Wait a fucking minute... middle-out is real?
Wait a fucking minute... middle-out is real?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off shill, go shill your shit show on reddit
fuck off kid, go back to 9gag
fuck off faggot, go shitpost on ifunny
fuck off nigger, go chimpout on worldstar
What is going on here?
What the fuck is going on
fuck off cunt, go back to africa
we're cybergasing the jew
fuck off pajeet, go poo on google streetview
fuck off jew, go get your money at cashfordentalscrap.com
include me in your reddit post
The fuck's going on in this thread?
Fuck off, I have Mega.
Samefag reposting close this thread
>13 posts 9 unique IPs
Tell me more
How do you find that out, user?
Shitpost chinktoons all day, no one bats an eye.
Post something tech related, weebs fucking loose it.
Women are selfish whores who deserve to be found dead in a dumpster.
That's not even accurate
It must sick being a virgin
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
Fuck off whore, forever alones are the must demonized people on the planet. You don't know my suffering.
Fuck off Quentin, go fap to feet on BLACKED
it's shown by default as part of the Sup Forums interface
>People are selfish whores who deserve to be found dead in a dumpster.
No, just women. Women are shallow vain judgemental heartless bitches and whores. Men are the compassionate and caring ones. Men, especially virgin men get demonized and crucified while females can easy get cock.
Go back to your containment board you worthless beta
Go back to sucking chads cock you filthy slut.
Edgy af
Why are you such a faggot?
Why the fuck do you think I'm a chick? Just how stupid are you?
Why are you a stupid normie who still thinks that female whores can be a loyal and caring partner?
>he keeps falling for it
Either you're a chick or a white knight faggot, which is it?
>says "normie"
>spouts retarded shit
Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. I hope that one day, a big dildo flies right though your mouth and exits through your anus.
What the fuck happened here?
This whole fucking thread is pure gold holy kek.
I'm no the retarded one user. A 3D female is just going to betray you, that's why I have a waifu. 2D is loyal and will never say no.
I'm so sorry you never had a gf
If you didn't look like an autistic neckbeard, then maybe you would have a gf
Reply to me all you want, it doesn't change the fact the you are an autistic manchild
mobile poster detected!
heres your (you).
I'm not the other guy but you are clearly upset.
Why do you always have to assume it's my fault I never had a gf?
I can't tell if this is bait or if people are really this disconnected with reality
Well its either you or the thousand other girls who are repulsed by you.
Is being excessively edgy a new meme? I've noticed this too on other boards. You can't post anything, no matter how high quality, without getting attacked.
>implying you can't just disable data, wait a few seconds and then enable data to gain a different IP
If you're posting from a phone, that is
He may be in a bad mood, but he's not wrong tho.
Yes, it's always my fault. Never the womans fault, just the males. You're once again demonizing virgin men and never putting any of the blame on the female. Females always can get a bf easily, even the ugly ones. A lonely female is lonely by choice, lonely men are fucked.
fuck off kid, go cry to your mom.
You're just a loser, it's survival of the fittest and you lost, everyone gets what they deserve
Edgy as fuck post normie. Maybe when you grow up and learn to have empathy you'll understand my suffering, asshole.
Maybe if you look less ugly and control your autism, you wouldn't be a victim
Eat a salad, exercise, get out of your mother's basement, fatty
>having empathy for someone who clearly has no motivation to fix his problems but rather complain and disparage women at all costs
Yeah nah youre a fag
I do, but sociopathic normie fucks like you who think you're better than me have no idea how to imagine yourself in someone elses shoes. Females will only care for you if you're a chad and they date men who degrade and abuse them. They don't care about decent human beings like me. Stupid whores get what they deserve. Not my problem that whore got raped or stabbed, I have my waifu to feel special.
No. Kids who just entered puberty join Sup Forums during summer, and thus you perceive the effects of their hormones and aggressiveness on many boards.
So it really is going downhill then? That would make this the worst out of the five summers I've been here.
What does this mean? Also why does Sup Forums have little to no moderation
So this would be your first summer.
Hello edgekid
Naw not really. It's just your nostalgia kicking in. For a board on the cutting edge of technology, Sup Forums is frighteningly conservative. The incredible sexism has always been here, it's just more obvious since they've had a target to direct their hate towards.
Go back to tumblr you fucking whore. Go back to sucking chads cock while crying about muh soggy knee.
So, what is middle out?
>Gamedevs aren't contacting Pied piper
Is the reason Pied piper failed because you can't download your compressed files? I mean that would explain why not everyone that pirates shit uses Pied piper to compress files.
i cant find shit about it except some faggots faggoting i guess it doesnt exist.. but may a gentlemen rather explains, if hes not busy shitposting anyway
Sup Forums was built on edgy, newfag
Exactly, we are the light of intelligence in a sea of ignorance. We are the proud and the few, above the common sheep, blinded by their stupidity.
The "middle-out" innovation to Pied Piper's algorithm served three purposes on the show:
1 As a MacGuffin that enabled PP to beat Hooli at Tech Crunch.
The show's writers and consultants chose compression as a specific plot device because they felt it was something worthy of attention in terms of fertile ground for real-world innovation. Compression algorithms generally work by doing a "root-to-leaf" (front-to-end) or "leaf-to-root" (end-to-front) evaluation of the file's inherent structure. "Middle-out" would function by working in both directions at once. This isn't likely to be a practical solution, but it works as a good metaphor for "out-of-the-box" thinking in general.
3 The whole "middle-out" concept also seems to have been chosen to set up an already established joke (if you haven't seen the Season 1 finale, I won't spoil it -- but it's one of the funniest scenes I've ever watched).
its all i can find
It wasn't always this bad. Recently I posted my CS research that I'm working with my professors on, on /sci/, and I was flooded with retarded kids telling me that I didn't know what I was doing, I was somehow a fraud, and that they could replicate my months of work in 30 minutes.
>this many shills sliding the thread
>/x/ was right for once
Hold me
Stupid newfag, Sup Forums was created for lulz and trolling.
So you're a girl crying over literally nothing?
Dumb whore got what she deserved, she probably slept her way to get that "research" and her grades.
I sort of wonder if Hiroshima Nagasaki is trying to make Sup Forums worse on purpose for some reason...
And no, it was not always this bad. If you think it was then you're clearly new here.
I'm a man. I know you're low-effort trolling, but some of us would actually like to discuss things besides your cringey posts.
Must suck to be OP. Post a quality thread and not be a faggot for once, and retards fuck it up.
is everykid now coding their own Sup Forums shitposting bot???
You're wrong. Not just because you're a newfag, but you're a female. Show tits or GTFO
That's OC from Sup Forums from like 2007, kid.
> Sup Forums
So that explains it. Yeah, you have no business being here and you should probably drink some Clorox. Sup Forums may have always been shit, but Sup Forums used to be good.
>Yeah, you have no business being here and you should probably drink some Clorox
Oh the irony coming from you.
>I unironically browse Sup Forums
I was saying a female like yourself who doesn't belong here and isn't welcome was ironically saying that when it applies to you entirely. Like I've said before, drink bleach you whore.
Hang from a tree, you shit packer
You first, triggered whore.
What the fuck guys, how is this technology, or even related to the op in any way?
>implying that's even me
>lying on the internet.
>being a retard
Seriously, just end it. Nobody here likes you.
>Women are shallow vain judgemental heartless bitches and whores.
>No, just women.
Step back and reflect upon your post, user.
Why are you two obvious females even on Sup Forums to begin with? If you want a safe space, go back to tumblr.
Mods please.
>they had a fucking paper on the subject
Still not autistic as Sup Forums paper on super mario 64 parallel universes and scuttlebug raising but still
>Females always can get a bf easily, even the ugly ones.
you are so fucking wrong