Vaping is technology

Vaping is technology
What are you running?

I am vaping the limitless RDTA fused clapton dual coil at .16 Ohms with a kbox200 mod. Hits like a champ! Japanese cotton of course.

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whats are some cheap shit i can put my dried weed in?

Weed is so 2014. This is the future! Smoking is so primitive compared to the superior vaping.

They make vapes specifically for weed. This one is liquid you cant put weed in it but i suppose it might work with some concentrates, but I just vape e-liquid I don't smoke weed.

Gayest shit on earth

I just have a couple of Kangertech kits. They work well enough for me. A Subvod for my travel, and the Topbox with the RBA for when I don't really need to be discrete.

Not cheap, but get a Magic Flight Launchbox.

vaping out of those huuuuuuge boxes is so cringy


Why the fuck would you ever buy an MFLB when you can buy a box mod and attach a dry herb chamber for way cheaper?


>bring an aminu faggot

Nice projection

I got that popular AIO thing. Pretty gud.

I'm on the ever so popular RX 200 with a buhda v2 RDA with 22g kanthal .18ohm. Love this dripper so much build space.

I don't use a huge box mod the kbox 200 is pretty small actually

I'm using a Pertri V2 with a cloud and chuff cap on a Noisy Cricket with a .37 ohm 3 strand SFC right now but ordered an Able and Tsunami the other night and won an Avocado 24 earlier tonight.

We used to make fun of vaping faggots in the army, so brutally that nobody vaped after a while.

You don't even need to do that, just get a cheap rda and build a stovetop coil.

>Vaping is technology
Vaping is NOT technology as defined by Sup Forums, just as car maintenance is not technology as defined by Sup Forums.

Install Gentoo or fuck off back to your internet daycare

>outlines still match up

Neither are video-card wars then?

B-but user there's like all stats and numbers and makes and models to quote to sound like some kind of expert in something!
Just look at this bullshit!
I'm breathing in smoke but it's such a complicated sounding gadget i get to kid myself i'm in command of technology, christ a weapons tech talks less jargon!

>I'm breathing in smoke
No you're not, you're delusional. Vaping by definition mean's inhaling vapor and not smoke.

*tips fedora*

Just noticed the digits

Vaping IS technology.

Thus has a battery component connected to an atomizer with a certain resistance. There is a big hobby element when it comes to rebuild-able atomizers and making box mods etc.


Best combo ever.


those things smell like cheap deodorant

>mouth fedoras

Wismec Reuleaux RX200 with a theorem RDA. Notch Coils are amazing. Also my portable is a KangerTech Dripbox dual spaced coils running around 0.3 ohms.

Tried using a clapton coil in the Theorem. Great vapor production, but them notch coils really kick up the flavor.

>mouth fedora

Lemo 2 on an iStick. Does everything I need and I don't have to refill it every couple of puffs.

Enjoy your toys and your chinese liquids. I bet they pee into the mixture.

Yo. i got the mighty vaporizer some days ago. I never smoked/vaped weed before.

any tips for me?

Have fun slowly dying, fatzo.

Sigelei 100 / RX200 at home, VTC mini and iStick Pico on the go.
Mostly using OrKas (Orchid v4 base, Kayfun 4 evap chamber, bell cap), either 26g 9wrap Kanthal or 26g 9wrap NiFe52, got a fuckton of other RTAs I sometimes use.

Vaping is brilliant, I quit smoking everything because of them over a year ago, Now I can run like a young cunt on the treadmill again. I doubt i'' ever smoke again.

Lower your liquid strength gradually then buy nicotine free liquid. You will realize that most of it is a habit and a choice and then you realize you might as well stop and get healthy.

I used to smoke like a demon when drinking and I loved it but now it doesn't even exist to me. Feels good.



you guys probably didnt go to army because you're smart


It's about as technology as lightbulbs only the discussion has jack shit to do with the tech (hurr mine has a variable resistoer on it) and everything to do with the unregulated flavored liquid that has never, ever, EVER, been studied as an inhalant.

>Watermelon flavor's good for my lungs yep sure is

Why not atomize an unflavored glycol/glycerine/nicotine mixture? I mean actually atomize, as in inhale a spray, not a hot vapor. You know, the application glycol/glycerine-based inhalants are actually approved for because we know there are no byproducts or contaminants from the vaporization process.

But nah, glycol steam ya'll. And then you throw food flavorings into the mix and heat them up and inhale the result. Absolutely retarded.

My Evic VTC Mini shit the bed yesterday, picked up an iStick Pico. Using a Kayfun Mini v3 on top. Nice little setup.

Vaping is the linux on a thinkpad of drugs

Why not also drive the linux on a thinkpad of cars?

I make my own liquid. No chink pee in my lungs.

I quit vaping after 5+ Years about a month ago now. I feel much better and am healthier/can breather better too.

Everyone in this thread should do the same.

aer you the science man

How is this thread still alive?

This is not technology.

Velocity clone on a Segelei 75W TC here.

I wrap centered single coils to 0.4 ohm (22 gauge kanthal, 3mm post, 6 wrap) and run them at 40 watts most of the time.

>not putting vape juice in a humidifier and running it in a closed off room

Mods are dead on Sup Forums where have you been?

Do a global report, you fucking snitch.

I was actually interested in a dual vapor system for dry marijuana and vape juice.

Am I banned yet, you manchild?

Vaping isn't technology. I know it, and you know it, so why are you still here? Take your shitty mouth fedoras elsewhere.

Vaping isn't technology? Tell that to the engineers that created it.

\/ /\

Vibrating dildos aren't technology? Tell that to the engineers that created it.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

tfv4 with a clapton coil 0,5 ohm and a rx200


>he thinks raising the temperature of a liquid to change it to a gaseous state is a feat of engineering impressive enough for a thread to be created about it on Sup Forums


The temperature sensor is technology.

Off topic, but a regular on Librechan is having trouble adjusting to his life as a paedophile, can you give him advice on seeing a therapist?

What the fuck is wrong with you, tripboy?

Nice contribution to the conversation.

Stay butt blasted too.

>Vaping is technology

The worst part to me is how we could use this tech to administer doses (think inhaler) for medical treatments yet we waste it on these types of coping devices.
