wtf is a witcher
>The step down to 2,560 by 1,440 is where I was confident coming in that Nvidia’s new chip would render all comprehensively asunder. And yet, the harsh truth is that it doesn’t.
can an AMD card do it?
>All of which makes the conclusion regards Nvidia’s new chip simple enough. It’s a clear and substantial step forward, there’s absolutely no question about that. But it’s not the multi-generational / er-me-gerd leap I was hoping for nor the final answer to the will-it-play-4K question.
Did AMD release a $800 "flagship" card lately?
>I'm waiting for next year, the 1180 will be the 4K killer!
>next year
>Witcher 4 is benchmarked
>1180 can do 4K 60fps for Witcher 3 but can't do the same in Witcher 4
>g-guess I'll wait for next year..
Yet this is 90% faster than any AMD card. Fucking stupid and obnoxious amdrones everyone.
Oh sorry, can you link me the "next gen" $800 card that AMD announced and is worse than this?
someone answer this please
Are you talking about the card that's half the price or from last generation?
yuh mother is a whore.
>Moving the goalpost
why does this picture turn me on? i don't even like spaghetti
>90% faster
Gotta love the Nvidia charts.
$800 can't do 4k. Why are people buying this card?
this pretty much desu
link one better than this then, faggot
he said "any AMD card"
How is it moving the goalpost? you are comparing a card that isn't at the same price point and claiming its "%90" better.
>nvidia card
Goddammit stop doing this.
AMD/ATI cards should be red.
NVIDIA cards should be green.
Otherwise I will be confused.
Why can't you faggots just be happy with 1080p?
Because having 8 more fps in games is very important user!
Even their English has taken a dive.
Why can't you faggots just be happy with 600p?
not buying a 1080 to play at 1080p
what´s wrong with you people
im not that guy. I was just pointing out that no amd card could come close to the 1080.
But people that buy the card are idiots according to the people that buy amd cards.
Whats a good 4k monitor cost? 500 to 1000?
Why cant people just be happy with 480p
>90% faster
don't you mean 30.5% slower in Vulkan?
as opposed to which amd card?
i don't see a single one amd card outperforming the 1080 in ANYTHING
why is this acceptable in 2016?
I have a 144hz monitor and that feels slow too
240hz monitors when?
its never going to end
Personally I'm waiting for a card that can drive 4k 240hz.
Also waiting for affordable 4k 240hz IPS with 100% sRGB under 8ms display.
Can you point me out where in the OP is claimed this?
Does AMD even got a GPU that can run The Witcher 3 at 60 fps average on ultra 1440p? No?
Don't worry I am sure that the R9 Fury X can get 60fps average at 1080p. Maybe.
>30.5% slower in 0.5% of applications
Wow !
Radeon Pro Duo is a faster card
>inb4 b-but that's cheating! you have 2 GPUs on there
It's still a single card, and that's what you said faggot
Fuck yes, RIP OpenGL RIP ActiveX
so many dx11 games on 2016 that vulkan and dx12 is irrelevant!
oh wait no sorry...one 6 of them so far..
>Muh 4k
Just watch all the novidiots come in with their arguments: "nothing uses Vulkan", "this benchmark is fake reee", "DELET THIS"
DX12 is better tough, notice how they avoid it.
>muh next gen $800 flagship card that doesn't support next gen quality standards
>m-muh DX11
>enjoy y-your 5 games that use DX12/Vulkan AYYMDRONES
post yfw Nvidia went from being the top dog to looking like outdated poo-tier tech in the span of a few weeks
amd hasn't even released anything about the 490 yet you fucking idiot LOL
$800 and still can't fucking play 4K well LOL
>API locked to a single OS is better than open source one available on all modern OS
What did he mean by this
It's like third-wave feminism all over again
How do they not realize their hypocrisy?
>inb4 he's merely pretending
>forgetting about nvidia the way it's meant to be played
How's it like being 12?
>all modern OS
Like what? Linux?
Have you seen steam stats?
Nobody gives a fuck about "muhh fredawwmss"
It will never be the year of linux, get over it, stop being a fucking retard please.
after all these years i completely forgot about that crap, do modern ie versions 11/12/edge still support that?
dx12 isn't coming to anything before 10 idiot
Its a shoop some user did of this comment that I found in an OCN thread. The original sauce is unknown.
See you in 15 years at least
Nice reference card m8
What is the other 0.01%?
I'm more about Win 8.1 than loonix. There was absolutely nothing wrong with 8.1, but 10 came in so fast to sweep the shitters complaining about Metro, fugg...
>What is the other 0.01%?
The other 01 of what?
Literally ~60% of the market cannot use DX12.
>more than double the price of a GTX 1080
>st-stutters l-like he-hell
>nuclear power plant required in order to run it
Why does AMD insists on this dual card bullshit?
Luckily for you there isn't a dual chip card in that chart. The fury x is full fat fiji.
I think you don't understand the meaning of the word "CAN'T" what you mean is WONT.
Updating is free and hassle free, not WANTING to update is your problem only, go talk to a doctor to get your aspergers cured.
I was talking about the Duo Pro silly
IE supports it but barely.
Edge doesn't (thankfully).
What is the other 0.1% of OS then? I thought Steam is only for Windows/Linux/MacOS
Is it SteamOS? Lol
They cannot use it. The free upgrade period is about to be over. Get over yourself lmao
You seem very defensive over operating systems. Why do you think that is?
>lmao i was just pretending to be retarded, now im going to act like im just trolling u XDDD
>now im going to act like im just trolling u
You seem to be projecting a bit. Do you perhaps think this act is funny?
Why even get this if the 1070 is plenty enough for 1440p?
Probably just old versions of OS's that aren't worth naming, unaccounted ones and insignificant distros.
>mfw dx12
No point in playing a lot of games in 4k as they don't use 4k quality texture resolution. I got a 1070 and I'm glad I can now max any game in1440p without framerate drops.
>No point in playing a lot of games in 4k as they don't use 4k quality texture resolution
Who told you this lie?
I did.
literally why the fuck would you need 240 Hz, what the fuck
>comparing a card to another card somehow isn't moving the goal post when the thread is about a card vs a game.
You have a long wait ahead of you, son
>mfw everyone trying to emulate Trump's twitter style
>4k 60 fps in current games
This will never happen. Not while games are designed around 30 FPS 1920x1080. 4k is the worst meme.
>>mfw everyone trying to emulate Trump's twitter style
And this is bad how?
Ok, kid
>only 20% faster than a fucking 390X
Dumb animeposter.
Isn't a 390x from like 2012 though?
Way to go Nvidia!
If nvidia's flagship card can't run Witcher 3 in 4K at 60 fps then what card in the world can run that???
To be pedantic there were no 8gb 290x models in 2013 - they turned up later in 2014 (initially only on the sapphire vapor-x).
Just pick up one of these
uh, this shit is kind of out of date considering the 480 is out and designed with DX12 in mind, not to mention all the other polaris and vega cards will be along the same lines
Pick one. And no europoor prices don't count.
bros... why won't anyone buy AMD???!?!
dx12...vulkan... fuck.. we were supposed to win..
You're right, the 1080 costs more than its name.
Okay user, I got my evga 1080 680$ but keep on shit posting.
>2GB GT610 is in the fucking top cards bought
you're forgetting this is amazon, where all the idiots shop, buy the cheapest thing, and wonder why it sucks balls.
to be fair SLI 1080s have been shown to apparently be able to run a lot of shit at 4k with pretty crazy performance. just wait till TI, it MIGHT do it.
that's a pretty fuckin gross comic desu
>SLI 1080s
Yeah, spending $1500 on gpu's alone is totally reasonable.
So I got forced to work in the VR meme field of my company and now I'm trying to build a mobile PC/laptop for VR.
Looking at the specificazion it has to run everything at 2160 x 1200 steady 90FPS.
I guess I have to go straight for the GTX1080 or is that an overkill? I doubt mobile cards can keep up with it, and AMD doesn't support VR that much.
>muh price/perf
lmao what are you poor?