Are you ready for all these new comfy coding jobs Sup Forums? Are Apps the future after all?

Are you ready for all these new comfy coding jobs Sup Forums? Are Apps the future after all?

How will all these coal miners going into coding affect the industry?

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>that awful reading of the teleprompter
>that smirk as soon as people react to how topical she is

>this is the winning candidate currently
between this and "bill gates should lock up the internet" what hope is there for tech? do we all just move to croatia or something?

>This is one of the two options for POTUS


Honestly, what do we fucking do, bro?
The normies have fucked us over.

We have only two viable choices for president, hillary, and trump. No other candidate has a chance.

And honestly, they both suck. I can't honestly vote, because I can't even decide who sucks less.

What happened to this country? How are Hillary and Trump our only two choices for president? Can't we just get a smart, reasonable person in the white house who might actually do a good job.

Honestly, I wasn't an obama supporter in the beginning, but at least he was a reasonable person who legitimately tried his best to do a good job for the country. I'm not even a democrat (I think), and even I'll admit that obama did alright.

But Hillary and Trump...
Your choice is:
A) Corrupt serial-killer who doesn't know shit about technology
B) Corrupt business guy who has a tendency to say stupid things, seems rash, hot-headed, and might honestly initiate world-war 3 because he's going to try to treat politics too much like running a business. And it's going to blow up in all of our faces.

I hate them both. I don't even want to pick one.
I'd rather just have another 4 years of obama. At least he takes the job seriously, and is reasonable enough not to do anything too corrupt or stupid.

[spoiler] Earth is going to hell. Where are the borg? I'm ready to be assimilated. Just get it over with. [/spoiler]

Vote for a third party?

>he was a reasonable person

Are you fucking retarded?
all politicians are as you described Hillary and Trump, maybe you're still inexperienced or something.

Did you never learn about the electoral college and other aspects of voting? That is high school level learning there, you should know by now that your vote is worthless anyways.

where were you when democracy is kill?

When will you fucktards realise it's saturated?
You should all be investing in ĐogeCoin. That is the future.

There's always McAfee.

There's no way in hell that I'm voting Hillary or Trump.

At what point in time did programming mean "making iPhone apps"

Do normies not know about any real programming jobs like embedded operating systems? Why program medical equipment when you can make a fucking app?!

I think he lost the Libertarian primary to Johnson, and dropped out completely.


Well, that's unfortunate. I pay much attention to politics. They are a joke.

>coding apps
i cant wait for this pseudo economy to collapse once the normies realize it was all based on memes

>I pay much attention to politics
I don't pay much attention to politics.

Late 2010, when hipsters showed up in coffee shops wielding macbooks, but instead of "writing novels" they were "coding apps".

Your average normie has no idea how computerized the world is. He never really thinks about computers beyond his smartphone/youtube/facebook, and whatever his job requires.

The latest craze it seems is to push for more "women coders", and the only things I've seen come of that are useless little apps.

>Your average normie has no idea how computerized the world is

This. I work for a company that makes material testing instruments. For example we make machines that will test the softness of the toilet paper you wipe your ass with. Nobody thinks about those things. The technological needs of the manufacturing world.

[spoiler]I test the firmware for those machines.[/spoiler]

Do you test the machines for accuracy?

Ya know, with your own ass?

>B) Corrupt business guy who has a tendency to say stupid things, seems rash, hot-headed, and might honestly initiate world-war 3 because he's going to try to treat politics too much like running a business. And it's going to blow up in all of our faces.

Except the only people he's pissed off is eurocucks and mooslims. Neither of which have the capacity to do anything against us.

>This is likely to become the future president of America

Of course!

No, she will. It was shown last Tuesday morning, when the FBI announced that they would not press charges.

My employer would have me roasted over and open fire, and then thrown in Ft. Leavenworth if I did half the shit she did.

>and might honestly initiate world-war 3
you do know its hillary that loves war, not trump.

i don't actually hate that hair. It's a lot of forehead but it isn't quite as JUST as JUST is

>No, she will. It was shown last Tuesday morning, when the FBI announced that they would not press charges.

because she didnt mean to do anything wrong :^)

Neither did half of the people in jails

they arent super rich and powerful.

Did she seriously quoted herself?

She doesn't write her own tweets you moron.

Serious question, why do people vote for her?

This is too ironic to be real.

>To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

Basically what said.

She's above the law. The powers that be have deemed that she is exempt from punishment, even if her actions were directly harmful to national security. It's been decided that she will be the next president, and there's nothing any of us can do about that.

Take me for example. I work with TS/SECRET systems. If I decided that I didn't want to process classified info in accordance with the law, and just forwarded SECRET or TS stuff to my personal email I would be utterly destroyed. Put in prison for decades.

At no point would "I didn't mean to do anything wrong" be a defense.

the ones signed with -Hillary are from her.

To get free shit from the democratic gov? Also, they lie in polls in exchange for money. They don't care about Murrica. They just want their free shit.

oh wait nvm, only the -H ones are.
-hilary are quotes

Sure they are.
Fucking burgers...

Didn't think it was real either...