windows. Itunes couldn't give a FUCK about non-proprietary OS basement dwelling users.

Where is your dank meme?

If you use GNU/Linux, you aren't using an iPhone, but if you are, that's fucking retarded.

the logo
>thank you Sup Forums

>Itunes couldn't give a FUCK about non-proprietary OS basement dwelling users.
Why on earth would they expend time and money on

Not unless you're a total scrub noob.

Too much time on your hands: Gentoo
Boring office stuff and spread sheets: Red Hat, CentOS
Gaming and noobs general: Ubuntu
Entry-level coding: Debian, Fedora
Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hacking: ARCH

> Itunes.
Yeah, no.

More like Tails, and Kali.

1. ctrl + click to select songs
2. right + click save to playlist.lst
3.yaourt playlist.lst > /dev/iphone

that's not how it works user.

>yaourt playlist.lst > /dev/iphone

babby tier distros that dont even require the COMMAND LINE to install

Arch on Servers. Lel

>Needing shitty software just to put music on your iPhone because Apple locks down the filing system so that only said software can access it

>typing stuff from a wiki into a terminal
>muh lunix skills

does your linux knowledge come only from memes?

Actually, I'm running Arch on my homeserver.

Red Hat or CentOS on desktop?
No... Just no...

Arch repos are notoriously shitty and unsafe. Thats not really a meme.

I messed up the reply, was supposed to be for the arch retard. I agree that Arch on servers is purely idiotic.

I don't like either of them. Arch Linux, Systemd and software anarchy. Ubuntu is bloated Debian, which is also bloated. Install Gentoo.

Linux distros can all be transformed into one another, there is no permanent difference

I thought CentOS on desktop was legit?

What? If something goes wrong you just restore from backup.

This. The only correct answer to "which distro is best for X" is: "one you configured yourself to suit your needs regarding X". Which distro you choose as a starting point is irrelevant.

Meanwhile, faggots on Sup Forums keep switching distributions as soon as they stumble upon a piece of default config that isn't to their liking and then flame about how FooLinux is "better" than BarLinux because of that.

absolutely none desu. but I still think you should install Gentoo.

You are actually wrong. Arch is vanilla linux which makes it entirely different by design from distros such as Ubuntu, Fedora or Debian. Main difference is that whenever something breaks you don't have to wait 6 months for some moron to include fix that developer made ages ago in their own package. While there is a lot of stuff you can do once you git gud at linux there really isn't much you can do about shit package maintainers, except for switching to backports and such (which is shit solution).
As a side note if any distro could actually maintain its fucking packages properly I would ditch the shit out of Arch and use Ubuntu or whatever. This doesn't seem to be the case unfortunately.


How about Fedora GNU/Linux

The major downside of arch is that is isn't gentoo or debian. It's crap in every direction.

When was that?

lol yeah, Systemd cancer, software anarchy, no freedom. It's basically a polished turd.

Well meme'd iFag

>command line to install
What is this? 20th century?

There's barely a difference between any Linux distros besides what comes pre installed on them.

Ubuntu comes with a bunch of stuff already installed. Arch is just the basics.

Last I checked Gentoo is one of the only distributions that supports Portage

nigger install on arch is two commands

What an outdated shit image this is

arch installation is very easy if you've already done it once. If you didn't fuck up your entire partition you can even reinstall all your packages with a single command

Is it true you can lose all your data by simply typing pacman -syu?

$ pacman -syu
error: invalid option '-s'
Guess not.

Easily done. Try to suck less.