How many of you have used 3.0 to move large sized files?
How many of you have used 3.0 to move large sized files?
7 of us.
6, I was liying.
quality thread, m80
i havent
Just wondering if it's worth getting a laptop with it, I can't recall the last time I move a file of that size.
Im literally the only one here with a real job. I transfer files over different networks and also USB 2.0 3.0 3.1, firewire, and various thunderbolt standards. Got any questions?
None of us are you, retard. Doesn't matter what any of us do, look at yourself. Plus, it's pretty difficult to get a laptop these days that does not have USB 3.0.
if you have a HDD and you are moving lots of small files USB 2.0 is fine
if you have an SSD _OR_ you are transferring one mega huge file USB 3.0 will give huge performance gains
Is it worth it for the average guy, The only reason I can think of is to move iso game files from, I was thinking of getting a second hand laptop, Either a T420 or Dell Latitiude(because of the usb 3.0
you dont need usb 3.0
for the average person I would say it depends on what they do and what kind of computer they use
I use 3 to transfer large camera raw files for storage and editing. I'm not sure it makes a difference for everyday stuff but dumping 200+ gb of images makes a big difference.
you mean one GIGA huge file?
I use it for a USB to gigabit adapter, does that count?
Lots of little files always seem to suffer a lot more on usb2.
Anyway op, do you even have any usb3 devices or plan to get any in the future. If you don't plan to get an external hard drive and use that over usb3 for the backups you obviously don't keep at the moment.
I have an external and usb, All I have backed up is the odd important pdf , video/image file and a plain text document, Everything else is just me hoarding
I use triple USB 2.0 adapter to single USB 3.0 adapter to avoid the bottleneck.
what do you consider large?
I mean it's faster, my laptop only has one 3.0 port and the 2.0 ports take almost 1-2 minutes longer
>GIGA huge file
We don't talk about GIGA huge files around these parts sonny
Get a laptop with an expresscard port, then you can always plug in extra cards, e.g. for USB3
I did some tests with an USB3.0 external HDD
USB2.0 speed was around 30MB/s
USB3.0 speed is pic related
fucking kek
I bought an usb3.0 express card adapter for my regular backups and porn files management with files often over 100GB. Using regular mechanical hard drives on usb3.0 enclosures. Going from 25mb/s to 100mb/s is worth the hassle of plugging the thing every time.
I use usb3 when I back up my files wholesale, changing the task from hours to minutes.
I miss firewire.
I can't count for other fags, but I have. I did have a LaCie external HDD with a 1TB Samsung HDD (stock, under warranty) which was mostly consistent on 3.0 and 2.0/2.1 (better on 3.0 obviously), but the performance improvement was significant after fitting a 1TB Samsung 840 SSD (voided warranty, obvious mod as fuck).
Waiting time a lot less, a few GB (say 3-4GB TV seres was normally less than a 1-2 minutes for transfer off the drive) and only negative was I had to remove SSD and fit SSD directly to PC for firmware updates.
Currently my SSD needs only one firmware update to be fully updated and negative for hardware was that as my LaCie enclosure is only used to 9.5mm HDDs I have to improvise with my Fallout NV Platinum Poker Chip to fit the 7mm Samsung 840 1TB SSD back into the enclosure properly.
Other than that it works perfectly and near flawless for PC and for Macs; it benefits from Thunderbolt (I use both systems and Thunderbolt is simply a plus when using compatible Macs).
I have four drives in this and it's USB3. Pretty decent. I run my gaymes off it
>tfw haven't used USB for file transfers in years, with the exception of phone ROMs.
Worked at a company that just aquired a large property. Had to travel to the property a few hours away to install the images on the computers sonce the old company that owned the property wiped them, which is standard procedure. Wondows 7 was giving us huge issues on shitty think centre compyers so decided to try 8.1 or 10, but only has .iso on a 3.0 thumb drive (if you work in IT you should as big a thumb drive as you can with as much "just in case" stuff as it can fit) I'm pretty sure it was over a TB of data and it took about an hour to transfer to the computer.
Theres my only noticeable experience, but it was pretty good